Wednesday, May 7, 2014

"Sol de Inverno" - Episodes 178 Translations

(As always, thank you to Dina for the translations!)

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest of this post...)
Margarida: I cannot stand this anymore. We have to do something.
Eduardo: Calm down...
Salvador: I will call again.
Margarida: (to Teresa) Do you have any news?
Teresa: I was able to access mother’s account, but from the day she went to the hospital, there is no activity.
Rita: This is getting weirder and weirder.
Eduardo: I also have not said anything, because I want to ease the situation, by not worrying you. But the truth is that I am not liking any of this. Not at all.
Vicente: I apologize for butting in, but why don’t contact the police?
(Eduardo doesn’t know how to answer.)
Simão: (to Nuno) It's getting late for Camila, isn’t it?
Nuno: I'll get her.
Teresa: An email.
Margarida: What?
Teresa: Mother sent an email.
Salvador: What does it say?
Teresa: (Reads) Hello my dear. I know it must have been hard not having news from me, but I'm okay. I lost my phone but I'm not worried. It is best for me to not fall into temptation to constantly see if someone called me. I'm away, but I'd rather not tell you any more than that. I promise you I'm fine. Actually, it's been a long time since I felt so good. I do not want you to worry and I'm also trying not to worry too much about all of you. I'm sure you are good without me, because with me there, things were not always easy. It took me awhile but finally I recognize that I always pressed too much and didn't always do what was best for you all. Now I give you time, and I ask you for time too. A mother's kiss.
Rita: So? This is good news...
Eduardo: What a relief, hmm?
Margarida: Yes, I think so.
Salvador: Look, at least we know she's okay.

(Eduardo and Teresa talk in the library.)
Teresa: So, Eduardo?
Eduardo: So? Mom say anything else?
Teresa: No. I confess that I liked feeling better after this email she sent. But ... I cannot, I cannot see how she pulls away and does not even take a cellphone. 
Eduardo: Teresa, mother ... Our mother is not well. It is normal for her to do things that surprise us, that leave our mouths wide open. But there is one subject I wanted to talk to you about. I know it may seem so insensitive of me, but the truth is, Teresa, that life does not stop.
Teresa: What’s going on?
Eduardo: I've met with Isabel, and I think that we should sell the factory to her.
Teresa: That is out of the question. Mother said she didn’t want to sell the factory to Isabel. 
Eduardo: Teresa, we should get over our personal issues, and think about what is best for us. The truth, Teresa, the truth is that our bills are getting a bit unbalanced. Hmm? And Sofia is doing great with Mood.
Teresa: Yes, Eduardo, I realize all of that. Actually, if you must know, I also advised her to sell the factory to Isabel. The problem is that I will not contradict her, even if she isn't here. She was very clear on this matter.
Eduardo: Let's do something. Tell you what. We will arrange a meeting with our siblings, and listen to their opinion.
Teresa: Yes, for me, we should do that. Although I'm sure it will not change anything. But that's okay.

