Tuesday, May 27, 2014

"Sol de Inverno" - Episode 190 Translations

(As always, a huge thank you to Dina for the translations.)

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest of this post...)
(Teresa and Vincent are in the living room. Teresa is impatient.)
Teresa: Never again.
Vicente: Teresa, calm down ... Margarida said she was going to the bar for a bit, but not that much time has passed.
Teresa: It isn't Margarida that I'm worried about. It's my brother and Rita. Since we've returned home, they haven't set foot here at home. They are doing something, for sure.
Vicente: Or they are just trying to avoid us, which is what I would do if I were them. Teresa, don't get me wrong, but I think the disappearance of your mother is making you too anxious.
Teresa: And it shouldn't?
Vicente: Yeah, of course it should. I’m not the enemy, Teresa.
Teresa: I'm sorry, you're right.
Vicente: I think it might not have been a good idea for us to be back here, at home.
Teresa: I cannot leave the house. You heard the lawyer. That would make Eduardo think he can run everything...
(Eduardo and Rita arrive home after they killed Thais.)
Teresa: Here they are.
Rita: Good evening…
Vicente: Good evening.
Eduardo: Good evening, you were waiting for us, is that it? So now you can go to sleep ... We got home fine. Right?
Teresa: Was it good? The movie?
Rita: It was great. Very cute. 
Eduardo: But now we are going ... to bed ... Do you want to come there too to see if we behave, hmm?
Vicente: For the love of God ... nobody here wants to control anyone.
Eduardo: No, of course not, Vicente.
(Rita manages to pull Eduardo out of the living room.)
Teresa: I swear I don’t know how long I'll be able to stand this.
Vicente: Come on. Take it easy.
(Eduardo and Rita talk in the bedroom.)
Rita: You have to calm down, Eduardo
Eduardo: Close (the door). Close it. I have to calm down. What I must do is somehow show her that she does not control me, you know?
Rita: Okay. But wait. One of the problems is already gone. Okay? The international problem (Thais) has been taken care of. Now only thing left is your brothers and sisters.
Eduardo: Take it easy on me, okay? Nice and easy.
(Eduardo is very nervous and sits on the bed.)
Eduardo: I need time. I need time to think. We just... she was a person... was a person, Rita...
Rita: Okay, but we had no other alternative, did we? We didn't, right?
Eduardo: Tomorrow you'll take the car in for repairs, okay?
Rita: I have everything under control, Eduardo. What do you think? You must think I've been playing here, no? I also don’t want to get caught. So tomorrow I'm going to take the car to a friend of mine who has a repair garage. It is a small garage where he does a few odd jobs, okay? He doesn't process bills, no paperwork, so there will be no record that the car was repaired. Sound good? Now, regarding your siblings we have to do something ... I mean, a group running over seems to me a bit more...
Eduardo: What are you talking about?
Rita: I’m not saying anything…
Eduardo: I’ll not killing my siblings. I’m not going to kill them…
Eduardo: Look, the current situation is this. So far I haven’t received any notification to go give any statement to the police. So, there is time. There is time to think of something. I'll think of something.
Rita: There is time, and there is calm. And if you go to the police, you're going to say everything you said so far. Okay? No stress... Sounds good...
Eduardo: Those emails ... the damn emails Rita... those emails are going to kill me.
Rita: Calm down. Calm down. Do you know what you are gonna do? You're gonna to take a bath, you will relax and calm down, okay? We went to the theatre, the movie we went to see was great ... All ends well when you're well.
Eduardo: About the film. I'll have to get the movie on the internet. We'll have to see the movie together, okay? We have to know the whole story, in case they ask us something.
Rita: That's a good idea. Do that...

