Monday, May 12, 2014

"Sol de Inverno" - Episode 180 Translations

SO sorry I have been missing and lacking in posting!  Real life has been busy and taken over!  To try to catch us up, I am only going to post the really good/important scenes from the last few episodes, starting with this episode, which has some great stuff in it.  As a recap, Eduardo sold the factory, much to his siblings' shock and anger.  As always, thanks to Dina for the translations, and again, my apologies for the delay.

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest of this post...)

(Eduardo counts money from commission/bonus he received from Isabel for selling her the factory, when there's a knock at his office door.)
Eduardo: Just a second... Hold on...
Rita: But look there, why'd it take you so long to answer?
Eduardo: So, because I was finishing a phone call.
Rita: Were you finishing a call, or were you hiding your redhead lover there, in the closet?..
Eduardo: A closet ... don’t know ... in a closet I do not know, but out there, in the window, she's hanging on...
Rita: She's hanging? Do you know who is hung on? (they kiss)
Eduardo: So? Did you miss me, was that it?
Rita: Always ... But I also came to see how the deal went with Isabel.
Eduardo: Business ... Business with... ahh .... business with Isabel ... do not know ... I'd say ... (takes the money from the envelope) I would say that it went well. Hmm? What do you say?
Rita: I've never seen ... I've never seen so much money in my life. Eduardo, with this we could travel around the world...
Eduardo: Several times. No, not we're not going anywhere, okay? It cost me too much, too much, come to that chair. Therefore, I will not leave so soon.
Rita: Okay Eduardo, but hey you gotta take me on a trip... I have never left here. I never went anywhere.
Eduardo: You can't complain too much ... I think your life has improved considerably.
Rita: Okay, I'm not complaining. But what I do want is even better...
(Rita takes off his coat.)
Eduardo: What are you doing?
Rita: I want to do it. I want to do it here and now ... Here in the middle of all this money, like in the movies.
Later Eduardo gets a call that Laura tried to escape from the clinic, but they found her and sedated her more, so....

(Eduardo goes to the clinic.)
Eduardo: You told me that this place was absolutely safe. However if another patient had not seen my mother, she would already be out of here.
Doctor: I told you I'm very sorry for the incident. But I can assure you that security measures were reinforced. It will not happen again.
Eduardo: Did you find out who helped her?
Doctor: It was a nurse.
Eduardo: A Nurse? I hope you have taken action. I'm paying you well. Very well. But if you can not guarantee me that my mother...
Doctor: I give you my word that it will not repeat itself.
Eduardo: Very well ... I need to talk to my mother alone.
Doctor: Sure. Please do.
(Eduardo goes to talk to his mother.)
Eduardo: Hello mother.  Mother ... mother, who is such a smart woman, even thought you were going to get out of here so easily? Hmm? For once you got it wrong, mother.  Why is that you never showed how much you like me, mother?  Why have you always preferred my siblings? Even the bastard... Why do you always have so much pleasure in humiliating me, in making fun of me... "You're an idiot!" Why have you never been proud? Anything? Never anything I have done has been enough for you, mother. Nothing. Never had pride in me, never praised me, why? Why? Why? Why mom?  I know why mother. Now I know, I realized. I had to earn it, wasn’t it, mom? I realized, what you wanted.  Now I have everything that is rightfully mine. Because I deserve it. Right, mom?  The only person who could get in my way ... is here ... in peace. Isn't that what you wanted mother? Peace? It's peace. You are already in peace.  Bet you don't think I'm an idiot now.  You’re proud, aren’t you mom?  Say it, you are, aren’t you?  The war is over… and I won.
Laura: (tries to speak) ... You're gonna… gonna pay!

Wow.  I have to say, that last scene is my favorite in "Sol" to date, and one of my favorite scenes by Diogo, ever.  He is beyond amazing in that scene, wow.

Again, I am so sorry for the delay in posting the scenes and translations from the episodes, but I promise to do all I can to catch us up very soon.  Thank you for your understanding and patience!!!



  1. Wow, what a powerful scene! Diogo was fantastic! Thank you so much Sara for bringing this to us. And many thanks to Dina for the translations. .....Nelda

  2. Love his CRAZINESS !!!
