Wednesday, May 28, 2014

"Sol de Inverno" - Episode 191 Translations

(As always, a huge thank you to Dina for the translations.)

(Teresa and Simão talk in the office about the disappearance of their mother and the possible involvement of Eduardo. Meanwhile a police inspector comes to speak with Eduardo.)
Eduardo: Inspector, good afternoon.
Inspector: Good afternoon, how are you?
Eduardo: I'm fine, thank you. I have already told your colleagues everything that I know ...
Inspector: About your mother, we will speak later. But what brings me here, is another matter.
Eduardo: Sit down, please. Sit. Relax.
Inspector: Thank you very much.
Eduardo: What’s this about?
Inspector: Dr. Eduardo I've come to tell you about the death of Mrs. Thais Lima.
(Eduardo pretends to be surprised and disturbed.)
Inspector: The body was found in a parking lot. Everything indicates that the cause of death was being run over, but we will only confirm this after the autopsy.
Eduardo: My God ... and where was this?
Inspector: Not far from here.
Eduardo: You kn0ow I did not even know that Thais was in Portugal. She's wanted by the police, as you know. Killed all my family's horses, an incident with incalculable loss, and priceless grief.
Inspector: I thought you could help me. You lived together, she could have contacted you...
Eduardo: She could've, of course she could have. But no, no. I have not talked to her in months. Moreover, as I said, I was sure she was in Brazil or any other country. After all, as the inspector must know, she has an arrest warrant.
Inspector: Yes, I know. She had friends in Portugal?
Eduardo: Friends? Friends, no, no. I don’t know of any. In fact, she came from Brazil with me, here to Portugal. After that we set up a pharmaceutical business... So our contacts were all international.
(Eduardo begins to cry.)
Eduardo: Inspector, I apologize. Give me a second. I wasn’t expecting this.
Inspector: Feel free.
(Eduardo gets up and goes to get a glass of water.)
Inspector: Dr. Eduardo, for someone who treated you so badly, you seem to be very upset.
Eduardo: Inspector, please, it's the death of a person, is it not? Moreover a person I know ... She always was a complicated person, but ... Poor thing, things were not going the way she wanted, until it seems everything came to a head. But I am unable to wish someone dead. Even her, please ...
Inspector: Well, we will continue to investigate. If you remember something that is important, do not hesitate to contact me.
Eduardo: Sure, of course. Sure. Inspector, even if you can help me, I never met her family, anyway, all I know is that her family is poor, and I want, Inspector, I want to pay to transport Thais' body to Brazil. I want to do that.
Inspector: I will give orders accordingly.
Eduardo: Thank you very much, Inspector.
(Eduardo reaches his hand out to the inspector but he puts an envelope in Eduardo's hand.)
Inspector: Here is the notice to go to the police tomorrow to make statements about the disappearance of your mother.
Eduardo: Really, there is not two, but three.  When this is the case, it's one behind the other. Certainly, Inspector, I'll be there to say... well... everything that I know.
Inspector: Was a pleasure.
Eduardo: The pleasure was mine.

(Eduardo and Rita talk in the bedroom.)
Eduardo: They are closing in on us, Rita.
Rita: Why? Do you think the inspector is still suspicious?
Eduardo: No, but ... I dunno ... someone might have seen us, someone could identify the car, someone ...
Rita: There is no way to associate us with the death of Thais, ok? We were at the cinema, the movie was great, there were no cameras in the parking lot, her cell phone was destroyed, the car has already been fixed, what more do you want? Thais is not a problem. Now your mother, yes, that is.
Eduardo: I have to about think what I will tell the police. I'll have to explore all options. And then there's another thing that is worrying me. Thais were very clear, she told me that if anything happened to her, that my siblings would find out that my mother was locked up.
Rita: But that's a lie. She just told you that because she was afraid something would happen to her.
Eduardo: Maybe??
Rita: Sure!
\Eduardo: If my siblings discover where my mother is hospitalized ...
Rita: Stop it. Stop with this conversation, okay? All of this is a lie. Nothing will happen, everything's okay. No one will know where your mother is. Okay?

(Teresa, Vicente, Eduardo and Rita are in the living room)
Teresa: Eduardo, I would like to talk with you.
Eduardo: (sits) Very well ...
Teresa: If it can just be the two of us, in the library...
(They go to the library.)
Eduardo: First of all let me thank you. I already received the police’s notice. You should all be very happy.
Teresa: I did what I thought should be done.
Eduardo: This notion of justice would make Judas proud...
Teresa: I didn’t ask you to come here for us to argue, much less for me to be insulted. Want to hear what I have to tell you?
Eduardo: I'm all ears ...
Teresa: I need to know if mom is alive or not. Eduardo, please ...
Eduardo: I don’t know where mother is. I have no idea where mother is. How many times do I have to repeat myself, Teresa. 
Teresa: You do know, yes you know. Why else would you write emails in her name?
Eduardo: I have not written any emails.
Teresa: Don't deny it, Eduardo, I know perfectly well that you did it.  It was always you. Eduardo, please, I'm begging you. I swear to you... I'll withdraw the police complaint, I'll give you full power of the entire company, I'll agree with everything you want, but please tell me she's okay... tell me where she is... I'm your sister, please...
Eduardo: Teresa, I have no idea where our mother is. I wish I could help you, but I don’t know...
Teresa: Let me be clear that from this moment on there is no turning back, Eduardo. The police will go after you and will find out what you're doing, and I will not have any pity, or compassion. I'll not remember, even for a minute,  that you are my brother. Starting today you are a target to beat.
Eduardo: Teresa…
(Teresa leaves.)

The siblings are all gathered at Salvador’s home, but Margarida left her phone at the house.  Eduardo is alone in the living room, having a drink, when a message pops up on Margarida's phone. He cannot resist reading the message.  It is a message from Thais to all his siblings, saying where Laura is being held.  Eduardo panics. He calls the doctor right away to say that he is on his way there as he leaves, running.


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