Wednesday, July 24, 2013

What you can get for 250 Euros...

So in light of the recent, awesome news that Diogo will be guest starring on the season premiere of ABC's hit drama "Revenge," I thought we could take a look back at the last time Diogo appeared on a series seeking revenge.  Of course, I am referring to SIC TV's 2007 series "Vingança" where Diogo played "Santiago."

Specifically, today's "Clip of the Day" comes from a behind the scenes interview Diogo did to try to talk about his character, Santiago, but as you will see, the reporter had other plans.  :)  Our dear friend Lou da Gama was kind enough to translate this fun interview for us, found right below the video. 

(video courtesy of fan FicaaSaber/YouTube)

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest....)
Sofia (interviewer) narrating: It is not just anyone who charms with the look of a beggar, makes us forget a face made up of scars, or captivates with the pain displayed in so many expressions. Even Diogo Morgado is surprised by the romantic journey of "Vingança"’s hero.
Sofia (to Diogo): Aspects of the character of "Santiago" that appeal to women?
Diogo: I’m sincere. This "Santiago" is a surprise even to me, because if what we experience in Vingança was to be transposed to real life, then, we have to be betrayed, become very sad about it, very unhappy, and live constantly in [emotional] need. If that happens, apparently, it’s like a magnet, which makes women come to us. It is a new way, which I did not know. But, I'm willing to try it!
Sofia: Yes, but all women love an abandoned puppy!!!
Diogo: I did not know. You knew it. I did not know that. I swear I did not know. I thought it was enough to be prudent and such, do things well, be romantic or not, depending on the choice of each one. But, I thought it was only that. But, no, the abandoned puppy works.
Sofia narrating: Not wanting to offend, women on that side [of the screen] may agree that men usually do not understand anything about the female mind. And therefore, no one better to speak to about it in Vingança itself, than those who really know about it.
Lúcia Moniz ("Love Actually"; Diogo's short film "Break"): He [Santiago] is a righteous man, a man who has strength, who has character and… I don’t know, in the case of Victoria (one of Santiago’s friends/lovers in the series) it was an act of help from Victoria to Santiago that resulted in a great passion. Then Vera (another one of Santiago’s friends/lovers in the series), was already an old love, and ... I mean, I do not know how to describe it or to name the obvious reasons. But, the truth is that he succeeds! 
Sofia: He figures it out [how to attract the ladies]!!!
Ana Borges: He is a man with a very strong personality, very well educated, not talking, obviously… do you want me to talk about Santiago’s good looks? I do not know if that's what you want me to refer to.
Sofia: As you wish! Be at ease! I think that… Santiago… he is handsome… also, that’s no accident.
Ana Borges: Yes, it’s no accident. Obviously, it helps for sure.
Sofia narrating: Among fueds, romance and scenes of great tension, Diogo Morgado was caught off guard when he was named the third sexiest man on Portuguese TV. Men’s stuff, isn’t it?
Sofia to Diogo: Congratulations Diogo! Third sexiest man on Portuguese television!
Diogo: But, that was where? 
Sofia: Poll at TV 7 Dias, and you are there in third place. It is an honorable place on the podium!
Diogo: Eh pá! It’s remarkable what 250 Euros do! Emm? I paid 250 Euros to make it happen!
Sofia: No, no, we are committed to make you completely embarrassed. We want to see you blush.
Diogo: You will not succeed, Sofia. You will not succeed.
Sofia: And now, how is it going be? How is going to be walking the streets?
Diogo: She will succeed! What do you want me to say, Sofia??? Who’s in first and in second?
Sofia: It was Marco d’Almeida.
Diogo: Good, good. He’s got style.
Sofia: We prefer our boys. But, nobody told you anything?
Diogo: What do you want Sofia? What do you want me to tell you?
Sofia: I want you to feel happy for being elected or say, “No, I'm much more concerned about my success as an actor”, which is the normal thing, isn’t it?
Diogo: But that… but that… is, in fact, what persists, what I do. But, I thank the people who eventually… I guess that was by vote, so…
Sofia: Exactly, by the readers' vote.
Diogo: … I thank those who, eventually, are nearsighted and were able to vote for me. Ah! And that’s it! Thank you.
Sofia narrating: The woman of Santiago’s life, very down to earth behind the scenes, is happy with the distinction, but [for her] the value of the actor prevails.
Lúcia Moniz: Diogo does not need to be named the sexiest or less sexy to add value to the series. He’s a great actor and he’s playing a beautiful role. So, it does not have to be through that way that the good work he is doing will be proven.
Sofia narrating: At least, there is always a more playful friend willing to help us in our not so innocent but very cheerful purpose.
Ana Borges: Obviously if it’s fair…
Sofia: Bronze medal, but there are still some complaints.
Sofia narrating: If the audience is moved by the strength and heart of Santiago, in a united team such as the team of "Vingança," the support and admiration of his colleagues is not surprising. Diogo Morgado can say whatever he wants, but he will hardly undermine the credibility of his colleagues.
Sofia to Diogo: Your colleagues from the cast agree [with the nomination] and also gave you the congratulations.
Diogo: They are such darlings. They have to say that…
Sofia: Now, now, he’s sad because he was not in first.
Diogo: It’s true (he breaks out in laughter)! 
Sofia: You don’t know. There were about 60 or 70 pre-nominated. 
Diogo: I didn’t even know about it, Sofia!!! I do not understand why we are wasting all this time talking about… what… what do you want me to say?
Sofia: Third sexiest man on TV!!!
(He sends a kiss to the camera)
Diogo: In front of you is a very embarrassed person. That’s all!  (Obrigada to Lou, as always, for another awesome translation!)

