Monday, April 28, 2014

"Sol de Inverno" - Episode 170, 171 and 172 Translations

(As always, thank you to Dina for the translations!)

(Rita and Eduardo talk in the bedroom.)

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest of this post...)
 Rita: You have to defend me. If not, no one will respect me.
Eduardo: No one will respect you more or less because you are sitting at a table. I do not understand your attachment to this.
Rita: Oh so that's it? If your other girlfriends were allowed there, why can't I be? You have to defend me, Eduardo. What do they have that I don't?
Eduardo: Oh, come on, Rita. Come on. I have to go ... 
Rita: You're not sorry, are you?
Eduardo: No...
Rita: Sometimes it feels like you're lying ... otherwise you'd already forced your mother to treat me differently... 
Eduardo: Rita, let's take things slowly. We are doing things well. I've gotten the most important, I'm on the Board of Boheme. 
Rita: Thanks to me ... So I also want my guarantees. 
Eduardo: Everyone knows that we are together, what more do you want? 
Rita: Everything. I want everything I am entitled to. I never want to peel another onion in my life, or have my hands smell like garlic. 
Eduardo: (smiling) That will end sooner than you think. 
Rita: I think so as well. Because I do not want to continue to wash dirty dishes while you're on the company's Board. Eduardo, if necessary, I will use what I have to get what I want.
Eduardo: No. Leave my mother alone. In fact, soon enough you will be great friends. Hmm? I'll resolve this issue. Okay? 

Eduardo: Horácio???
Horácio: Hello doctor, how are you? 
Eduardo: I'm fine, but I was not expecting to find you here. Any problems at the factory? 
Horácio: The things there are a little complicated, you know? Because of selling the factory... I even came to talk to Laura to update her on the current issues, because people are starting to get agitated, afraid they're going to be out on the street, do you understand?
Eduardo: Sure, of course. 
Horácio: If you could have a word with your mother... 
Eduardo: Yes, yes ... you can rest assured that I will talk to her. And right now.
Horácio: Thank you so much.  Thank you.
Eduardo: Good to see you. 
(Eduardo asks the secretary for photocopies of some documents, and goes to Laura's office, who is talking to Teresa.) 
Laura: (to Eduardo) Have I not taught you to knock on the door? 
Eduardo: Mom, is there something I should know about the factory, that... someone forgot to tell me? 
Teresa: Mother did not speak with Eduardo ... 
Eduardo: Of course she has not talked with Eduardo. Mother never talks with Eduardo. Why I was not informed of anything, mother? 
Laura: There was a proposal to buy the factory, on the part of Isabel, which I refused, and now the workers are thinking about going on strike. 
Eduardo: First, how does Isabel suddenly have money to buy a factory? And second, why did  ? 
Laura: So far, Eduardo, I'm still the chairman of the board of directors. I do not have to justify myself to you. 
Eduardo: But we are part of the board. We should at least be informed. 
Laura: Eduardo, I will not sell the factory to Isabel. End of discussion. 
Eduardo: But why? The offer ​​she presented must have been ridiculous, is that it? 
Laura: I didn't get to give her the chance to present any offer. Just the idea of doing business with that woman, left everything out of the question.  
Eduardo: This is because of Salvador? You did not want to do business with Isabel, because she is Salvador's mother? 
Laura: I'm Salvador's mother.
Eduardo: Mother, Salvador does not give a damn about our family. Yesterday, at dinner, you saw it. So what? We will lose an opportunity that is maybe very, very good, because of you not wanting to do business with his mother? 
Teresa: Eduardo, enough, please. 
Laura: Get out of my office now!  
Eduardo: Mom, this is business. This is business. Are you able to separate one from the other? 
Teresa:Eduardo? Please...
Eduardo: You agree with this, Teresa? You agree with this? We are part of the board, we have a say. 
Laura: The final decision is mine. And my decision is not to sell. Therefore it is not being sold. 
(Eduardo leaves.)

(Rita again goes to Boheme to talk to Eduardo.)
Eduardo: Rita No. .. no ... no, no ... please, not here. Let's get out of here. We can go to a hotel, anywhere but not here, okay? 
Rita: What happened? Surely something has happened. 
Eduardo: My mother ... She's always complicating my life... 
Rita: How? You now also have a say in this... (in the company.)
Eduardo: She never communicates anything to me. Continues to treat me like I'm incompetent. 
Rita: Look Eduardo. For me it's time to teach your mother a lesson and show her who's boss here. While she's around, you'll never have a chance. You will never go anywhere.
Eduardo: It is very easy to say, but it's not that simple...  
Rita: Well, I think there may even be a simple and easy way. What you have to do is to move your mother away from the company. And not just for a while. When I say to move her away, I mean to remove her forever.
Eduardo: What are you suggesting? I kill my mom? 
Rita: Calm down, Eduardo. No need to go that far ... Not kill her. I mean ... I think moving her away does not exactly mean kill her. 
Eduardo: What we know about the death of Louis is not enough. Could implicate her, but it is not enough to prove it was her. It will always be her word against ours. 
Rita: And because I know that this is delicate information, that's why I think we should remove her. Send her on vacation. Sightseeing. Rest. 
Eduardo: What's the plan, Rita?
Rita: Imagine your mother starts to exhibit strange behaviors. Attempts suicide... What are you gonna do? You'll have to commit her... 
(Eduardo thinks....  Later, Teresa and Simão comment/mock the relationship between Eduardo and Rita, and agree that their brother always chooses girlfriends worse  than the one before. Eduardo and Rita come and invite them to lunch. Both make excuses not to go with them.)

