Wednesday, April 16, 2014

"Sol de Inverno" - Episode 164 Translations

(As always, thank you to Dina for the translations!)

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest of this post...)
(Eduardo and Rita talk in the bedroom.)
Eduardo: You haven’t told me what you know of my mother, saying that she’s right in your hand.
Rita: Ahh ... You think I'm bluffing.
Eduardo: No. It's just that. I do not think you're bluffing. Actually, I have thought about it and I think it makes perfect sense. You managed to get Dulce out of the kitchen, my mother did not fire you when there was that scandal of photographs in the magazines. Therefore, anything you know ...
Rita: But if I tell you, it will no longer be a secret...
Eduardo: Ohh Rita ... Come on ... You know your secret is safe with me...
Rita: (kissing him) If you want information as valuable as this, you'll have to pay well for it, don’t you think? Hmm?
Eduardo: What do you want?
Rita: It's simple. I want you to tell everyone that you are with me.
Eduardo: You are in my room, Rita…
Rita: Okay, but I also want to be in the living room, the pool, the library, everywhere ...
Eduardo: Okay. Fine.
Rita: You promise?
Eduardo: I promise. Now talk.
Rita: It's about the death of Luís da Cunha.
Eduardo: But were you even here at that time?
Rita: Not much. What you know is that your mother released the horse because she thought that Luis da Cunha was dead, and it looked like an accident. Right?
Eduardo: Yes, that's what she told the whole family ...
Rita: What only I know is that your mother, when she reached the stables, Luis da Cunha was still alive. I saw them talking.
Eduardo: (incredulous) She went there to kill him? Well … I thought about it a lot, but never to do such a serious thing ...
Rita: Impressed?
Eduardo: (smiling) With you, yes.
Rita: (kisses him) So? Come into the living room and tell your mother that she has a new daughter-in-law? Come on!
(They go into the living room where Laura is.)
Laura: Bring me ice, Rita, please.
Rita: Eduardo, don’t you want to tell your mother our decision?
Eduardo: Sure, Rita. Mother, Rita and I are together. Not worth hiding this from you or my siblings.
Rita: At the beginning we did not want shock you. But now that you know, it's no longer worth continuing to hide it, right?
Laura: Be careful, Rita. Be aware that my son is very fickle in relationships.
Rita: That is not a problem to me, because until now Eduardo has never met a woman like me, right? Laura, I want to tell you that Eduardo knows our secret. I apologize. I've spent many months with this secret buried inside me. I had to tell someone. Don't misunderstand.
Laura: It will always be your word against mine... but you know that, don’t you?
Eduardo: Mother, mother, nobody here is against anyone.
Rita: I have no intention of telling anyone else. I have the greatest appreciation for you. Except that I think it's about time to pay back what I've done for you, isn’t it?
Laura: (sarcastic) Who am I to stop the love between two people ...
Rita: I knew that the doctor was not going to care. (To Eduardo) Didn't I tell you?
Laura: If you want to formalize your relationship, take advantage now because Nuno and Simão are also coming here to the house with Camila.
Eduardo: Why?
Laura: It seems that the father of the child was hanging around their apartment.
Eduardo: Then we'll hide them here ... That's right.
Rita: I think it's great that Laura wants to protect her family. And then we'll take good care of them, and also Vicente, right?
Eduardo: Why not? This is a hotel for everyone seems to me...
Laura: (interrupts) Can it still be up to me to decide who I let in my house or not?
Eduardo: Sure, Mom. Sure. This is a non-issue, isn’t it? Since they did not ask me to take care of traumatized children, everything is fine.
Laura: Great! Rita, the ice?
Rita: (pretending not to get it) It is in the freezer...
(Eduardo gives her a nudge.)
Rita: But if you want I can go get it. Meantime I'll take this opportunity to think about my duties here at home, and then let you know my decision.
(Eduardo and Laura are left alone.)
Eduardo: Okay, okay, mother, you were able to kill Luis? It takes courage ... and cold blood.

(Simão, Nuno and Camila have arrived at the house.)
Laura: I'll ask Dulce to take care of Camila.
Simão: (to Camila) Dulce was like a dad for me when I was little, you know?
Nuno: Thanks Laura, we'll feel much better with that.
Eduardo: If I were her father, I would do exactly the same thing.
Simão: Nobody asked you anything, Eduardo.
Laura: Stop with these comments...
Eduardo: Now I can't give my opinion? I just think that a child should be raised by a couple.
Simão: We are a couple.
Eduardo: Yeah, okay. If a man joins with a dog, they are a couple ...
Nuno: Well, I'm going to put Camila to bed.
(And all three of them leave.)
Laura: There are certain things you should not even think, much less say in front of the child. You think now you can say whatever you want, and I'll let it slide? If you continue like this, Eduardo, I will not let you sit at this table, because I don’t want to hear your barbaric comments.


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