Tuesday, April 22, 2014

"Sol de Inverno" - Episodes 165 and 166 Translations

(As always, thank you to Dina for the translations!)

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest of this post...)
(The family is gathered in the living room. They talk about the fact that Andreia accused Manel of attempted rape. Everyone has doubts about whether he is guilty or not, except Laura, because it was she who offered money to Andrea for her to say it.)
Simão: Ana might even want to review the issue of custody of Vasco (taking her son away from Manel.) 
Vincente: To be honest, I also prefer that Manel stay away from my children. 
Eduardo: Well, I am of the opinion that Andreia had something to do with it. Sorry, seriously, she loves to show herself ... as available, and then, at the last minute, you see the real her. But why that look of  indignation? You know as well as I that Andreia is a tramp. Right?
Margarida: Eduardo, I can't understand how you speak that way of a person with whom you spent so many years of your life. 
Eduardo: Look Margarida, that's exactly why. Because I know her very well, okay? 
Laura: I think for what he did, staying away from kids is not too much to ask.
Simão: I honestly do not know who to believe. 
Teresa: (indignant) No, seriously, but what is your doubt? The liar in this story is Andreia. Do you really think Manel is capable of doing this?
Margarida: Teresa, I know you're Manel's friend, but you did not see Andreia. She was really scared. 
(Rita joins the group, not in her maid's uniform.) 
Margarida: I'm going to my room. 
Eduardo: Wait, Margarida. Just a second. Well, I want to take advantage of the fact that we are all gathered here, so that I may tell you all that Rita and I are together. 
Margarida: (sarcastic) What I would've missed if I had gone to bed... 
Teresa: What Margarida means is that it's a big surprise. 
Vicente: It's not that such a surprise, already out in that magazine ... 
Eduardo: Excuse me, what does that mean? 
Simão: (interrupts) Congratulations, Eduardo. 
Eduardo: Obrigado, Simão.
Eduardo: Thank you, Simão.
Rita: Okay, I also don't expect you to try seeing me as a family member, from one day to another. So I will continue to fulfill my duties, at least for now.
Laura: (sarcastic) Very good...
(The doorbell rings and Rita goes to get it.) 
Margarida: Let it be Rita. I will get the door. 
(It's Salvador.)
Margarida: You have news about Matilde? 
Salvador: We'll talk. Good evening everyone. 
Laura: Hello, son.
Salvador: Mom, can we go to the library? 
Laura: Do not want to sit? Eat something? 
Salvador: No, thank you. I just came to talk to you. 
Laura: Okay, let's go. 
Teresa: What's going on? 
Salvador: Ask Simão and Margarida. They know 
Teresa: What are you hiding from me this time? 
Simão: It's about Matilde.

(Laura discusses with Eduardo that she's almost decided to close Boheme's factory to start producing in another country.)
Eduardo: Everything that somehow helps reduce costs, is welcome. 
Laura: But first I want to ask your sister her opinion. 
Eduardo: Why? We can't decide just the two of us? 
Laura: No, son. These decisions have to first be passed through the board. 
Eduardo: As if you have not already decided everything in your mind …
Laura: But I always like to hear Teresa's opinion. 
Eduardo: And my opinion?
Laura: Son, these decisions do not go through you. But thank you, for having given me your opinion. 
Eduardo: Why do you never trust me? Mother, I want to grow here ... I deserve more ... 
Laura: You should be glad you're in the Department of New Markets. I do not know why you complain. 
Eduardo: I do not understand, Mom. I do not understand. For years I work with you. Years! But I'd never seen you bet on me.
Laura: You have any idea of the unemployment rate in this country? You should be very glad you have a job.
Eduardo: Mom, I'm your son. It's natural that mother...
Laura: (interrupts) Hey Eduardo, it's over, okay? You don't wanna take a step higher than your legs can carry you. 
Simão: What's going on mother? What's so important? 
Laura: Look.
Reporter (on TV): There's a man tied to Social Services' door, trying to vindicate his rights as the biological father. Let's see what he has to say. 
Simão: It's Camila's father... Mom, put it louder. 
Federico(on TV): My daughter was given to two men. It is not even legal. What values will these people give her? Tell me?
Reporter: Did you try to talk with someone from Social Services? 
Federico: I tried, really I tried. But I am poor, so nobody wants to hear me. Nobody wants to hear me. In this country, what matters is money. Who has money to buy the children and take them home. But with me they will not be so lucky. Even if I die here of hunger. I will not let those two “gibérias” (flowers/mocking gay people) keep my daughter. And so everyone knows who they are, the man whom my daughter was given to is named Nuno Mendes and his boyfriend is Simão de Aragão. The law does not allow this. But the rich, the rich are above the law ... 
(Laura turns off the TV.) 
Nuno: But this guy is crazy! I'll talk to him. 
Simão: No, Nuno, no you won't. What are you gonna tell him?  
Laura: Now there's no turning back. 
Nuno: But he cannot go on television saying these things, making these insinuations, okay?!? 
Laura: Of course he can. While he has a camera in front of him, he can very well say what he feel likes. Have you not yet realized that? 
(Eduardo laughs.) 
Simão: What's so funny, Eduardo?  
Eduardo: What is the saying "the people united will never be defeated." The guy was alone ... Okay. But you knew that something like this could happen, right? When you decided to adopt. Now our name is on television. 
Simão: Our name is the only thing that matters, right? The family name? 
Laura: I was afraid this would happen... 
Margarida: The news is already published in the media. It's awesome. 
Simão: "Gay son involved in suspicious adoption." But why do they distort things so much? 
Eduardo: The truth is that what you did is not exactly legal ... 
Simão: What, Eduardo? It's a crime to be gay?  
Eduardo: You see why people don't take you seriously? No, I wasn't even talking about that. You are so sensitive... You're always on the defensive . I was talking about the adoption.
Nuno: It was I who adopted Camila. There is nothing illegal about it.  
Eduardo: Yes, but it's one thing what Parliament approves, it's another thing what people really think. 
Vicente: But look, Eduardo, probably most people agree that it is better for a child to be raised in a family than one of these shelters. 
Margarida: Sure, I think so too. Actually, I agree 100% with Vicente. 
Eduardo: Okay, all right. Everything is okay. Now, in addition to everything else, I think this may damage Boheme, right mother? Because a scandal like this connected to Boheme... Boheme is connected to our family…
Simão: But I didn't see you so worried when your photos came out with the maid, in the press. Or when you pretended you died and were hiding in Brazil with fake documents. 
Eduardo: Those are completely different things, Simão. This is a sensitive issue that must be resolved as a family. 
Simão: So let's settle this. What do you suggest? That we give Camila back just to shut him up?
Eduardo: Did I say that you should do that? You heard me say that? 
Simão: So Eduardo, what is the solution? 
Eduardo: You cause the trouble and I have to find the solutions? Is that it?
Simão: Look Eduardo, if you were not my brother, I swear... 
Laura: (screams) Enough! Simão, when you came out, I asked you to make sure that this kind of situation didn't happen.
Simão: I also didn't want this, Mom.
Laura: I do not like anything that puts our family in the mouths of the world. Now let's do what we always do. We protect ourselves. You can count on me to help in this situation. Now I am going to my room to read my book. (To Eduardo) No more discussion... 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Sara and Dina. I love this soap opera! Diogo is great as Eduardo, but I can't stand seeing him with Rita! Urrrrrgh!! ........Nelda
