Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Diogo in Worten's "Código Dá20" commercial

Diogo and his "Sol de Inverno" co-star Cláudia Vieira appear in a commercial for Worten's (a chain store) "Código Dá20" ("Code Gives 20") Christmas campaign.  The always awesome Dina translated this short but sweet clip for us, found right below the video.
(video courtesy of Worten Portugal/YouTube)
(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest of this post...)
DM: Dreams, everyone has them. At Christmas they become even more special.
CV: Especially for children with chronic illnesses. But with your help it is possible to fulfill many of them (dreams).
DM: How? With this (he shows a barcode in a heart shape.) With the "Code gives 20." The barcode of solidarity.
CV: You just have to add in the payment at any of the Worten stores you want to shop, "code gives 20."
DM: Because each (code) gives 20 cents to Land of Dreams Association. This Christmas help fulfill the dreams of many children.
CV: Contribute to "Code gives 20." A helping heart.


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