Thursday, April 24, 2014

"Sol de Inverno" - Episodes 167, 168 and 169 Translations

(As always, thank you to Dina for the translations!)

(Eduardo and Rita talk in the bedroom.) 

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest of this post...)
Eduardo: (very angry) What irritates me the most is the attitude she always has, like she is doing me a favor... Is that accurate? No it is not. I give her good ideas. I give her solid ideas. But no ... It seems that she devalues ​​everything that I say. It's awesome.
Rita: You're being humiliated because you want to be. 
Eduardo: What? How so? 
Rita: Instead of suggesting things... You know more than your siblings ... you have a trump card ... Use it. 
Eduardo: You're talking about the death of Louis .. 
Rita: Yes! And then, if your mother wants to continue for it to be a secret, she has to make certain allowances. Then there's another thing I want to talk to you about. Look, when are you going to start introducing me as your girlfriend?
Eduardo: So, my whole family knows that we are together. Not enough? You want more? 
Rita: It makes no sense that I continue to be the maid, does it?
Eduardo: But what do you want me to do, Rita? 
Rita: So, advise your mother of the changes. I want to have rights here at home. If the insufferable teacher (Vicente) has some, why don't I? Not to mention the two stinking "florets" (Simao and Nuno.) 
Eduardo: Okay, I'll talk to my mother. 
Rita: You'll speak to her? And then we can also sleep together every night, isn't that good? Say it ... 
Eduardo: (kissing her) ... It's gonna be good. 

(As promised, Eduardo goes talk to his mother.) 
Eduardo: It makes no sense that Rita continues to serve us like a maid.
Laura: But that's what she is...
Eduardo: You accepted the florist (Nuno) with open arms. Accepted the other, the one in the training suit from the gym, the same way. Why can't you accept Rita?
Laura: I think that for a maid, I deal with her very considerately. 
Eduardo: Mother, it costs you nothing to accept her. Hmm?
Laura: You're not expecting me to go have tea with her, are you? Enough! Wake up! For the love of God. I'm up to here (and motions to here neck) with your passions, son. Andreia was unbalanced, Thais would kill us all ... 
Eduardo: Rita is different...
Laura: I hope you won't be so naive to the point of marrying this girl. 
Eduardo: The mother is not to forget that Rita knows... 
Laura: (interrupts him) Now I have other matters to attend to. Other things ... more important things, Eduardo, much more important. 
(Eduardo leaves and goes talk to Rita in the kitchen. )
Eduardo: Good Morning, Gata Borralheira (the name before turning into Cinderella.)
Rita: (furious) Gata Borralheira, is it? I assure you that soon I'll turn in to Cinderella. This is of course, if you talk to your mother. Have you talked to her? 
Eduardo: I did. Already talked to my mom, and it did absolutely nothing, okay?
Rita: Eduardo, you can not allow that I spend my time in the kitchen, stuck in here …
Eduardo: But that will end, okay? It will end... I just need a few more days to convince my mom... You gotta have patience ... 
Rita: What patience? Your mother is thankless, after all I did for her. If it weren't for me, you know where she'd be now? In Tires (name of a Portuguese prison for women)... a cell in Tires.
Eduardo: Blame it on the Thais. If what happened hadn't happened, my mother would not be like this.
Rita: Okay, it is you. It's you who lets yourself always get left behind.
Eduardo: What's that? It's nothing like that. Nothing! I am a person with a strategy. A person who likes to make the right decisions at the right time. That's all.
Rita: Strategies ... What strategies? You need to take a stand in your life.  Have an attitude. 
Eduardo: An attitude?? 
Rita: Yes ... Starting tomorrow, you're going to see. I'll have your mother in my hands. And as for you, little doctor, you're going to be moved up to company management. Yes, because I'm not like you. I'm not afraid of her. 
Eduardo: Haven't you been?
Rita: I have no fear or respect. 
Eduardo: (mocking) Has no fear, nor respect...

(Rita goes to talk to Eduardo at Boheme.) 
Eduardo: Hello, to what do I owe this visit? 
Rita: So? Aren't you glad to see me? 
Eduardo: (kissing her) Sure I am... but I just wasn't expecting you. 
Rita: I came here for us to talk with your mother. 
Eduardo: For us to talk to her? 
Rita: Yes! We have to begin to take a position. 
Eduardo: So you say... You never told me your plan... 
(Rita gives him a document to read.) 
(Laura is alone in her office talking on the phone when Eduardo and Rita go in to talk to her.) 
Laura: What are you doing here?
Rita: Hi.
Eduardo: We came to talk to you, mother. I realized that the you never, ever, will give me any kind of power or responsibility. Real responsibility here at Boheme. 
Laura: You should be very pleased with the position you have, after everything you've done. 
Eduardo: I'll be very direct, mother. I want a seat on the board! 
Laura: That is out of the question, Eduardo. 
Eduardo: No, it isn't.
(And he hands her the document.) 
Laura: What's this?
Eduardo: This is a document that you will sign, to give me a seat on the board, and make me Chairman of the Board of Directors, if anything happens to you. 
Laura: You must be out of your mind .... You want my place at Boheme?
Eduardo: Mother has no choice...
Laura: Don't I? 
Rita: No! You sign the document, or I'll tell the police who killed Luis da Cunha. 
(Laura throws the papers to the floor, full of anger.) 
Laura: You should know by now that I don't give in to blackmail... 
Rita: The doctor knows best. Sign it or go to jail.?
Laura: And you let her put me in this position? 
Eduardo: Mom .. it was you who put you in this position. A lifetime ... a lifetime trying to impress you and it seems like I was never enough for you ...
Rita: Eduardo has many skills to know how to manage the company. It's a matter of trust, nothing more. 
Laura: (filled with hate) I was surprised already that you've stayed quiet for so long... 
Rita: So, Doc, a little bit of sympathy... 
Laura: I should have finished with you when I saw you in the stables... 
Rita: Come on, sign the paper... 
(Laura gets up and gets the document.) 
Eduardo: Mom, look at this as a way to ensure that I am not left with nothing 
Laura: You will regret deeply what you are doing to me. For your sake, Eduardo, use your head once in your life. 
Eduardo: ENOUGH! Sign the paper or we'll go straight to the police.
(Laura signs the document.) 

