Friday, April 4, 2014

"Sol de Inverno" - Episodes 155 and 156 Translations

(As always, thank you to Dina for the translations!)

(Laura and Eduardo were visiting Teresa to the hospital. Eduardo is panicking about possibly catching a virus.) 

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest of this post...)
Laura: How did you do overnight? 
Teresa: I'm already coughing less. I managed to sleep a few more hours. 
Eduardo: Mom, the doctor told us we could only come to give a kiss, okay? 
Laura: (ignoring him) Still have chest pains, daughter? 
Teresa: Yeah .. that I have. But the doctor says that the antibiotic is starting to take effect. So they are expected to decrease to nothing. 
Eduardo: (insisting) Mom, maybe we'd better go... This is an infectious disease ward... 
Laura: Eduardo, if you want, wait outside, please... 
Eduardo: Okay, I will, then you two will be more comfortable, okay? 
(Eduardo leaves.) 
Laura: Your brother and his fear of disease... He should be more concerned with the nonsense he's doing. Those people are dangerous. 

(Laura and Eduardo return home, accompanied by Joana from the office.) 
Joana: (to Laura) I'm so sorry to come here to the house, but I really needed to talk to you. 
Eduardo: You gotta try out this new equipment they invented. Do you know it? Mobile phones? They're great for making contact. 
Laura: Eduardo, leave us alone please. 
Eduardo: It's beautiful ... The company is so dysfunctional the employees have come here to the house... 
(And he leaves.)

(Eduardo and Rita are in his bedroom.)
Eduardo: Stay a little longer...
Rita: Are you crazy? We've already risked too much. 
Eduardo: But the house is empty...
Rita: Okay, but the doctor (Laura) can return ... 
Eduardo: Oh, the doctor, the doctor, the doctor. I am fed up that the doctor predicts my life. 
Rita: Well she was very clear... 
Eduardo: My mother does not own me... 
Rita: (laughs) No one else would agree... 
Eduardo: One day ... one day my mother will realize that I am the one most like her, and she will regret having pushed me aside. 
Rita: Why don't you go back to Boheme? 
Eduardo: If I returned, it would be for a management position, but my mother won't allow ... 
Rita: Okay, Eduardo. But you have rights.  
Eduardo: I don't want to create more conflict. 
Rita: Yeah, but imagine your mother retires, or gets sick, you're going to have to take command of the company. You are the natural successor. 
Eduardo: Yes, but in my mother's mind, Salvador will always be a possibility. 
Rita: So ... you have to push him away. 


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