Eduardo takes charge

Eduardo gives a speech to Boheme workers, with Rita beside him, and ensures them that even though the factory could be sold, they will not be fired.  The Employees become calmer and confident. Rita moves away and Lydia goes after her, hoping to be her friend again, now that she is dating the boss. However Rita talks to her haughtily and reminds her that she has betrayed her.   Meanwhile, Fábio runs after Eduardo and asks to intercede for him, to allow him to work in the marketing department of Boheme.  Eduardo pretends to be interested in helping him, and tries hard not to laugh while he talks. Arthur tells Horácio that his mother will be shocked when he tells her that Rita is now Eduardo's girlfriend.  All agree that Rita sucks. 

(Eduardo gives Rita a box of medicine.) 
Rita: So, and how do I put this in your mother's food? What is the amount? 
Eduardo: This comes in sachets. You see? Just one of these sachets for her to become extreme sleepy. 
Rita: And you think it really works? 
Eduardo: Yes. This is a medication that I had in the warehouse to treat schizophrenia. 
Rita: To me this is just going to put her in a good mood.
Eduardo: No. No, Rita. It doesn't put her in a good mood. This is a very strong medicine. Causes extreme drowsiness. People cannot even think as a result.
Rita: I just hope you do not regret this later. Once you start with this, there is no going back. 
Eduardo: I will not change my mind, Rita. 
Rita: What if she does an analysis? If she accuses you? 
Eduardo: No, she will not accuse me at all. It would take a very specific analysis, and this will not happen. 
Rita: Good, good. So starting today, we'll begin making your mother go mad... 
Eduardo: Yes...
(Margarida is on the phone with a friend when Teresa comes in.) 
Teresa: How was your day?
Margarida: It was good. I've been training and working around the stables all day. That is now my home. 
Teresa: You sure you don't wanna go back to college? 
Margarida: I am. I a thousand times prefer to be doing what I am than to be studying. So... 
(Eduardo arrives.)
Teresa: Eduardo, where's mom?
Eduardo: She's been in the library behind closed doors for hours. I don't know why. 
Margarida. Yeah... she did not come home in a good mood.
Eduardo: But I just asked Carla to take some tea to her.
Teresa: Well done. I'll go talk to her. 
Margarida: I'm going to my room. 
Eduardo: Margarida, don't you think it's a waste of time hanging out with the tub surfer? 
Margarida: You have such a moral complex... Look, why don't you go piss off Rita? Now that she has been freed from the kitchen, she has plenty of free time to put up with you. 
Eduardo: Look, if I were you...
(Margarida turns and walks away.) 
Eduardo: I'm talking to you. You don't...

(Teresa tells Eduardo her dissatisfaction about the fact that he had gone to Boheme's factory to talk to the workers, without having said anything to anyone.) 
Eduardo: So since neither you nor Mom had enough interest in talking to them, I went. So I tried to calm them down. That's it. 
Teresa: And what did you tell them? 
Eduardo: I told them what they wanted to hear. I told them that there will be no layoffs. 
Teresa: Eduardo, you can't promise something that we do not know if we will be able to do. 
Eduardo: Of course we can. Since in the contract to sell the factory, it explicitly states that they have to keep the jobs, there's no problem. Also if it's not in there, we don't sign the contract. 
Margarida: I've never seen you so worried about the factory's workers... 
Eduardo: If they begin to strike, then we have production problems, which is more serious, right? 
Teresa: I still think you jumped the gun. But tomorrow we'll talk with mother. 
Eduardo: Look, you touched on a very important subject. Mother. Listen Mother has not been well, right? Or am I the only one to notice? Hmm? She's been increasingly distant, more isolated... There are days when she comes home, goes directly to the library ... 
Rita: Yes ... it seems like she has lost her appetite... doesn't eat dinner or anything ... 
Teresa: Mom is having some problems, yes. I think she needs to be distracted. To think of something that is not about work. Her life boils down to work. 
Margarida: Yes, but mom was always like that, isn't she? 
Vicente: Why don't you suggest to her she enroll in a gym? Or some private lessons. I can see if I have some time available. 
(Everyone laughs.) 
Eduardo: Yeah. You are right. It makes sense, but no, Vicente, thanks. But our mother would never do such a thing. 
Teresa: I'm always telling her she has to get out, must go to the cinema, to the theater. 
Eduardo: But listen, what if it was like a spa hotel? Something so she could relax? 
Rita: Or a clinic...
Eduardo: Yeah a clinic... a place where she could recuperate... 
Margarida: That's a good idea. At least this I can imagine mother doing, more than going 2 days a week to the gym... sorry Vicente…
Teresa: It may be that some of us could convince her to take a vacation.
(Eduardo and Rita exchanged knowing glances.) 

