Monday, November 25, 2013

"Sol de Inverno" - Episode 61 Screencaps & Translations

(Note: "Eduardo" isn't in this or the next few episodes, so there are no screencaps of him, but because his disappearance in Mexico plays such a pivotal role to his and his family's story, Dina kindly translated their scenes for us here so we will know what is going on with his character's story.  Obrigada, as always Dina!)

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest of this post...)
(Andreia is in the living room talking with Teresa)
Andreia: Eduardo should not have gone alone to Mexico. Should not. I insisted on going with him, but he told me he was going to be stuck in meetings all day.
Teresa Calm down, it may be that my mother already knows something.  Take it easy.
Andrea: I just hope nothing too severe has happened.
(Laura joins them from the library.)
Andreia: Have news from Eduardo?
Laura: No, nothing.
Teresa: Mother?
Laura: They tell me that Eduardo is dead ...
Teresa: Eduardo? But they are sure it's him? It must be a mistake, it must be a mistake.
(Laura's phone rings. It's the ambassador to Portugal in Mexico.)
Laura: (anxious) Hello? Mr. Ambassador, tell me that you have news of my son ...
Laura: I do not understand ...
Ambassador: The police found a charred body in a totally collapsed ceramic factory, in the north, but the ID and documents that were in your son's bag were found near where the body was. I'm very sorry to give you the news, but everything suggests that the body is your son.
(Laura is in shock.)
Laura: I was the one who sent him to Mexico ...
Andreia: Who called?
Laura: The ambassador.
Teresa: (now beside herself) No, they are wrong, mother. Not Eduardo. It is not. We'll have to go to Mexico to identify the body and we can make sure that it is not Eduardo. They were wrong. It's someone who looks like the picture you sent them, Mother.
Laura: A charred body completely ... His documents were together nearby ...
(alerted by the noise, Margarida and Dulce enter the room.)
Margarida: What's going on?
Teresa: They called now from Mexico. They think that Eduardo may be dead.
Margarida: Eduardo? But how mother?
(Laura não sabe o que responder e vai para a biblioteca)
(Laura does not know what to answer and goes to the library.)
Margarida: Mom?
(Alone, in the library, Laura is allowed to express her pain, and cries in a great deal of suffering.)
(Back in the living room.)
Margarida: We must tell Simão and Salvador.
Teresa: I can not.
Margarida: I will. I'll get the phone.
(At the beach bar, Salvador receives the call from Margarida asking him and Simão to come home quickly for a family gathering, without telling him why.)
(In the library, Teresa presses her mother to tell her what Eduardo was doing in Mexico.)
Laura: I'm not able to have this conversation now.
Teresa: Mother, please, I need to know what happened. How does a business trip just go so wrong, how? Had he been to a bar? Andreia was thinking that maybe if he was with a woman...
Laura: No, that's not what happened.
Teresa:How you know? Mother is hiding something from me?
Laura: (completely undone) Oh sweetie, do not insist, please ...
Teresa: Mother, what happened? What is that Eduardo was doing in Mexico?
Laura:(can not hide it anymore) Your brother went to Mexico on business. But it was not for Boheme. Was to buy you a kidney. Oh sweetie... I had to do everything to save you ... I had to be sure that you could do a transplant under the best conditions, Teresa. And Eduardo went to Mexico to ...
Teresa: (interrupting) ... To die Eduardo. Went to Mexico to die ... I told you, I told you I did not want to do this in these conditions. How do you go against my will?
Laura: I did it to save you ... was to ...
Teresa: (completely devastated) Eduardo died because of me ...
Laura: No one could imagine that this could happen, Teresa. Oh daughter, nobody ...
Teresa: Oh mom, I'm sick but I never wanted things done this way, never ... And the only culprit of all this is you, Mother. The only one.
(Teresa comes out running and Laura is left shocked in the library. Meanwhile, Salvador, Simão and Matilde arrive, and already know what has happened.)
Matilde: Andreia, I'm sorry about what happened. If you need anything ...
Andreia: Thank you.
(Laura joins the family.)
Laura: Glad you are all here.
Matilde: I'm sorry.
Laura: Thank you.
Salvador: Mom, what happened?
Laura: The ambassador called me to say they found a charred body and the documents of your brother.
Salvador: But why mom? Was it a robbery? I don't understand, it makes no sense.
Laura: My head is too full of questions and no answers.
Laura: (noticing Teresa's not there) Teresa?
Andreia: Went to her room.
Simão: But what happened, mother? Teresa came by and said nothing ...
(Laura has no choice but to tell the whole truth.)
Laura: I had a talk with your sister and want to have it with you too. It's about what Eduardo was doing in Mexico.
Andreia: You mean Eduardo went to Mexico to handle Teresa's transplant?
Laura: He was there to save hid sister.
Salvador: Mother should never have asked for such a thing.
Laura: I was desperate. Can NO ONE CAN UNDERSTAND THAT?
Simão: I realize that mother, but something like this is dangerous. It should have been handled otherwise.
Salvador: Teresa knew?
Laura: No. Just the two of us knew.
Simão: Now we know why she (Teresa) was in that state.
Laura: I could not endure to see your sister every day having to do dialysis, waiting for a compatible donor. In Mexico the sale of organs is legal. It is not considered trafficking. It is a legal transaction.
Salvador: But you could predict that people who dominate this business are dangerous, Mother.
Simão: Now does no good to make accusations, Salvador.
Laura: No one can understand what I'm feeling right now, or my guilt.
(Laura goes out and gets a horse to ride. She meets Margarida who is crying, shattered.)
Margarida: Mother ... (embracing each other both crying) After what happened to father I never imagined that such a disaster could happen.

