Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Making of a Scene

So, we all know Diogo is so talented that he makes every scene he is in look effortless.  But there is a lot that goes into every scene, even more so in filming a "special" scene, such as a "love" scene, or a chase/fight scene.  Since we really didn't get to see Diogo in those types of scenes in "The Bible," hee, I thought it might be interesting to see what has gone into the making of these unique scenes in the series he has done in the past.

(image courtesy of SIC)

Thus, today's "Clips of the Day" feature interviews with Diogo and a couple of his co-stars talking about what it takes to film these particular types of scenes.

First clip comes from 2010, when SIC's E-especial talked to Diogo and his co-star Sisley Dias ("Tiago") on the set of "Laços de Sangue" about an upcoming chase and fight scene they would be doing for the series.  Our friend Lou da Gama kindly translated the clip for us, found right below the video.

(video courtesy of SIC)

"Reporter: Come with us behind the scenes of "Laços de Sangue" for a chase of "Tiago" [Sisley Dias] by "João" [Diogo] with many fight scenes.

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest....)
Diogo: Eh pá! It’s so hot here I can barely bear it… a tropical heat… an unbearable sultry heat [it’s actually a cold day, so he’s being sarcastic.]
Reporter: So, we’re going to have the nice Diogo Morgado and the Diogo Morgado mad with rage.
DM: This sequence is an important sequence in which João almost gets revenge on Tiago by catching him. 
[Diogo's co star, Sisley Dias, speaks.]
DM: We rehearsed, of course. Do you think this is like whatever? This requires discipline and choreography.
Reporter: Can we see it?
DM: [taking out his cell phone, shows footage on cell phone.]  Yes ma’am, you can! Pretend time doesn't exist anymore. Nowadays, what happens is… there’s contact, yes, but not with that strength. So, if I had to punch you, scenically speaking, I would have to touch you. It would have to be something like this [he punches her gently.]
Reporter: Ah! He touched me!
DM: That’s it. I touched you. So, instead of flipping your gut, I would just touch you on the skin." 

Click here to see how the scene turned out.  

These next two clips come from 2008, when "E-especial" visited the set of "Podia Acabar o Mundo" ("The World Could End") to talk to Diogo and his co-star, Joana Seixas, about filming their first love scene for the series.  Lou again kindly translated these two clips for us, found below their respective videos.

(video courtesy of CremeTuli1/YouTube)

"Reporter: Rodrigo [Diogo] and Vera [Joana] apparently had nothing in common, but Podia Acabar o Mundo (The World Could End) and this love would happen anyway. We came to watch their first big love scene.
Reporter: Is it difficult to be very much in love at 8 AM?
DM: I have to tell you that at 8 AM it is very difficult to do whatever. I speak for myself. But, with a co-star like this, it is easier. Our willingness to make a good scene is set up. We both have the same willingness. So, things work well. Isn’t it Joaninha?
Joana: Exactly. And things work well. I was caught in the act. Really! I was really bad, Uii!!! Poor Aécio [actor who played "Vera's" boyfriend], who came to do this special part [in the series] just to catch his girlfriend… well… in this situation.
DM: But he had a bullfighter as adversary. So, I mean a “forcado!” [Diogo's character "Rodrigo" was a guy who goes against the bull in Portuguese bullfighting.] I mean… a man who confronts an 1100 pound bull has to have some sort of reward! 
Reporter: Is it uncomfortable to do these more intimate scenes?
Joana: Aiee [she makes funny sounds]. It’s always a bit… it’s different. I don’t think it’s uncomfortable. I don’t feel uncomfortable with Diogo.
DM: Me neither.
Joana: But I think it’s always different from doing other scenes. It’s always a different moment.
DM: Depends a lot on what is wanted from the scene. If the scene is to appeal to love, if it’s a sensual scene… there are several approaches that can be taken to an intimate scene, and that also leaves us a bit apprehensive because we never know very well what is expected to do in the scene. One can do a thousand and one things. Nervousness also comes from there, from the normal discomfort caused by the intimacy of each of us and also from what is expected of the scene.
Reporter: Is Diogo a difficult romantic co-star?
Joana: No! No! No! He’s very easy!!! [Laughs.]"

(video courtesy of CremeTuli1/YouTube)

"Reporter: Do you usually do that when you're shooting scenes with Joana? [referring to Diogo spreading his legs when standing so he appears to be shorter when working with a shorter co-star]
DM: (Laughs)
Joana: They don't let him! They don't let him!
DM: No. Eh Pá! I don't know.
Joana: No, because usually I have high heels like this [she stands on her toes.] And now I don't.
DM: Usually, Joana is taller than she is now. Now, she's in tennis shoes and she's prepared to go to the studio. I can say, for example, that I did scenes with Patricia Tavares, [Diogo's co-star in his first series in 1998, "Terra Mãe"] who is shorter than Joana, and inevitably in some scenes we have to resort to some tricks, and so, look, this is one of them."

You can see this and other memorable "Rodrigo" and "Vera" scenes from "Podia Acabar o Mundo" in this fan-made tribute video to the couple:

(video courtesy of CrizMiranda/YouTube)

Obrigada Lou da Gama for the translations.  Much appreciated, as always!



  1. Wow, those Rodrigo and Vera scenes are HOT. Diogo and that actress have smoking chemistry! Definitely didnt see that in the Bible hahaha. Thanks for sharing Sara and for translating Lou. Great post. hot hot hot. LOVED Diogo's truck for looking shorter too lol! -- Susie

  2. Love love love!!! beautiful post! Who wouldn't be comfortable with this guy!Diogo Morgado is a gentleman! And I can see it in his interviews and videos,how true he is. He is easy to be with..
    Sara,awesome girl! Lou thank you for translating.I hope he puts a store online through his website, so we can buy all his telenovelas and movies(dvd with english subtitles)
