Tuesday, February 4, 2014

"Sol de Inverno" - Episode 112 Translations

(As always, thank you to Dina for the translations!)

Eduardo and Andreia talk divorce

Eduardo: Well, Andrea, here are the documents to file for divorce by mutual consent. Just sign it and we each go on with our lives.
Andreia: For this divorce to be by mutual consent, it must be written here that I am entitled to half of everything that is yours.
Eduardo: And it is. By chance it is there written. By the way, here's your half.
(He shows her a coin of € 0.50 (50 cents, half of 1 euro.)
Andreia: Eduardo, I no longer find any humor in your jokes.
Eduardo: I'm not joking, Andreia. This is your part. I sold the company for 1 euro, so ... This is the part that belongs to you. Here it is.
Andrea: I have not signed anything.
Eduardo: By chance you did sign. Maybe you forgot, you have many things to think about. But many years ago you signed an authorization that allowed me to make all sorts of decisions at Boheme, on behalf of the two of us. Get it?
Andreia: You cannot be doing this.
Eduardo: It's done.
Andreia: Okay. So if that is so, I will not sign divorce papers.
Eduardo: If you do not want to sign the mutual consent papers, we go to litigation. Fine by me.
Andreia: Even though this process will take months or years, I will fight for what is mine.
Eduardo: Andreia, you took all the money from our joint account, as soon as I was declared dead. Did you know that this is illegal? The State is entitled to a share. You see where you may have messed up?
Andreia: Everybody does it.
Eduardo: "Everyone does it" does not mean that it is not illegal, Andreia. I'm a nice guy. I'll let you keep that money and will not mention it.
Andrea: I hope you have more to offer me.
Eduardo: You know me so well ... I do happen to have more. If you sign these documents, I'll speak with my mother, who knows a friend who happens to be the editor of Vogue. Can get you an interview, maybe a cover ... can boost your career ... you never know ... Come on, come on. Sign.
Andrea: I'll sign but I still think I deserve more.
(And she signs the divorce papers.)
Eduardo: Did it cost anything? Nothing! It's just a signature.

Family chat

(Teresa and Eduardo talk in the living room)
Teresa: I confess I was not expecting that Andreia would sign the divorce papers, without raising problems.
Eduardo: She tried, but I did not give her a chance.
(Laura arrives.)
Eduardo: Mother, I was just now saying to Teresa that Andreia signed the divorce papers. Now all that is missing is you talking with the lady at Vogue. Remember? Because the cover...
Laura: (with the air of one who will not do anything) Later I will do it. I invited Simão and Nuno for dinner. I also talked with Salvador but he told me he already had plans, so he can not come.
Eduardo: Ohhh ... what a bummer ...

More Family Chat

(The family is gathered in the living room before dinner.)
Eduardo: (to Nuno and Simão) Sorry, sorry, but I have to ask you a question. There are things that confuse me. Which one of you is going to be the role of father, and who will play the role of mother?
Laura: Eduardo!!!!
Eduardo: Mother, it is a question ...
Laura: For the love of God ...
Simão: I will explain to you things calmly. Because I think there are things you just do not you get.
Eduardo: Thank you, Simão.
Simão: Neither of us will be "mom" because I do not know if you noticed, neither of us is female. There are tasks that Nuno will do because he likes, or because he feels like it, and others will be done by me.
Eduardo: I think that this is going to cause a lot of confusion for the child. Well, I'm no psychologist or pediatrician. I can not attest to what I'm saying. But it must be admitted that a child growing up seeing two men kissing, will find that homosexuality is normal, when we know it is not.
Nuno: Wait, so by your logic, if I grew up in a family called normal, with a father and a mother, I should definitely be straight, right?
(Eduardo gets confused, not knowing what to say, but then Manel arrives.)
Manel: Hello, good evening everyone.
Laura: Glad you're here..
Manel: I hear you've decided to stay, Eduardo.
Eduardo: At least for a while.
Teresa: (looking at the phone) It is Margarida warning that she will be late for dinner.
Laura: We'll wait for her.
Simão: Nuno, come with me out there. I wanna show you some flowers.
Nuno: (rises immediately) Yes, let's go, go.
(Simão launches a disapproving look to his brother.)
Teresa: I can not understand why you had to talk about it, Eduardo.
Eduardo: About what subject? Oh, Teresa, you may find that I'm biased, but actually you are equally. The only difference is that I say what I think, I'm not acting like everything is normal.
Teresa: What act, Eduardo? What act? I think it's great that they are adopting. Simão knows he has my full support.
Eduardo: Look, It make no difference to me. It makes me sorry for the child.
Laura: You didn’t change anything ...
Teresa: (annoyed) I'm going to my room, excuse me.
Laura: Eduardo, you are still the same. It's unbelievable.
Laura: (to Manel) I need to talk to you. Come to the library?

A Toast...

(Laura and Manel return from the library, where they were talking.)
Laura: (to her family) I have something to say to you.
Manel: (tries to stop her from speaking) Laura, we should first talk with Vasco. Really.
Laura: It'll be peaceful for Vasco, as it will be peaceful for my children.
Teresa: Well .. I'm already full of curiosity.
Laura: Manel is going to live here, at home.
Manel: (constrained) I mean, I said yes, but it all depends of my son Vasco's opinion..
Eduardo: This is courageous, mother ...
Laura: Why?
Eduardo: So now you’ll have another teenager to discipline. We were not exactly easy ...
Laura: No, you especially weren’t easy. In fact, you have not left your adolescence. (laughs) One of the things I discovered is that the older our children are,  they give us more worries.
Teresa: Look, I'm very happy with your decision. And Manel, you can rest assured that I will do everything to make Vasco feel at home.
Manel: Thanks, I know that.
Margarida: And I finally will not be the youngest.
Nuno: Well, I think that I also have something to say. After all Vasco is my nephew, isn't he? Although he, at this time, is living with my sister, I always thought you were a good father. I sincerely hope that the court gives you custody of Vasco.
Dulce: Can I serve dinner?
Laura: You can Dulce. Well, I propose a toast ... To my son Eduardo, for being alive, for having decided to stay in Portugal, and I hope that your new relationship will help you gain some sense.
Eduardo: My only fault is I say what I think, mother.
Laura: (making toast) To you ...


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