Laura: I'll get him. Tomorrow I'll catch the first plane to Mexico City. I promise you that I will bring your brother home.
Margarida: You want me to go with you (horse riding)?
Laura: No, honey. I need to be alone, and you can not ride, you know. Go to Simão and Salvador who are in the living room, go ...
(And Laura leaves on horseback, in tears, as the brothers are all gathered in the living room.)
Salvador:  If it is impossible to identify the body, we will need DNA testing, to confirm whether or not it's Eduardo.
Simão: Because someone may have taken his passport.
Teresa: And why doesn't he contact us?
Margarida: Mom told me that tomorrow she is going to Mexico City.
Simão: But she will not, we will not let her. It is very dangerous.
Salvador: Mom will not go. It's out of the question.
Teresa: It's impossible. We lost Eduardo, let's not lose Mother.
Salvador: I will go.
Teresa: You're recuperating. You're not going anywhere.
Simão: I'll go. Mom will not go alone.
(Laura enters the house)
Laura: I do not want anyone to come with me.
Teresa: Mom you cannot go alone ...
Laura: I'm not taking any chances. The ambassador will pick me up at the airport. I just want to go there to make sure that it is the body of your brother and bring him back close to us.
(Salvador and Teresa talk in the room.)
Teresa: What happened to Eduardo's my fault. I know I didn't force him to go, but if I didn't have this problem he ...
Salvador: Don't say that, Teresa.
Teresa: I do not understand why mom did it. Why didn't they talk to me first?
Salvador: Because it was obvious that you were not going to accept it.
Teresa: I would not. Would never. Mom had no right to do this behind my back.
Salvador: Teresa, it was mom who put Eduardo in this situation. And until they prove the opposite, we have to believe it is not Eduardo. He very may well be alive, Teresa.
Teresa: If he had spoken to me, I'd never let him go. Never. I'm angry with mom. What nerve...
Salvador: Do not be so hard on mom, Teresa. Mom never imagined that something bad could happen.
Teresa: But it happened ... It happened and now there is nothing we can do.
Salvador: Take it easy.



  1. This was soooooooo good!!

    1. Will you be posting any more episodes? I want to know what happens!

    2. Yes! As soon as Eduardo "returns," I will be posting translations/recaps again. I will also be posting a summary of big plot points that happened in the series while Eduardo has been gone, very soon! Thanks!
