Saturday, June 22, 2013

Diogo on today's "E-especial"

Diogo was featured on today's SIC's E-especial, talking to them about the characters he has played in various SIC's series in the past, from the set of the series he is currently filming, "Ambição."  The video of Diogo on "E-especial" is posted below in two parts, and our heroine Liliana sent us a translation of his interview, which you can find below the videos.

(videos courtesy of Diogofanfriends' YouTube Channel)

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest....)

Ricardo Pereira: Many are the actors who return to the SIC series, one of them is of course, Diogo Morgado. 
Sofia Cerveira: Diogo Morgado, who before being the hot Jesus, was "Santiago" in “Vingançã,” or "João" in “Laços de Sangue,” characters that we wanted to review.
Catarina Morazzo: Diogo Morgado is part of the cast from the new series from SIC [Ambição], as “Eduardo.”  E-Especial did a rewind and talked to the actor about all his memories from SIC’s series since the beginning at "Floribella."  We want to rewind in time, do you still remember your part at “Floribella?”
DM: It was good for SIC and for us too, it was a light, juvenile series. That was one of the first times I realized how delicious it was to make a secondary character, meaning, the story didn’t go through me, I was the best friend of "Frederico Fritzenwalden." I was shooting “Floribela” in the morning and the series “Aqui não há Quem Viva” in the afternoon. Then I got out of “Floribela” and stayed at “Aqui não há Quem Viva,” then left the series and started “Vingança.” That was my “master studies.”  It was the first time I had a complex and stout role, in a master story with a strong cast, well surrounded with huge talents. I never had such long and dark hair, one of my eyebrows was cut due to a previous surgery that “Santiago” had.  Between “Salazar’s Private Life” and “Podia Acabar o Mundo” I had a one week break, so I went for a vacation to relax and the day I came back I rode the bull! What I loved about that novella was the theme – the family. The divorce between "Rodrigo" and "Vera."  I explored the role I did as a father, which was fantastic. 
Catarina Morazzo: “Laços de Sangue” gave to SIC an Emmy award…
DM: Gave it to SIC and to Portugal! That’s what is so extraordinary. It was a great moment of pride, honestly, for me it was the cherry on the cake, because the novella went so well and the Portuguese followed it in full-scale. Joana Santos was the big revelation in the novella, she did brilliant work, and I was so well accompanied with Diana Chaves too, so we made there this triangle that pleased me the most! 

Obrigada Liliana for the translation.  Much appreciated, as always!




  1. I can just imagine myself this winter, next to the fireplace, watchin Ambição every night!

    HA! Feel jelaous!! . . . I promiss I will share some exclusives! =)


  2. Thanks Liliana for keeping us abreast with Diogo's work, much appreciated. He is a very fine person, clearly a far cry from other actors who are so full of themselves. hope to hear from you soon. God bless.

    1. Hi! Just to clarify.... yes, Liliana did the wonderful translation, but it was actually another awesome Portuguese fan who recorded and sent me the videos that I then uploaded to YouTube and posted here. Just want to make sure their kindness gets its proper due too. :) Diogo has the best fans and I truly appreciate all of them and all they do to help me with the blog! Xo, Sara.

    2. Absolutely right Sara!

      Portuguese fans try their best to help! And I can assure that we make it with pleasure!

