Friday, May 16, 2014

"Sol de Inverno" - Episodes 181 and 184 Translations

As a reminder, I am only posting a few scenes from some of the most recent episodes of "Sol de Inverno" to catch us all up.   As always, a huge thank you to Dina for the translations!

(6 months have now passed since the last episode. Teresa is waiting for Eduardo at the office.)
Teresa: I was thinking you'd never get here.
Eduardo: Was the traffic. What's going on? I don't remember having anything planned with you.
Teresa: Eduardo, I've made a decision. Mother has gone too long without giving us news. I'll talk with Detective Morais about going to look for her.
Eduardo: Teresa, that isn’t true, is it? Mother has sent emails.
Teresa: That's not enough. I need to hear her voice. I need her to call me.
Eduardo: I don’t understand... Mother didn’t want to be disturbed. I don’t understand why we must insist.
Teresa: I'm not saying she has to come back already. I just need her to assure me that she’s fine, that she's alive. And I can’t understand how you can be so calm... I mean, if I think like you, it's better that mother doesn’t return, right?
Eduardo: Teresa  look, now you're offending me, okay? Okay? I'm just respecting mother's decision, nothing more.
Teresa: You know you'd run for president in two days...
Eduardo: Teresa, there is nothing, nothing more important to me than the health and well-being of our mother. Much more important than any job here at the company.
Teresa: I doubt it. I doubt that's the case ... Anyway, I need to know she's okay. For six months there has not been a single activity on her bank account.
Eduardo: That's... that's weird, Teresa. That’s very strange, but I don’t know... maybe she has an account that we don’t know about, or she took money with her, whatever.
Teresa: No more excuses. I'll talk to Detective Morais whether you like it or not. I'll bring our mother back.
(She leaves and Eduardo is enraged. He makes a phone call to somebody.)
Eduardo: I need to talk to you as soon as possible. It's urgent.

(Eduardo meets with Detective Morais.)
Morais: I confess that I was surprised when you called. I wasn’t expecting that.
Eduardo: Well ... I thank you in advance for coming. But actually I have a very important issue to discuss with you. Let me ask you, has my sister Teresa called you? 
Morais: I have not spoken with anyone in your family for months.
Eduardo: Yeah, but she will call you. She'll call. She knows that you worked for years for my mother, done several jobs for her, and she'll not only call, but she will try to hire you. And Detective Morais, what you will say is, that my mother is well ...
Morais: And why would I do that?
Eduardo: I was expecting that question. However, I am sure detective, that this (an envelope) answers all your questions.
(Morais sees that the envelope contains money)
Eduardo: Say something? Say nothing? Come on Detective, Can I trust you, and be rest assured?
Morais: Don’t worry.
Eduardo: I knew it. I knew I could trust you. Have a nice day. It's already paid for (their drinks).

(At the 1:03 mark, Eduardo is in his office and gets a call.  But no one says anything, he only hears breathing.  Eduardo is apprehensive and calls immediately to the clinic where his mother is hospitalized, to see if there is any news.  The doctor him all is well, that his mother is sedated and sleeping.)

(Eduardo, Rita, Teresa and Vicente dine in silence. Rita calls the maid, Marisa, to bring her a chocolate cake for dessert.  When the maid doesn’t respond, Rita gets up and goes to get the cake herself.)
Eduardo: So Vicente tell us, how was today's work at the gym? Many fat women for you to scream at them to move?
Vicente: Actually the job is going quite well. I can't complain. And I have managed to build a career of my own right. I don't know if you know, Eduardo, but my parents don't own any gym...
Eduardo: No, I didn’t know…
Vicente: I don’t know if Teresa ever told you, but Andreia is also working there too.
Eduardo: But, which Andreia?
Vicente: That one.
Eduardo: You knew this, Teresa?
Teresa: Yes I knew. And I told Vicente for him to be careful and to not give trust her much.
Vicente: She doesn't seem such a bad person. At least so far I have no reason to complain.
Eduardo: Look I warn you as your friend, Vicente. Andreia is a viper..
Teresa: You've always had tremendous ability to pick women...
(Eduardo doesn't respond. Margarida arrives.)
Eduardo: Is it so hard to get to the table on time? We've already finished dinner...
Margarida: I was sending an email to mom. Must already be twenty I have sent her this week, and she doesn’t even answer me..
Eduardo: You still insist .....
Margarida: Shut up! Teresa, I think we should go talk to the police...
Eduardo: Mom is on vacation. It isn’t the police that will bring her back, is it?
Margarida: But who do you think you are kidding? We've already noticed that you don't want to know about mother. You are loving having power at Boheme.
Eduardo: But who told you that? I'm worried about mother ...
Margarida: Eduardo, you are not concerned aboutmother or anyone... More and more I wish you had died in Mexico (and she rises from the table).
Eduardo: You deserve a couple of slaps, you understand? Listen, you can’t talk to me like that, okay?
Teresa: You are in big trouble if you raise your hand...
Rita: But what's going on? Now that the cake is here, everyone gets up? I don’t understand.
Eduardo: (gets up too) I lost my appetite.
Rita: That's another one...
Vicente: I'll try a piece.

More scenes/episodes to come and we will be all caught up soon!  Thank you again for your patience!  


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