Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Diogo and Darwin in Sintra, Portugal

Our favorite dynamic duo spent the day in Sintra, Portugal, and both Diogo and Darwin Shaw tweeted pictures of this gorgeous village.  I wanted to share their pictures of beautiful Sintra with those of you not on Twitter.

First Diogo tweeted this picture, saying: "Adivinhem onde estou?" ("Guess where I am?")

A few hours later (and after several fans had guessed correctly), Diogo tweeted the below photo, saying: "Muito bem. Very good who said "Palacio da Pena" and "Castelo dos Mouros" in Sintra - Portugal. Love it."

(photos courtesy of Diogo Morgado on Twitter)

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest....)

Darwin also tweeted some amazing pictures of Castelo dos Mouros in Sintra Village:

Darwin also shared pictures of the Palácio Nacional da Pena:

Darwin tweeted this photo of inside the Palace as well, saying: "The queens bedroom (She wasn't there)."

(photos courtesy of Darwin Shaw on Twitter)

And because he is simply that awesome, Darwin sent us another picture of Castelo dos Mouros in Sintra for the blog:

(photo courtesy of & thanks to Darwin Shaw)

Okay, is anyone else besides me ready to book a trip to Portugal, like NOW?  :)  What a special place.  I encourage you to click on their respective links above to read even more about Sintra, the Castle of the Moors, and the Pena National Palace... such amazing history and beauty there.

Oh and FYI... Darwin also tweeted a bit of news/update today when he was asked if he had any new movies coming up, saying, "I'm doing a TV show at the end of the month shooting in Wales but can't say much about it yet.  And auditioning!!!"

Congrats Darwin and break a leg.  We can't wait to see both you and Diogo on the screen again!  

You can follow Diogo on Twitter at @D_Morgado and Darwin at @DarwinShaw.  And thanks to both of them for sharing their pictures with us.



  1. >>Okay, is anyone else besides me ready to book a trip to Portugal, like NOW?<< yes, please. "now"ish. "now" would work for me. holy cats, what a gorgeous place. and not to gush, but these two being regular touristy average joes just adds to their immense charm. i heart them. thanks, Sara girl - you do such good work :-)

  2. And this is just a glimpse of what we have here! Buy your ticket! Portugal is waiting with arms wide open!


    ROCKING BLOG!!!!!!!

  3. This blog is just beautiful! And we are getting news directly from Diogo and Darwin.That is awesome!!! These 2 rocks!!!

  4. Sintra is a magical place, like a fairy tale. Besides the castle and this palace, there are a few more palaces there. It's a microclima, so sometimes it's covered in mist while it's sunny in Lisbon (30 minutes between the two places on the highway).

    And, as Liliana said, this is just a tiny glimpse of Portugal has to offer.

  5. I definitely want to travel to Portugal now!! It is both beautiful and historical!

  6. Portugal is undoubtedly the best destination to visit. We have lots of places from north to south just delicious and lovely to leave you just spellbound. Received all of you with open arms as if you guys were our family. Who says it is a very, very, very proud Portuguese woman.

    1. Post like this and people like you make me and my husband want to come visit Portugal tomorrow. :) I WISH we could!

    2. Sorry Sara but forgot to put the comment appears as anonymous as google account option. With little time available here, with a lot of work, but whenever I can free some time, step to see what's new. The blog is just amazing, you're doing a remarkable job. Congratulations! And yes, we are here waiting for you ... there is an expression that says: "mi casa, es tu casa" (my house is your house). Everyone feel very welcome here in Portugal!! Hugs, MJM

    3. I so appreciate your spending your free time sharing your kind words here. And I have to tell you, you've already made me and so many feel welcomed in Portugal! Thank you for that gift and for embracing us. It means so much to me. Obrigada!

  7. Sara this the movie that sent u a few days ago by mail. Remember.

  8. I do remember Ana! :)

    And Stephanie, Liliana, and J, thank you as always for the kind words. I have to tell you... I've worked on many projects... some were great and rewarding, some were horrible experiences... and what determined which was which was ALWAYS the person at the top... what KIND of person they were set the whole tone and effect for all.... so if you like the blog, it is all because Diogo and his work set such an amazing, positive tone and effect that brings all the right people together. I love to write, I love meeting and connecting people, and obviously I am a fan of Diogo's... so this blog has been a dream come true for me in many ways. I am so happy to have met so many of you, and your words and kindness mean more to me than you can know. But again, it's all because Diogo is so talented, awesome, and humble... he attracts the best fans ever, and you are all proof of that. :) I'm lucky to know you all, and I thank you and Diogo very much.

  9. These photos are awesome Sarah! thank you so much for sharing it with us... You are cool indeed!

  10. Sintra is a place where you just sense to be at other age in time. It's lovely! I was so happy to see these pics, my gosh, Diogo took Darwin to visit Sintra, it's just the kind of must go see place to a friend! What a proud Diogo of me to be your fan! I believe the ones who are planing to come visiting us won't regret! ;)Thanks Darwin and Diogo for sharing the pics, btw!!its' very nice of you!!

  11. RickyHanson says beautiful photos of a beautiful place. Sintra is amazing.
