Monday, April 7, 2014

"Sol de Inverno" - Episode 157 Translations

(As always, thank you to Dina for the translations!)

Laura is mad about Matilde

(Laura, Margarida and Eduardo are in the living room.) 
Laura: (furious) This is unacceptable. 
Eduardo: You want me to make you a drink, Mom? 

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest of this post...)
Laura: No, I do not. What I want to know is why no one told me what was going on. 
Rita: Well, I came to say that dinner is ready. But maybe it is better to serve it later ... 
Laura: Leave us alone. Can you? 
(Rita and Eduardo exchanged knowing glances.) .
Laura: So? I wonder why I was the last to know that Matilde is pregnant and that the child may be Salvador's. 
Eduardo: No, Mom. I was the last to know. 
Laura: Shut up! Shut up! Margarida? You have nothing to say? 
Margarida: No. It only concerns Salvador and Matilde, I did not have to tell you anything. 
Laura: Unbelievable ... 
Margarida: Well, I'm already late. I have to go meet Alice. 
Laura: Can I know what is going on in this house? I do everything for you and only get disappointment in return... 

(Laura and Eduardo talk in the library) 
Laura: If Matilde is not a complete idiot, she will follow the advice I gave her. 
Eduardo: Yes, because if the child is truly Salvador's, it's entitled to part of what is ours, right? 
Laura: And you think I have not thought about that, Eduardo? Why do you think I went to threaten her? Just because I do not want part of our fortune to go to these people.  
Eduardo: Mom, if you need some kind of help to prevent this from happening, please tell me, ok? I do not understand. I do not understand how Salvador was so naive and fell for the oldest trick in the world. 
Laura: Look you could fall for it any day.
Eduardo: No, that would not happen to me. ..
Laura: Judging by the people with whom you've been lately ... 
Eduardo: With me, with me, no, no. 
Laura: Now, if you do not mind, I have some business at Boheme I have to deal with. I need to concentrate. 
Eduardo: Do you want my help? 
Laura: No, you're not aware of anything. 
Eduardo: I am not aware of anything because you don't call me in on anything, that's why. 
Laura: Leave, Eduardo.
(Eduardo goes to the kitchen to talk with Rita.) 
Eduardo: Rita, I decided that you're not going to have the rest of the afternoon off. 
Rita: You are very much mistaken ... I get off at 3 and I have an appointment. 
Eduardo: So cancel .... 
Rita: Ah, ah, you must think that it is only when you feel like it, no? 
Eduardo: Don't tease me ... send me a message as soon as you get out, okay? We'll meet on the street out back. 
(Laura arrives and they try to pretend.) 
Eduardo: Milk, you don't need more, do you? 
Rita: No, you can save.
Eduardo: So, mom? Want to come take a walk on the Farm? No? 
Laura: Did you come in here to invite Rita? 
Eduardo: No, I was here to help her make a cake ... 
Rita: A pudding ... 
Eduardo: Yeah, a pudding ... So, I'll go alone. (and he leaves.) 
Rita: Dr. Laura, I'm incapable of such actions. 
Laura: Since you were unable to play along with his little game ... Look, you have been privileged here in this house. But you're starting to shorten the rope... 
Rita: (insists) Nothing happened doctor ...  
Laura: I hope it doesn't. 
(Salvador arrives) 
Margarida (hugging him) Glad you're here. 
Salvador: Is everything okay? 
Margarida: Yeah .. I was just to need of pampering. 
Salvador: Sure you don't have anything to tell me? 
Margarida: I can't just miss my brother? 
(Eduardo arrives and starts mocking Salvador.) 
Eduardo: Well, if it isn't the father of the year... 
Margarida: That wasn't very funny, you know Eduardo? 
Eduardo: But it wasn't meant to be funny, Margarida. I'm serious. Congratulations, Salvador. Congratulations. You get to be the first to give an heir to the family. 
Salvador: Where is Thais? Don't know, do you? You should concern yourself first with solving your problems instead of bothering others... 
Eduardo: That problem is solved, Salvador ... She's gone, so ... not coming back! 
Margarida: You know, if I was you I wouldn't be so sure ... After the public humiliation with the magazines... I think she'll be back for revenge... 
Eduardo: I doubt it! 
Margarida: I know you do not care, but she killed all of our horses. You don't think she'd dare to do the same to you?
Salvador: Looks like Margarida could be right, Eduardo. 
Eduardo: (angrily) I think Margarida should go catch some waves with her surfer boyfriend. That would be wise. And you could... 
Salvador: I could what? Say it... 
Eduardo: Nothing! I'm going take a walk. (and out) 
Margarida: Seriously, there are days when I do not have any patience .... 


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