(Laura sleeps soundly because of the medicine that Rita mixed in her tea so Rita and Eduardo stage a fake suicide attempt.  Teresa and Vicente are in bed talking when they are startled by Rita's screams.) 
Margarida: What happened Rita? 
Rita: It's your mother. She's passed out in the garage, in the car, there's smoke everywhere. I do not know what happened. I turned off the engine and... I do not know. I saw a hose hanging in the window ... 
Teresa: (to Vicente) Get an ambulance. 
Rita: Never mind. I'll call, I'll call. 
(The emergency team arrives and takes Laura to the hospital.) 
Teresa: Is everything okay with her?
Fireman: She'll be fine. 
Margarida: I don't understand how such a thing could've happened. 
Eduardo: Margarida, I think it' a bit obvious what happened here, isn't it? 
Teresa: What do you mean, Eduardo? 
Eduardo: I'm saying that there are situations that are unexpected. I am not saying that when Mom wakes up, she will not be sorry, but there are situations... 
Teresa: This conversation is not happening now. 
Margarida: I'm going with Mom in the ambulance ... 
Eduardo: No, I will. I will. You can stay and rest. I will go. 
Margarida: No, I'll go. 
Carlos: I'll get the car and take you to the hospital. 
Dulce: And by the way, who found the Dr. Laura? 
Rita: I did. I went to the kitchen to get a yogurt because I was starving, and found it strange to see the light on in the garage... Oh my gosh, if I hadn't come in here, poor thing, she would already be dead.
(Firemen put Laura in the ambulance.) 
Dulce: Margarida, when you have any news, call me, okay? My God, what a situation... I never imagined... 
Eduardo: Are you coming, Teresa?
Dulce: I'll call Salvador and Simão. 
Teresa: Thanks.
(Next morning, at the hospital.)
Doctor: Your mother is stable but continues to receive oxygen. In these cases of poisoning by carbon monoxide we use a special oxygen, called hyperbaric, which acts as an antidote. 
Simão: But will she some health problems now doctor? In her lungs? 
Doctor: In this phase the most important thing is tostabilize her, and then we will do some additional tests, to see if there are any effects.
Margarida: But has she said anything? 
Doctor: Some words, yes. But your mother has been evaluated by a psychiatrist and is a bit confused. 
Simão: Makes no sense that she tried to kill herself. 
Doctor: Well, do not ask too many questions for now. It may take a few days to recover and get your mother to remember what really happened. 
Teresa: But when are we going to be able to take her home? 
Doctor: For ow it's imperative that she stay in hospital. It's good that she is here until the next psychiatry consultation. 
Eduardo: But doctor, she was diagnosed with depression, wasn't she? Or one of the bipolar disorders... 
Doctor: It is possible that she is in a depressive state, yes. But wait until the psychiatrist explains it to you better. 
Margarida: I'd like to go see my mom now. Is that possible? 
Doctor: Two people can go in at a time. I will come back to talk with you later.
Eduardo: Well Simon go to work. I'll stay here with mother.  
Simão: You've got to be kidding me. You think I'll leave Mom in this state? 
Eduardo: Someone has to be at Boheme, right?  
Simão: So go, if you want. I'm going get a coffee. 
Eduardo: (talking to himself) And... I can't ever say anything. 



  1. H-O-L-Y!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE what my eyes have just seen!!! As miserable as Laura is and can be towards Eduardo, she is still his mother!!! BUT, he hesitated a few times, so that tells me it's all because of Rita's pushing. It's official...I do NOT like Rita!!! Can hardly wait to see the next episodes...oh-la-la!!! THANK YOU Dina & Sara for your relentless work at translating for all of us again. :o))))

  2. Wow that was so creepy the way he nuzzled his face against his mom's when he was putting her in the car. I love this show!

  3. I think he was kissing his Mom to make up for what he was doing to her. What a weak person Eduardo is!! He lets all the women in his life push him around. First his Mom and now Rita! But Rita has really gone TOO FAR with this plot against Laura. I hope Eduardo redeems himself before this series ends. He really needs a "come to Jesus" moment!! Hahaha! Wink, wink! :)
