Tuesday, February 4, 2014

"Sol de Inverno" - Episode 113 Translations

(As always, thank you to Dina for the translations!)

Eduardo plays nice with Manel

(Laura and Manel talk in the living room about the new court hearing to decide custody of Vasco.)   
Manel: We don't know what the final decision will be. And sometimes things are obvious to everybody except for the judges. 
Laura: The final decision will be favorable to you. The results from the expert proved that Ana slammed her car on purpose, so ... 
Manel: Laura, the judge could be touched by Ana, she is very fragile, you know? 
Laura: The main concerns of the judges are the children, not the father or mother. Did you talk with Vasco?
Manel: I spoke with him. He was not expecting it. He as delighted and accepted. 
Laura: (very happy) Great. He will be very happy here. I'm sure. He has space to run and play freely. 
(Eduardo arrives)
Eduardo: Can I join you guys? 
Laura: Of course.
Manel: Hello, Eduardo.
Eduardo: Manel, want another drink? 
Manel: Yes, thanks.
Laura: Will you stay here, tonight?
(Manel doesn't know how to answer.) 
Eduardo: Come on, Manel, no need to be embarrassed. So? I'd be delighted to have breakfast with you. 
Manel: In that case, I will.
(the phone rings)  
Laura: Probably journalists ... Oh no, it's from the factory. (answers) I am, yes? But how did it happen? Have you already warned those in charge? Please, did you talk to her (Sofia)? Once HorĂ¡cio arrives,  tell him to call me immediately. 
(after hanging up)
Laura: You will not believe. There was a problem with the fire system and the warehouse is all flooded. 
Eduardo: And there's much damage?  
Laura: Well, thankfully our collection was no longer there, it's all in stores. But now the Mood collection is there. 
Eduardo: And Mother had nothing to do with it? 
momento, era acionar um seguro por causa da Sofia. 
Laura: What do you mean by that, Eduardo? The last thing I want at this moment is to activate the insurance because of Sofia.  
Manel: It may be that she has not lost everything.  
Laura: I'm crossing my fingers for that. I do not want to be accused of having ruined her collection, that's just what I need. 
Eduardo: (not believing in his mother innocence) There are really very unlucky situations ... Well, I'll leave you to be. I'm going to my room. Good night. 
Laura and Manel: Until tomorrow.

Eduardo interrupts

(The next morning, before leaving home, Laura asks Manel if he wants her go with him to court.) 
Manel: It's better if you don't. I know Ana, sooner or later she'll know about us, but today is not a good day for it. 
Laura: All right. I also have lots of Boheme things to take care. Then give me news. 
Manel: Sure. I hope it will be good. 
(Eduardo arrives and catches them kissing.) 
Eduardo: Good morning ... Let yourselves be at ease. 
(Eduardo and Manel greet each other.) 
Laura: That good mood must have a reason ... 
Eduardo: It does... Thais arrives today. Mother, I'm sure, I'm sure that you will love meeting her. 
Laura: Sure I will.

Meet Thais....

(Eduardo arrives home with Thais.) 
Carlos: I'll put Thais' bags in your room. Okay, Eduardo? 
(Eduardo is very happy showing the house to Thais.) 
Thais: Oh my Gosh love...
Eduardo: What did I tell you?.
Thais: Your home is much more beautiful than you told me. 
Eduardo : What did I say? What did I tell you? 
(Margarida and Teresa arrive.)
Eduardo: My sisters, Margarida and Teresa.
Thais: Pleased to meet you.
Teresa: The trip went well? 
Thais: It was, was ... Well, I do not much like planes ... 10 hours of flying ... you can imagine ... But to see Dudu (now Eduardo is "Dudu," lol), I will go around the world. 
Margarida: My brother has already spoken a lot about you. And now I understand why he fell in love. 
Eduardo: You see? You see?
Thais: But I was telling him that your house is wonderful ... it's beautiful ... the details ... the garden ... all very well maintained, all very well-cut, it's beautiful ... And the way over here too, is beautiful.... 
Eduardo: Yes, she didn't shut up ...  
Thais: Well, the sea in the background, the hills, the colors ... I did not think that Sintra had so much history.  
Eduardo: Well everyone says that about Sintra. Landscape and outstanding history. But believe me, you have not seen even half of Sintra. 
Margarida: It's true. We have beautiful scenery. Authentic movie sets. 
Teresa: Thais, you must be tired. Want to go up to your room? 
Thais: But I do not wanna sleep, do not. 
Eduardo: But I'll show you the room, just in case you want to relax, right? 
(Eduardo and Thais leave and go to their room.) 
Margarida: What did you think of Dudu's girlfriend? 
Teresa: She's nice.
(Eduardo and Thais are now kissing in the bedroom) 
Eduardo: Come here, I missed you so much, so much ... Missed kissing you so much, touching you... 
Thais: Me too, love. Come here. I love the room.
Eduardo: It's cute, isn't it?
Thais: Very. Look, the trip was long, so I was thinking about a lot of things. I'm scared, did we make the right decision?
Eduardo: But why?
Thais: We can live where we want to, love. Look, if we want we can go back to Rio de Janeiro or ... say somewhere ... 
Eduardo: Shanghai... or Italy... or Japan...
(The two fall on the bed laughing and kissing.) 
Eduardo: Anywhere. Anywhere works. 


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