Thursday, May 30, 2013

Diogo in "TV Mais"

Brief article about Diogo today in "TV Mais" ("More TV") magazine (with a translation below):

(article courtesy of TV Mais/SAPO)

Diogo Morgado: "I will not leave Portugal"

The actor who gave live to Jesus in the series "The Bible" has new projects abroad but does not want to emigrate.

Easter 2013 will be remembered by Diogo Morgado, 33, and the Portuguese, because it was when the American series aired in which the artist gave life to Christ. "Was a unique experience," said the actor who became known in the United States as "Hot Jesus." "I was very well received by critics and by the Americans," he said.

About two weeks in Portugal, after three months of promoting the series in America, Diogo Morgado already started filming the SIC series' "Ambição," but may not stay until the end. "I offered, and, if all goes well, I will do.  SIC has supported me in this," he said.

Emigrating is not, however, an option. "I will not leave Portugal. I can go abroad just to work."  For this American adventure, Diogo took his son and wife. "My family will always be with me. I am a full time father. "

Just FYI, Diogo is actually 32, not 33.  :)


1 comment:

  1. "I will not leave Portugal" ...

    I say the same... We need to breathe our country, through the crisis, bad luck and the difficulties...

    I BELIEVE we can make it better! Specially with people like Diogo Morgado, that believe and work hard towards that!

