Saturday, June 22, 2013

New Pictures of Diogo from Revista Caras (Updated with New Picture)

Diogo was featured back in May in "Revista Caras," a Portuguese magazine. I have updated the post to include the new first picture below that they posted when they posted the article only today. The article/interview talks about his returning to Portugal to film the upcoming series "Ambição" after "The Bible."  No real "new" information, but it did contain some great new pictures of Diogo from when he was in Hollywood.  

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest....)

(courtesy of  Revista Caras)

Liliana was kind enough to send in a translation of one particularly great answer from Diogo in the above article:

"Question: How do you imagine yourself 10 years from now?
Diogo: Working, telling stories, whatever they might be... acting, writing, directing or producing, or even in a bench in the middle of the street.  What I love, is the ability that an actor has of inspiring, entertaining, or making those watching reflect.  That is how I feel alive."

Oh and enjoy this funny video from the Golden Globes from "5 Para Meia Noite."  Diogo's on towards the beginning and as you'll see, no translation necessary.  :)

(video courtesy of 5meianoite/YouTube)



  1. WOW! Love those photos and his response to the question. Keep these great posts coming, Sara! Thank you!

  2. I'm in tears of laughing so hard with this video and the following. I've missed Portuguese sense of humor.

    I love his answer too.

  3. love the pictures and video..keep posting:)

  4. hilarious :-D and wonderful pictures, swoon!

  5. The pictures are beautiful, he's such a great guy!! And the video... what can I say;) Made me decide it's time for a career change: I'M GOING TO BE A PORTUGUESE SHOW HOST!! (Start studying Portuguese tomorrow...)

  6. Good idea! It seems show hosts in Portugal have a lot of fun =)!

  7. Pics are so HOT!!! And the video was hilarious!!!! Love the post, ladies...and I mean LOVE!!!!!! xoxoxo
