Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Picture this...

Today's "Clip of the Day" is actually going to be several "Pictures of the Day."  Hope that's okay!  :)

Obviously, many of us here only started following Diogo on his Facebook page after we saw him in "The Bible," but he has been active on social media for some time prior to that.  So, I thought it might be cool to take a look at some of the pictures he shared with fans over the past year or so, when he was "known there" in Portugal, but not to us just yet.  :)  For our lovely friends in Portugal, I thought it might be nice for you to take a look back at the photos, or just in case you missed them.

Speaking of, let's start with some pictures he posted about "The Bible" you may have missed.  Like this one he shared on Facebook, saying "On the set of The Bible Series."

(photo courtesy of Diogo Morgado on Facebook) 

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest....)

Diogo also shared this picture on Facebook from his and Darwin's awesome interview with Nancy O'Dell on Entertainment Tonight (seriously one of my favorite interviews ever if you have not seen it), saying "What a great day with Nancy O'Dell, Entertainment Tonight; Darwin Shaw who portrays Peter and Roma........"

photo courtesy of Diogo Morgado on Facebook)

Diogo also shared this picture of his doing "ADR" ("Automated Dialogue Replacement" aka "looping") for "The Bible" in London saying (via Google translate): "Good night in Portugal, good afternoon in the States, here is a picture doing audio post in London. Took 18 hours ... I can guarantee you it's becoming amazing."

(photo courtesy of Diogo Morgado on Facebook)

Diogo has also shared some fun pictures on social media in the past, including some of people he's met and places he's gone that you may recognize:

(photo courtesy of Diogo Morgado on Facebook)

Diogo said of the above picture (via Google translate): "For fans of "How I met your mother" I realize the importance of this photo. At a party in celebration of the Grammy Awards I had the privilege of dining at the same table with the fantastic Neil Patrick Harris. I can say that more people were met that night, but to talk to him about Portugal and realize his genuine interest, filled me measurably."  On his English Facebook page, Diogo said this about the photo: "Legen... Wait for it... Dary. I've loved to get to know Neil Patrick Harris. He's great."

Diogo shared another photo from a very familiar set he visited with a couple of good friends:

(photo courtesy of Diogo Morgado on Facebook)

Diogo said of that picture with Mark and Roma (via Google translate): "Yesterday I was invited to go Backstage at "The Voice." It was Fantastic. I had the chance to meet Usher and sweet Shakira. She is pregnant. It was a full day. :)"

And if any of you watch "NCIS: Los Angeles," you probably recognize the pretty lady in this next picture:

(photo courtesy of Diogo Morgado on Facebook)

She is fellow Portuguese and actress Daniela Ruah, who plays "Kensi Blye" on the hit CBS series.  Of this picture with Daniela, Diogo said (via Google translate): "Yesterday I arrived in Los Angeles and look who gave me a ride on the plane!! The grand Daniela. We talked a lot that day. Although we have never worked together, it is with pride that I can say I am your friend. Kisses Daniela."

Diogo posted some pictures while filming "Born to Race: Fast Track" that you might not have seen before, like these that he said were from the first day of shooting:

And "Just another day at the office":

(photos courtesy of Diogo Morgado on Facebook)

Finally, Diogo actually "launched" his Portuguese Facebook Page in August of 2012 with this image/collage of some my favorite pictures I have seen that I just discovered this week somehow:

(photo courtesy of Diogo Morgado on Facebook)

The pictures are actually from the 2008 catalog/campaign Diogo did for the clothing line, "Throttleman."  I admit I am a sucker for black and white pictures anyway, but I was also thrilled to find these because now I can see where the blog's background photo/my avi comes from.  :)

You can see some GREAT behind the scenes video of Diogo shooting his pictures for "Throttleman" below, thanks to the ALWAYS amazing Diogomorgadofãs blog:

(video courtesy of Diogomorgadofans' YouTube Channel)

Don't forget to follow Diogo on Twitter at @D_Morgado, and on Facebook at his official English FB page, or his official Portuguese FB page.



  1. Great post!!!!

    I love the photo in the upper left corner of the B&W collage. What a beautiful expression!

  2. A look back is always so nice! Love the "Another day at the office", with such a will to work!! Lol

    Loved it Sara!


  3. I agree Ms.Lily !...I love the video,Diogo so photogenic, so handsome! Some of the pictures here I haven't seen yet,thank you for compiling it here in one site.I can see 10k viewers coming this week.:)Great post today,Sara.:)

  4. Thanks, as always ladies. Lou, I agree... I love the collage and that picture especially... I have yet to see a camera that doesn't like Diogo, but I think I'd be okay if all his future photos were in B&W. And J, I love the video too... loved seeing him laugh. Liliana, I have had way worse "offices" and days at them, hahaha. Thanks again.

  5. Love the pix Sara. Manhattan and Brooklyn Bridge I'm guessing from the photo shoot?

  6. Easter 2013 will be remembered Diogo Morgado, 33, and the Portuguese because it was when it was displayed the American series in which the actor gave life to Christ "was a unique experience," said the artist who became known in the United States as the "Hot Jesus." "I was very well received by critics and by the Americans," he said.

    About two weeks in Portugal, after three months to promote the series in America, Diogo Morgado already started recording the novel "Ambition", SIC, but can not stay until the end. "I had proposed and, if all goes well, I will do. The SIC has supported me in this, "he said.

    Emigrate is, however, a hypothesis. "I will not leave Portugal. Can I go abroad just work. "This American adventure, Diogo took his son and wife. "My family will always be with me. I am a full time father. "


    1. Thank you so much " Anonymous" for your enlightenment!!

      The info you just shared with all of us, is actually posted in this blog in a clear way!

      Attentive fans are always so very welcome!


    2. I am so very pleased to read this. as much as i would love to see more of him over here, he often makes his priorities quite clear, and one can only have the highest respect for him for doing so.

  7. such a pro. fun to watch him work!
