Friday, May 2, 2014

"Sol de Inverno" - Episodes 175 Translations

(As always, thank you to Dina for the translations!)

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest of this post...)
(Laura comes to dinner and apologizes for the delay. Says that she was talking to her secretary at Boheme. Eduardo says she never leaves work.) 
Laura: I was not talking about work, Eduardo. I was discussing my trip to France. 
Teresa: (delighted) This means that you decided to follow my advice. 
Laura: I think I need to be gone for a while to rest. 
Margarida: And when are you thinking of going? 
Laura: Tonight.
Margarida: Already? 
Laura: I think it's best.
(Eduardo and Rita exchange apprehensive glances.) 
Laura: I need to get my head in order. At the moment I feel really tired. 
Rita: (rises) I'll ask Carla to serve lunch. Excuse me. 
Teresa: I'm very proud of you.
Margarida: Okay, but what made you change your mind and decide to go to the clinic? 
Laura: A conversation I had with your sister. She helped me realize that it would really be better to spend some time away, to get things in order. 
Margarida: Can I take you to the airport? 
Teresa: I also want to. 
Laura: No, no, no. Carlos will take me. You know I hate goodbyes. 
Teresa: Can I at least tell Simão and Salvador? 
Laura: Sure, let them come here before I go to the airport. Now you promise me you will not do any crap, okay? 
Margarida: Humm....
Teresa: I don't know ... (laughs) if we can. We'll take care of each other. 
Margarida: And how long are you thinking of staying there? 
Laura: The time it takes to feel fit again. Don't wanna think about it right now. 
Teresa: That's right. One day at a time. 
Eduardo: (makes an excuse to get up too) I'm going to the winery to pick out a good bottle of wine.

(Eduardo goes into the kitchen to talk to Carlos.) 
Eduardo: Look I needed a favor from you. I need you go to the factory pick up a package. The one in charge will be there waiting for you.
Carlos: But... now? I thought Dr. Laura was going to need me... 
Rita: Yes, but now this came up, and this is most important. 
Eduardo: You can be rest assured I'll take my mother.
Carlos: Okay, fine.
Eduardo: But I need something else. I need you to leave your car here. But listen, you can take mine. Aren't you always saying you'd like to take it out? So take it. What do you say?
Carlos: I say great. Thanks.
Eduardo: One other thing. For all intents and purposes, it was you who took my mother. 
Carlos: (finds that weird) I don't understand ... 
Rita: (threatening) It's not for you to understand. Want to keep your job, don'tt you? Do you want your mother to continue to live here? So keep your mouth shut.
Eduardo: (tries to calm her) Rita... Rita... 
Rita: Do not mention this to anyone. 
Eduardo: Carlos, you can't tell this to anyone. Not even to my brothers and sisters. It's very important that you keep your mouth shut. Remember, it was you who took my mother to the airport. Where did you take my mother?
Carlos: To the airport...
Eduardo: Exactly. Okay?
Carlos: Okay.
Rita: No need to continue this conversation... 
Carlos: I get it, I get it. I'll be going then. 
Eduardo: Go on, go. 

(Eduardo and Rita talk in the bedroom.) 
Rita: They're already in the living room to bid farewell. 
Eduardo: I bet there will be tears and everything. Did you get what we discussed? 
Rita: Yes.
Eduardo: Well, then I'll be going, okay? To tell her that I'll miss her a lot.
Rita: Look, we'll see each other in the car. 
(Eduardo leaves.  The family is all gathered in the living room to bid farewell to Laura.) 
Eduardo: Mom, I brought your suitcase, when you want we can go. 
Laura: (odd) Isn't it Carlos who will take me? 
Eduardo: Yeah, of course. He's out there waiting for you. 
Margarida: I'm going out there with you, mother.
Eduardo: (Not worth it, Margarida. We know that mother doesn't like goodbyes. We don't want to be mushy, right? 
Laura: Well, in a few weeks I'll be back. Kisses. 
All: Kisses ... Good trip, Mom. 
Eduardo: I'm also going to dinner today with some friends. Don't count on me for dinner. 
(Eduardo and Laura leave.) 
Eduardo. Mom, I'm going to put the suitcase in back. 
Laura: (to Eduardo) Where's Carlos?
Eduardo: Carlos is in the kitchen. He should come soon. 
Laura: He should hurry I'm already running late. 
(Following a cue from Eduardo, Rita appears from behind the house and gives an injection to Laura that puts her to sleep.) 

(Eduardo and Laura are already at the clinic/hospice where she will be admitted under another name. Eduardo tells the doctor that no one can know that his mother is there.) 
Doctor: That is not a problem. It's not the first time we've gotten a request like that. Your mother will be heavily medicated so she will not run away or have many conversations with employees. 
Eduardo: Speaking of the staff, it is extremely vital that anyone who interacts with my mother, whoever deals with her, believe strongly that she is... mentally unstable.
Doctor: And she will be. There are studies that show that interaction between healthy people and mentally weak people end up causing the first to believe they are in the same state as the other. 
(Eduardo takes an envelope from his pocket.) 
Eduardo: Well, as I told you, this payment will be made in cash, so we will not be discovered. Each month you will be given the same amount. 
(Laura wakes up and calls for Eduardo.) 
Laura: Where am I?
Eduardo: You are... in a place where you will never leave. 
Laura: No, you can't do this to me. No... 
Eduardo: Mother will never, never ever again humiliate or demote me. I'm in charge here.
Laura: (screaming) You can't do this to me... Eduardo... Eduardo... (to the men) Do not touch me... Do not touch me ... (to Eduardo) Don't do this to me... 
Doctor: You can take her away. 
(Laura is taken to her room.) 
Eduardo: Well, that's it. I'll contact you later. 
Doctor: You can rest assured. Nobody will get in touch with your mother. 
(Eduardo leaves.)
By the way.... Not to excuse Eduardo in anyway, but FYI.... Shortly before Teresa convinced her mother to take a few days off to rest, Laura ordered Detective Morais to kill Eduardo and his girlfriend. But the detective thought it strange... wanting her son killed... Theb because of this trip, she suspended the order. So, if we remember this, perhaps what Eduardo is doing to her doesn't seem as bad, LOL.  Like mother like son?  :)


  1. It IS somewhat disturbing but yes, they deserve each other for sure! I blame it all on Rita! lol

  2. I enjoy seeing diogo and rui unas together again in this episode

  3. dislike for Rita has just reached a whole new level!!!!!!!!!!!!! shock that Eduardo actually has this in him, despite how his mother treats him...shame on you!!!!!!!!!!!...and Laura, crow never tastes good!!! Darn it, just when things are getting interesting, I'm away for a while so will miss the next episodes. Ugh! These soaps always get me hooked. Oh well, something to look forward to when I get back.