(Eduardo goes talk with his mother to the library. )
Laura: What do you want?
Eduardo: Why is all this coldness, mother? 
Laura: From now on, things will never be as they were before, my dear. 
Eduardo: Well, it was you who forced me to take this radical step. 
Laura: Did you bring some more documents for me to sign? 
Eduardo: Mother, not worth getting so upset... I just did what you spend your life doing to others. 
Laura: I would love to know where did I go wrong with you... 
Eduardo: Where did you go wrong? With me? Even the adopted one mother ... The adopted son, who is the result of a betrayal by my father, has more privileges than I... 
Laura: I endured your marriage with Andreia, hearing about it every day. You pretended you were not a match when it was time to do your sister's transplant. You pretended you were dead in Mexico. You brought here, to our home, a criminal thug. In what way have you been harmed, Eduardo? Explain to me... 
Eduardo: I could remind you mother, that was it you who sent me to Mexico to buy an illegal kidney for Teresa. I could. But I will not do that. I will not because it's dirty laundry. I just came to say that dinner is ready. 
Laura: I'm not eating dinner. Now get out. 
Eduardo: Careful mom... Careful with your health... 
Laura: Leave...

(Simão and Nuno are leaving the house, happy to have the dispute resolved now with Frederico, the biological father of Camila.)
Margarida: I was so fond of having you here at home...
Laura: If you want you can stay a few more days.
Margarida: Yes, stay.
Eduardo: If the issue with Camila's father is now resolved, it is normal that they want to return to their home, isn't it?
Simão: That's a subtle way of saying you want to see us leave. Eduardo is very subtle in these things.
Nuno: Thanks for having welcomed us so well. Eduardo's right, it's time to go home, is it not? And Laura, thank you very much for helping us with the money.
Teresa: I find it unbelievable what that man did.
Vicente: Yes, there are people who only care about themselves.
Laura: What is important is that the matter was settled.
Salvador: And above all, Camila is safe, which is the most important thing.
Simão: For me the matter is closed. Can we change the topic of conversation?
Teresa: Of course we can. Salvador, how is running the surf school going? I know that they have already been many times, and I want to go but then it seems there's always a thousand things to do.
Salvador: It's going very well. The kids love the classes, and the store is selling a lot.
Eduardo: Any day now you get'll yourself a surfer, hmm?
Salvador: Actually no, I have a girlfriend, so no need.
Simão: So, but were you gonna keep it a secret?
Teresa: Not gonna tell us anything?
Salvador: I can tell you now. Matilde and I are back together.
Simão: Ahhh ... I knew they would not last long without each other.
Salvador: I know that you mother are not as happy as my brothers and sisters, but I ask that this time you accept our relationship and do not interfere.
(Laura does not respond.)

(The family is sitting at the table waiting for dinner to be served.)
Salvador: Concha and Matilde are the most responsible girls I know. Therefore it is impossible for them to have anything to do with this story.
Eduardo: Yes, but in the case of Matilde it's a little different, because she has a history because of the death of Louis, right? It's a completely different and a much more complicated situation. I say...
Salvador: The death of Luis has nothing to do with it. It has been proven that Matilde acted in self defense, so...
Margarida: Eduardo, have you already told Salvador about your new girlfriend?
Eduardo: There’s nothing to say…
Salvador: But do you have a new girlfriend? Who is she? Do I know her?
Laura: It's the cook ...
(everyone laughs)
Eduardo: It's the cook, it is. What is the problem with being the cook? You are always saying that are you not prejudiced but, apparently, it makes you upset that I have a relationship with someone with a different social status.
Laura: It does not make a difference to me. Actually, I'm already used to it. Andreia came from a poor neighborhood, the Brazilian came from a slum. Here you didn't even have to walk that much. You went to the kitchen and you resolved the problem.
Eduardo: Have you all laughed enough? Are we ready to eat? Is that it? Thank you.
Eduardo: (whispering to Laura) Be careful what you say, mom.
Salvador: But look, Eduardo, congratulations. I hope you’ll be a very happy couple.
Eduardo: Thanks.
Laura: There is an extra plate on the table ... I'll call Rita. Rita??
(Rita enters, not in her maid's uniform.)
Rita: Okay, I told the maid to serve dinner. I chose the menu myself. I hope she can make that dish I love.
(Laura is stunned.)
Laura: I just lost my appetite (and she leaves the table.)

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