Saturday, May 24, 2014

Diogo on "E-Especial" discussing "Legàmi"

SIC's "E-Especial" caught up with Diogo and his "Laços de Sangue" ("Blood Ties") co-stars Joana Santos and Diana Chaves in Rome while promoting the premiere of their series on the Italian television network RAI 1, where it will be called "Legàmi."  Our always incredible friend Dina was kind enough to translate this for us, found right below the video. 

Diogo on E-Especial discussing "Legàmi"

Sofia Tavares/Host (ST): Diogo Morgado, Diana Chaves and Joana Santos came to Rome to promote the premiere of "Legàmi," the Italian version of “Laços de Sangue.”
Diogo Morgado (DM): Welcome to Rome.
ST: Proud to have “Laços de Sangue” come to Italy in primetime? 
Joana Santos(JS): Certainly, and above all, of course the Emmy also helped, but the series, by itself, tells a good story. And people also want to see good stories. 
DM: One thing I was not expecting was seeing from RAI 1 their great enthusiasm at having the series. I did not know, but in Italy they are not in the habit of having telenovelas, especially in prime time.  And we hope that with this, Portuguese are not only convinced once and for all that we have the value we deserve, but also that this opens the door to thinking that all the products we make are not only just for us (Portuguese), but also as a product that can be exported, and that all of us can be proud of.
(Joana Santos and Diana Chaves applaud Diogo for his words.) 
(Joana Santos, Diana Chaves and Diogo make fun singing one of the songs from the series.) 
DM: Rome is very beautiful. I didn't know... 
JS: (laughs) He's being serious... 
DM: No, really, it's true. Like the thing of the artists in the streets. In all the cities in Europe that have these things, I love it.
DC: We also got lucky.  The weather is fantastic. It's 8 pm and we are here like this ... it's so good...
DM: Yep.
JS: I really enjoyed doing this series. It was the first major role for me, which gave me so many things to explore... I miss it. 
DC: For me, I was kidnapped... she tried to kill me every day... killed my mother... killed my brother... I don't even remember... 
(At the "Trevi Fountain" Diogo partakes in a well known tradition...)
DM: (their wish) That RAI 1 will be the first of many TV stations to buy things we do in Portugal. Right? 
All: One, Two, Three....
(And they throw the coins into the fountain.) 




  1. Loved it when Diogo threw the coin in the fountain!

  2. My congratulatulations! I adore Diogo, Joana and Diana! Lacos de Sangue deserves it! I've never seen such an incredible villain as Diana Silva! Amazing!