(The siblings gather at the office.)
Eduardo: First, thank you for coming. Sorry for the inconvenience, but the truth is I have something to tell you...
Teresa: Eduardo thought we should get together to talk about selling the factory which I object to...
Eduardo: (interrupts her) No, Teresa, that isn't it. Actually I think that subject needs no discussion. It's another issue that brings us here.
(Eduardo hands Salvador the power of attorney signed by their mother.)
Salvador: What is it, Eduardo?
Eduardo: This is a document that our mother signed, giving me all the power on the Board of Boheme, should anything happen to her. And unfortunately... unfortunately something happened. So starting today, and as I have the majority, here at Boheme I can decide everything without even having to consult you.
Teresa: Mother would never do that. Where did you get this power of attorney?
Eduardo: Teresa, I've worked at Boheme for many more years than any of you, haven't I? I know Boheme like the back of my hand. I have the skills for the position. I would say that it is a perfectly normal decision, and is even predictable.
Simão: No, mother would have spoken to us first...
Teresa: Mother always had doubts about giving you a position on the board. Always. This is very strange... 
Eduardo: Teresa, this sounds like envy now.
Teresa: Eduardo spare me, please.
Eduardo: But mother wanted this ... By the way, if you notice the date on the power of attorney, it was awhile ago... which leads me to believe Mother's departure has been planned for some months.
Margarida: Eduardo, sorry, but I think mother, never ever wished for you to be the head of the company. Actually, none of us believe this story.
Eduardo: You are the one here who has the least say in the matter. You are here as a mere formality, okay.  I know you were expecting for mother to choose either of you. Actually, I also thought that. But this time it was me...
Simão: Mother has always relied more on Teresa, Eduardo.
Eduardo: Well Simão, but this seems to have changed, doesn't it? And to be honest with you, I even think I know why. And you too, hmm? We all know that Teresa has a delicate condition, her health is not the most stable, moreover, we know that a transplant is an interim solution, that I hope lasts many years, Teresa. Many years to come. But the truth is that your body, from one day to the next, could reject it and you'd have to return to dialysis.
Teresa: I don’t accept this.
Secretary: Excuse me, I brought some coffee... 
Eduardo: So good... just in time for a little break.
Teresa: We will not take any break. Angela, please leave. Do not think you will do anything before I talk to mom, Eduardo.
Eduardo: But Teresa, what do you want me to do? Mother is completely unreachable ... This power of attorney is valid. It;s authenticated. It bears the signature of the notary, bears the signature of the attorney. I will exercise my rights ... The mother's will... at least until she returns, right? It's not easy for me either... That said, let's talk about the sale of the factory.
Teresa: The mother's will is not to sell the factory.
Eduardo: Yes, but I want to sell the factory and I will accept the offer.
(Teresa and Margarida leave.)
Salvador: Eduardo explain yourself better, please. Actually, don't explain anything. You'll not do what you feel like, because I will not let you. You will not destroy Boheme, are you listening?
Simão: Something here's not quite right.
Eduardo: Let's see, Salvador. I know whether the waves move to the left or to the right cause you a lot of concern. Simão, drawing requires some ingenuity. Worry about that and leave Boheme to me...
(Simão and Salvador leave and Eduardo stays celebrating by himself.)

(Isabel finds Teresa and Simão at Boheme.)
Teresa: How are you, Isabel?
Isabel: I wanted to tell you that I am very pleased to have reached a deal with you, and that the factory could not be in better hands.
Teresa: Must thank my brother Eduardo. This decision is due to him.
Simão: As you know our mother didn’t want to sell you the factory...
Isabel: I feel sorry that you all do not agree. But this is a subject that does not concern me...
Teresa: Of course, Isabel. Do you know that Salvador agree with us?
Isabel: (ouch, but) I'm sure that you wouldn't have received a better offer.
(Eduardo arrives very happy and greets Isabel.)
Eduardo: So? Little kiss... I've been waiting for you. Come on in?
Teresa: You don’t waste any time...
Eduardo: Time is money. Let's do this?!?
Teresa: (to Simão) I'll send an email to mother.

(Eduardo talks with Rita in the office.)
Eduardo: I have started to deal with the process of selling the factory to Isabel. Not much to do for the deed.
Rita: I can only imagine the look on your siblings' faces.  They must have gone crazy when you said you were going to go through with this.
Eduardo: It's good from them to get used to it. It's good from them to get used to the fact that now I'm the boss here, at home.
Rita: If nothing else. 
Eduardo: If nothing else.
(Eduardo sees something on the computer.)
Eduardo: Hello…
Rita: What is it? (insisting) What is it?
Eduardo: It's an email from Teresa to my mother.
Rita: What does she say?
Eduardo: Wants to know about this story that now I am the head of the company.
Rita: What are you writing?
Eduardo: "My dear, you are right to ask me all these questions about Eduardo and the company's management. Would've liked to have talked to you before, but everything that happened to me led me to leave this conversation on the back burner. I don’t want either you or any of your siblings to think that I made the decision without thinking. I fully trust you, as I always have, but I believe the time has arrived for Eduardo to showcase the capabilities he has to run the company. I ask you to help him in whatever he needs. Kisses. Mom."
Rita: Well done... You're brilliant...
Eduardo: Well, I will now call the clinic to find out if she is calmer.

Doctor: Your mom is being heavily medicated. Now she's much calmer.  She hasn't had any more fits of rage.
Eduardo: Great. Very good. And it shall continue like that. Now, doctor, it is extremely important that no one knows the whereabouts of my mother. Got it? I'm afraid that somehow, someone there might be indiscreet and... I know, no need to remind me that my mother was admitted under a false name.
Doctor: No, the staff here is absolutely trustworthy. Do not worry.

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