Thursday, May 1, 2014

"Sol de Inverno" - Episodes 173 and 174 Translations

(As always, thank you to Dina for the translations!)

Eduardo: We have to do something. 

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest of this post...)
Teresa: Eduardo is right. We have to do something for her. 
Eduardo: We have to convince mother to be seen by a psychiatrist. 
Simão: That was already decided. 
Eduardo: Yes, but the doctor said she needed to be monitored constantly. And this decision is up to us. 
Teresa: Yes, one of us should take awhile off and stay with her. 
Eduardo: Teresa, you know mother very well. She wouldn't let one of us put our life on hold because of her, would she? 
Simão: But after what happened we cannot risk it, Eduardo. 
(Salvador arrives.) 
Simão: So Salvador? How's the mother? 
Salvador: She is stable. 
Teresa: Margarida stayed there? 
Salvador: Yes, she stayed. I can't believe this really happened ... 
Eduardo: So ... think about us... We can still see mother there, in the garage ... If it weren't for Rita, we'd be planning Mom's funeral right now.
Teresa: Eduardo...
Simão: Sorry guys, but am I the only one who thinks this makes no sense? 
Eduardo: Simão, I think that suicide never makes any sense to people who are on the outside, does it? 
Simão: That's not it. After what happened to Margarida, after what mother went through with possibly losing her, do you really think she would do such a thing? Sorry, but it all seems so strange... I, Nuno and Camila were there at the house, and there was not one single sign that she could have such a plan. 
Teresa: I also think there is no reason for Mom to do something like this. She was very upset about what happened with Manel, but to attempt suicide, I think that's just too much. 
Salvador: But does Mom still think a lot about Manel? 
Teresa: Yes, sometimes, but she doesn't let t keep her down.
Simão: We know Mom and know how strong she is. She wouldn't do this because of a man. 
Eduardo: Just as we know the strength the mother has, and we also know that she wouldn't do this because of one man, we also know that she is an extremely private person, right? That she doesn't show her emotions. How can we know there is not something bad going on? Hmm? We don't know.
Salvador: Well, sorry, but I have to go now.  Matilde's hearing will begin shortly. 
Teresa: Yes, go. Don't worry. 
Eduardo: Yes, but it's better if no one says anything to Mom about you going to Matilde's hearing. She won't like that, you know?
Salvador: I'll call you later. Okay? 
Simão: Give Matilde a hug. 
Salvador: Thanks... until later.
Eduardo: Well, as the company doesn't stop, I mean, someone has to solve the problems, maybe it's better if I go there. At least I'm doing something useful, right?
Simão: Sure, you do that. Don't want the company to collapse if you don't go in for one day.
(Eduardo leaves without responding.) 
Rita: You see how well it's going? It seems that the doctor was on our side. That talk... "Now your mother will have to be monitored in the coming days …"
Eduardo: Yes, but he also said that she can gradually regain her memory, didn't he? And that complicates our lives, doesn't it? 
Rita: Okay, but even if she regains her memory, she will remember what? That she came home, took a shower and got into bed? No, no one will suspect anything, Eduardo. 
Eduardo: I think it's time to move on to the next step. Sell ​​the factory! 
Rita: Don't even think about it, Eduardo. Sell the factory to whom? That woman? No way. About that your mother is right. I'm with her. 
Eduardo: And since when do you decide what to do, in relation to Boheme?
Rita: You're not understanding. I hate that woman. 
Eduardo: No Rita, it's you who doesn't understand. But I'll explain. Don't you get that we are the ones who are going to keep the money? Hmm? Isabel is buying the factory without a contract. So, more and more, we are within a few months of closing the doors forever. And then, my dear, guess who will gain from all of this? Hmm?
Rita: So ... who will stand to gain from all of this, is us? 
Eduardo: Do you understand now? 
(They kiss, very happy with themselves.) 

(Laura is already back home and accuses Eduardo and Rita for what happened to her.) 
Eduardo: Oh mother, if you were well, you would realize that what you're saying is not only serious, it makes no sense. 
Laura: It was you who put me inside that car. It was you who tried to kill me. 
Rita: Do not say such a thing, it makes me sick. 
Eduardo: Why would we do such a thing? 
Laura: Because of that document you forced me to sign. 
Eduardo: Mother, it was Rita who saved you. If not for Rita, you... 
Rita: Yes, it was I who saved you. 
Laura: You made ​​me sign a document that gave you full power in case something happens to me. It happened! I know very well what I'm saying. You want to make me look crazy, but you will not succeed. 
Teresa: What is happening? 
Laura: It was them, Teresa. 
Rita: Teresa, please calm your mother down. Look how she is.
Eduardo: Mom is obsessed with this idea that we are trying to kill her... makes no sense ... It's absurd... 
(Eduardo gets up.)
Eduardo: Listen, mom...
Laura: Get away from me... 
Eduardo: Teresa, we have to do something. Mother is increasingly losing it, poor thing... 
Rita: Your sisters are becoming more and more convinced that your mother tried to kill herself. 
Eduardo: Look, these attacks by her only give help our argument to have her committed...  I'll tell you once again that any day now it's going to be just us two here at home and at the company.
Rita: Yeah .. just the two of us... 
Eduardo: Just the two of us...
(And they kiss.)
(Rita is in the kitchen giving orders to the new maid.) 
Rita: No, no, no. First you have to go get the medicine from Dr. Laura's bedroom. Then you come get the tea. And make sure she drinks the whole thing.
Maid: And if she doesn't want it?
Rita: If she doesn't want it, let me know. I'll deal with it. Go ... what are you waiting for? 
(The maid leaves and Rita calls Eduardo on the phone.) 
Rita: Hello my love ... Yes, everything's okay. Look, your mother is in the library, talking with the Detective. Did you know about this? That detective who comes here sometimes? I dunno but I would like to know. All I know is that they have been in there for a long time. Well ... you know what it is that I am afraid of? That she could tell him to investigate what happened in the garage. 
Eduardo: No, I'll see if I can find out what my mother wants from the detective. Now, I think we have much less time than we thought. We must be alert, more than ever.
(There's knock on Eduardo's office door.) 
Eduardo: I have to go. 
(Teresa and Simão enter.) 
Eduardo: You two at the same time? This cannot be good, for sure. 
Teresa: Can we come in?
Eduardo: Sure.
Teresa: Simão and I were talking and we think maybe it's a good idea for mother to take a few days off to rest.
Eduardo: I could not agree more. Sure. I think mother, now more than ever, needs to rest, I don't know, go to some place where she can get a massage, do a yoga class, relax... 
Simão: The challenge will be convincing her of that.
Eduardo: Do you remember, when Dad died, Mom was very depressed, and she finally went to that hotel that had a clinic and a spa, maybe that's the ideal place for her right now. 
Teresa: Maybe I should be the one to talk to her. 
Simão: Yes, would be better for it to be you, Teresa. At least she listens to you.
Eduardo: Yes, I can deal with the red tape. Talk to the clinic or to the doctor... 
Teresa: No, slow down, Eduardo. First we talk to Mom, and see if she wants to go. And then we can take care of all of that. 
Eduardo: Sure, of course. But Teresa, try to talk to Mom. Try to convince her that this is best for her. And it's no use pretending that she can't be stubborn... 
Simão: She'll realize that it's best for her.
Eduardo: Look at us ... all agreeing. This is unheard of, isn't it?

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