Diogo actually tweeted from the set of "Revenge" the other day, saying "If you need a doctor... So proud to be part of this amazing #ABC show @Revenge #Revenge, hope you like it #Revengers", and he also shared this photo:

(photo courtesy of Diogo Morgado via Twitter)

Why do I have this sneaky suspicion that a lot of you suddenly feel the need for medical attention?  :)

Make sure you tune in to see Diogo on ABC's "Revenge" on Sunday, September 29th.    



  1. He's so adorable and I can't even stand it :-D And yes, all of a sudden I think I may need a doctor - heart palpitations and all that ;-)

  2. He wouldn't have to pay anyone and he SHOULD be #1 on ANY sexiest poll! He is so funny. Clearly though this was before he was married/not married LOL... no one knows the answer to that still, right? LOL. Maybe one day someone will know! Great post and I cant wait for Revenge! I could definitely use Doctor Diogo!

    1. I think this bears repeating here... Actually Diogo knows the answer to that, and he shared an answer on the Q&A he did here on the blog when asked that very question. His answer: "I´m happy :)" Which, as fans of Diogo's TALENT, WORK, and HUMBLE personality, should be more than enough of an answer for us. To feel as fans we are entitled to know more, or "expect" to be told the answer we want to hear, to me, THAT is what's weird, in my honest opinion. I know here in the US, sadly due to sites like TMZ, we "think" we have a "right" to know, but the truth is, as fans of an actor, we are not really entitled to anything. Diogo is VERY giving to his fans, but the truth is, the ONLY thing he OWES us is to give us the best performance as an actor that he can in his projects. And what we owe him as fans, especially here on my blog, is respect. If someone needs to know about someone's personal life in order to better appreciate or enjoy their PROFESSIONAL work, I am not sure that is the true definition of being a fan.

    2. And this is why this blog is incredible, Sara. Your respect for Diogo and professionalism make it a site that is fun and informative, without feeling like Diogo would not be happy by anything posted here. I actually hope he does visit and appreciate this blog, I follow many and this is one of the best. So well done, both in terms of it is good for Diogo's career, and it's great for his fans. Who as you say SHOULD respect his privacy and boundaries, or don't call yourself a fan. Could not have said it any better. Thank you.

  3. I don't know... I've flat out seen his answer to that question two different times - he said "no" he is not married. He is with the mother of his child and they are happy. To me, that was the only answer required. Don't know why it's such a mystery. Although I think the confusion comes from a lot of Portuguese articles where they do refer to her as his "wife" (unless there's something lost in the translation). Either way, like you said, let's just concentrate on his acting... and on his incredible good looks!!

    1. Dee-Dee, my comment below is a general comment to and based on the many comments, tweets, and e-mails I get on this subject, and was not directed in any way towards you. I apologize if that was not clear. Thanks, Sara.

  4. There is no mystery or confusion... he is happy. We should be happy the man we say we are such big fans of is happy, and grateful that he shares as much as he DOES share with us, instead of dwelling on something that doesn't affect us or his talent one bit. And let this topic die the death it so painfully deserves please, LOL.

  5. This topic should have never been a topic in first place. I think it is stupid how people can care so much about frivolous details as an actor's private life instead of focusing on what that person can truly give us.