(Teresa and Vicente arrivie from their daily exercise. Seeing that Eduardo and Rita are having breakfast, Teresa says she'll take a shower first,  because she prefers to have breakfast later)
Eduardo: Vicente, sit here with us ... 
Rita: Come… Look, we have everything here. Bread, croissants... The cake should still be hot. Marisa made it​​.
Eduardo: He's a boy from the gym, love. No ... He want to eat fruit... give him fruit...
Vicente: Thank you for your concern, but I'll stick to coffee.
Rita: But look, that doesn't feed you.
Eduardo: It’s a diet.
Vicente: This farm of yours is amazing for exercise. I don't know how you don't take advantage of it more.
Rita: I do.
Eduardo: You know, when we grow up on these things... well, on these types of places, we don’t value them, you know? We need someone to come from the outside to appreciate the things that we have...
Rita: I agree with Vicente. This place is so cute ... Tires me out to walk from one side to the other in the gardens ...
Eduardo: (laughs) What walking?
Rita: Yes, seriously. It's very pretty the space out there.
Eduardo: (jokes) Ever walked out there?
Rita: Sure I walk.
Eduardo: Look I'll start running. Already decided. Vicente, maybe one day we can plan something... Hmm?
Vicente: If you really want to run, we can do that. I'll just look at my agenda. You know that my schedule is never the same.
Eduardo: Alright. It's a plan.
Vicente: Well, I’ll go take a shower.
Eduardo Vicente, sorry, before showering, do you mind coming to the library for a second? I need to talk to you about something, but it'll be very, very quick.
Vicente: Okay.
(Now they are in the library.)
Vicente: So? What’s up?
Eduardo: Look, first of all, I want to apologize. Because you came here to live recently, and the environment here at home is terrible, isn’t it?
Vicente: Yeah, but it can always improve. It just depends on you all.
Eduardo: I know ... You're quite right. You're quite right. Sit. Sit. Make yourself at home. You're quite right. We can always change and improve things... but the truth is that ... I mean, this story that I may be involved in the disappearance of my mother, is absolutely ridiculous. It's stupid. Like any child, or mother, or father, there are always disagreements. I always had disagreements with my mother, all right, it's absolutely normal. But, doing harm to my own mother ... is ridiculous, Vicente. It's absolutely ridiculous. And my siblings? My siblings, I tell you, no one, there's no one that hasn't eventually fought with her, at some point.
Vicente: Eduardo about this, there is nothing I can do.
Eduardo: Yes, I know, I know. You know, look, I'm just venting. You know, I sympathize with you... I do not know, I have no idea... (sighs) My life... my life... Now this story that my mother's emails were sent from my computer... How did I write emails in my mother's name ? I mean, it makes no sense... This is absolutely ridiculous... I have no idea who  might be profiting from it. Who may be gaining with this. But Teresa is my sister... She should trust me, right?
Vicente: It's not only Teresa, Eduardo. All your other siblings are convinced that you did something.
Eduardo: Oh what I would give ... what I would give to know what happened. What went through my mother's head for her to disappear like this.
Vicente: But you have to agree that it is at least strange. Is it not? And if you don’t really have anything to do with the matter, as you say, you should try to find her. Search to bring her back. Prove to your siblings that they are wrong concerning you.
Eduardo: You're quite right. Increasingly I agree with you. You are absolutely right. That's what I'll do. I'll look for her on my own. But Vicente, you could also talk to Teresa ... Tell her that I have absolutely nothing to do with the disappearance of my mother.
Vicente: Eduardo, I don't think she will want to listen to me.
Eduardo: Maybe, but hey, it was worth a try ... Well, it was just a thought. Thanks anyway (extends his hand). I forgot, Vicente, for some days now I wanted to tell you this. I've been, at Boheme, looking for a gym, with whom we can form a partnership. You know? So the workers get some perks, and the gym gains some members.
Vicente: That would be great.
Eduardo: So we'd all win, right?
Vicente: Exactly.
Eduardo: What do you say? Will you think about that?
(Vicente nods his head)
Eduardo: Great! Thanks.
(As Vicente is leaving...)
Eduardo: Vicente, talk with Teresa… Humm?
Vicente: Okay. Trying couldn't hurt.
Eduardo: Thanks.


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