Monday, June 24, 2013

Do You Believe in Magic?

While watching daredevil Nik Wallenda's logic-defying high-wire walk over the Grand Canyon last night, I was reminded of a clip I had seen online of Diogo that I wanted to share.... 

So today's "Clip of the Day" comes from SIC's "Minutos Mágicos" ("Magic Minutes.")  This fun show features magician/illusionist/host Mário Daniel traveling across Portugal showing people he meets on the street various magic tricks "in plain sight," aka without any special effects.  In 2010, Diogo was Mario's special guest on "Minutos Mágicos," and our friend Liliana was kind enough to translate his appearance on the show for us, which can be found right below the video.  

(video courtesy of Ninjamagico2/YouTube)

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest....)

Mário Daniel: Between various remarkable characters, he was the leading role in  "Vingança," and now he is one of the stars of "Laços de Sangue." But we just need to talk a little with him to see that he is not revengeful, nor bloody. We are talking about – Diogo Morgado.  Hello Diogo. I have to say this… you where the guy who my first girlfriend had pictures of on her school books…
DM: Was I???
Mário Daniel: And I hated you!
DM: Well that’s me! Nice to meet! Are you okay? I was the book guy! You were directly competing with school books!
Mário Daniel: Yep! Diogo Morgado [they laugh.]   Have you ever done a magic trick to someone?
DM: Yes sir I did! I did and I am going to tell you… Moreover you are going to be mesmerized with my trick. So.  Look at this…. The rubber band…. Passed to the other hand! HA! See this?!!
Mário Daniel: Amazing, amazing!  You had this recent experience, I don’t know if you want to talk about it, you’re a dad… how’s it going’?
DM: Eh pá!… It’s pure magic.
Mário Daniel: I think so too…
DM: Pure Magic! No illusions. There is no way to explain. It’s as simple as that. 
[The magic trick takes place -- take a look at the video....  Mário Daniel wants to find the four aces. He does a click with his fingers and says: “This serves no purpose, it’s just funny”… they both laugh.  When all the Aces disappear, Diogo says: “Ca nervos!” [meaning: he is nervous.]  All the aces "traveled" into the box…]
DM: Eh pá… [meaning: C’moooonnn; he gets really mad!]  Pá… Okay I get it… People from the government make some great tricks too… but like this, in our hands… God!
Mário Daniel: Thank You Diogo for accepting our invitation. I hope you enjoyed this magic moment. 
DM: I thank you Mário. All the happiness in the world, I enjoyed a lot. Thank you! (Obrigada Liliana for the translation!)

Speaking of magic, did you know Portugal has an internationally renowned magician/illusionist named Luis de Matos?  Luis, who is celebrating 25 years in the magic/illusion industry, recently received his 3rd award from the world famous Magic Castle's "Academy of Magical Arts" at their annual awards ceremony held in Los Angeles back in April.  Diogo, who was also in Los Angeles at the time, celebrated his fellow countryman and friend's achievements, proudly tweeting: "Today I had the opportunity to be with him and congratulate him. 25 years at the job. Thank you Luis de Matos," and sharing this picture of the two of them in Hollywood:

(photo courtesy of Diogo Morgado on Twitter)

You can learn more about Luis de Matos and his most impressive career by visiting his official website. 




  1. For sure if I live in Portugal, I'm going to be like Mario Daniel's first girlfriend too,hahaha.Oh my Diogo that was a cool rubber band trick hahaha! so cute how Diogo reacts! Sara and msLily both of you are just awesome.#girlsonfire

  2. Ohhh yeahhh #girlsonfire making magic all the time. Sara on the lead, of course... I just follow her talent!

    Thank you!

  3. Hi,
    I like this type of information because you always can learn some interesting new knowledge and at the same time revive the knowledge you already know.

