Monday, May 5, 2014

"Sol de Inverno" - Episodes 176 and 177 Translations

(As always, thank you to Dina for the translations!)

(Teresa and Margarida are concerned that their mother didn't call to say she had arrived at the clinic in France.) 
Eduardo: I think you are worried for no reason. 

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest of this post...)
Margarida: But excuse me, I don't think it is normal for mother to have arrived and not connected with either of us to say that everything iss fine. 
Teresa: Neither do I... I'm tired of calling and she always has her phone off. 
Eduardo: But let's see. She is in a clinic where people are supposed to be disconnected from the world, isn't she? It makes little sense that she'd walk around there with her phone on. In fact, I think it should even be the first thing that they require them to do, to turn off the phone, I think.
Rita: Here's the orange cake that you enjoy so much. Who wants a slice? 
Eduardo: Sit down, sit down with us. We are finished having breakfast. 
Rita: Excuse me. I've talked with the staffing agency and today they will still send a cook. I preferred for your mother to do it, but…
Teresa: You can handle it perfectly fine, Rita. 
Rita: Thank you for the trust, Teresa. 
Teresa: Well, Eduardo. Today we have an important meeting. Come on? 
Eduardo: Yes, we will go. Actually, you go, you go, we'll meet up at the company. I'm finishing eating.
Teresa: Bye then. 
Rita: So? It's good? 
Eduardo: I also want one, I want one. 
Eduardo: This collection doesn't surprise me. Indeed, it's very similar to the previous one. 
Designer: That was the idea. Keeping the same line and the same concept. 
Simão: Mother approved the collection, Eduardo. 
Eduardo: Mom ... Mom?? Mother is not here. Things have changed. I told you that this collection is not surprising. 
Teresa: Eduardo, Boheme has to maintain a classic line. We have to respect our customers. .
Designer: We have to keep our delivery dates because otherwise the collection runs the risk of arriving late to stores again.   
Eduardo: You have likely been told that we will start producing in another country, in another factory that offers the lowest cost. 
Designer: (surprised) I didn't know. 
Teresa: (tries to stop that discussion) Eduardo, you liked a lot of these, right? 
Eduardo: Yes, the gold ones are the most fun. 
Teresa: Good, then we can move forward with them. Can we? 
Eduardo: You can, of course. And you? A little more creativity, okay? Rui, I was counting on you. 
Simão: Eduardo, we cannot waste any more time. Mother was very clear when she said ... 
Eduardo: (interrupts) This meeting is over. Thank you. 
(The designer and Simão leave.) 
Teresa: Eduardo, the decision to sell the factory is not done yet. It's a matter to be discussed at the board meeting. 
Eduardo: You're right. I jumped the gun. 
Teresa: You have to be careful. These are confidential matters. Well, I'm going to a meeting with the finance department. 
Eduardo: I'm going with you.
Teresa: But you said you couldn't come, that you had something …
Eduardo: And I do... oh my gosh this head  ... I totally forgot. Of course I do. 
Teresa: First, I'll call the clinic to see how mother is.
Eduardo: Never mind. You have the meeting. I'll do it. I'll take care of everything. And Teresa ... thanks. 
(Teresa leaves and Eduardo looks again at the drawing of the only one he said liked – the golden one.)
Eduardo: (scornfully) I don't even like this... 

(A computer expert is trying to get Laura's password off of the computer.) 
Eduardo: Wow, so many numbers ... Will it take long? 
Expert: I'm working as fast as I can. But we cannot find a password in two minutes. 
Eduardo: Well then, they deceived me. They tricked me. Because the information they gave me was that you could get into any computer. I guess it is not so difficult to find the password of an email ... 
Expert: I just need a few more minutes and it's done. 
Eduardo: You had already told me... forget it.... do what you have to do, okay? 
Rita: So? He has gotten anything? 
Eduardo: (nervous) No. Needs a few more minutes. 
Rita: Okay. Look, I have already called Isabel and she agreed to meet you. 
Eduardo: Great.
Expert: It's done.
Eduardo: Really?
Expert: This is your mother's password. Need anything else? 
Eduardo: No, it was just that. We already know that if we need anything else like this, we can count on you. 
(Salvador and Tomás come to the house to meet with the family.) 
Eduardo: But the surfer had to come too? 
Rita: Shut up.
Tomás: (to Margarida) So? How are you? 
Margarida: I'm dying with concern. 
Salvador: Were you able to talk to the arline to see if your mother boarded the plane or not? 
 Teresa: No, she did not board... Now we have to talk with Carlos to see if he really took her to the airport.
Eduardo: (pained) No, not worth it. I've talked to Carlos and he confirmed that he did. 
Margarida: This is all very strange. Mother doesn't board the plane, her phone is turned off... 
Eduardo: Mother really needed to get away. Maybe she chose to do things her way.
Simão: What do you mean? 
Eduardo: Simão, sometimes people need to get away from it all, to completely turn off, only them and the world ... I dunno ... not to feel the pressure, you know? That's why I went to Brazil, for example. With everyone thinking I was dead. Well, when a person wants to tune out, committing suicide may even cross their mind, right?
Tomás: I think you should call the police. And also talk to the airport. After all they have security cameras, so they can figure out what happened.  
Salvador: I think Tomás is right. We should report her disappearance to the police. 
Teresa: We need more time to report her as missing. 
Simão: Moreover, Mother is an adult. It was she who planned the trip. It was she who booked the clinic ... 
Margarida: (very nervous) So you want us to do what? Sorry, but I don't understand. You want to do what? Idly wait for something to happen. Is that it? 
Teresa: I'll send her a message and tell her we already know that she did not board the plane, and we are worried, for her to tell us something. 
(Eduardo recebe Isabel na Boheme)
(Eduardo meets with Isabel at Boheme.) 
Secretary: Doctor, the lady you are waiting to see has arrived. 
Eduardo: Good. Send her in.. 
Isabel: Good afternoon...
Eduardo: Hello, Isabel. How are you?  
Isabel: Good, thank you. 
Eduardo: You're welcome. All's well? Sit down, please. Relax. Want a coffee, tea, some water? 
Isabel: No, thanks.
Eduardo: A whiskey???
Isabel: No, no.
Eduardo: No? Okay.
Isabel: I suppose you called me here because you want to talk about the sale of the factory...
Eduardo: Exactly.
Isabel: Your mother told you about the proposal I made her? 
Eduardo: She did. That's why even though you are here, I would like to discuss some of the points, so we can get our deal to go forward.
Isabel: Sure. But now I deal with you on this? 
Eduardo: My mom is out, and I am taking care of the Board's affairs. 
Isabel: And your sister is no longer on the board? 
Eduardo: She is. She still is. But Isabel, I think it's best not to engage my siblings in this matter. You know that could cause us problems. That's because ... I do not know how to say this... they are not very favorable to the sale of the factory... But listen, Isabel, I'll be very honest. I'll be very blunt and put my cards out on the table. I will not waste my time or yours. We can say that to ensure that the deal goes forward, I would receive a commission... a bonus, if you prefer to call it that, to ensure that the matter of selling the factory is in your hands and not in the hands of any other economic group. Now, this, Isabel, has to be done with the utmost discretion. (He hands her a paper with the amount of commission he wants.) What do you say?
Isabel: Okay... if these are the only conditions to ensure the deal, let's move forward. 
Eduardo: (very happy) I knew it. I knew it, Isabel... 


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