Thursday, April 3, 2014

"Sol de Inverno" - Episode 154 Translations

(As always, thank you to Dina for the translations!)

(Eduardo goes into the kitchen to talk with Rita)
Eduardo: Do you know where they all went? Did they tell you anything?

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest of this post...)
Rita: I don't know... I think they all left. A problem came up with Teresa and she went to the hospital.
Eduardo: So then, I'll be waiting for someone to have the decency to tell me something. Damn, I'm always the last to know everything.
(But then he sees it as an opportunity to be with Rita and so he hugs her.)
Eduardo: I miss you…
Rita: But don’t you see I'm busy here with the cake? 
Eduardo: But I'm your boss and I'm telling you to take a break.
Rita: No. .. Someone may show up here. Sometimes Mr. Jacinto comes here to get a drink of water.
Eduardo: So, we can go to my room... So we don't risk it... Come on... (kidding) That's an order...
Rita: I'm great at taking orders...

Eduardo is still Eduardo

(Laura, Margarida and Salvador come home from the hospital, where Teresa was hospitalized with pneumonia. Rita comes in hurriedly, from the bedroom area, where she had been with Eduardo.)
Rita: Good afternoon, did you arrive awhile ago? I was in there to fix some things that Marisa starched.
Laura: As far as I know you were not hired to tidy clothes, it was to tend to the kitchen ...
Rita: And that's what I'll do ... I now go to the kitchen to make dinner.
Salvador: Also please, add one other person.
Rita: Sure. Miss Teresa isn’t coming to dinner? 
Laura: Miss Teresa is in the hospital. She has Pneumonia.
Rita: Excuse me (and she leaves.)
Salvador: Mother, Rita continues to work here? 
Laura: After what happened, I thought it best to keep her around. And what happened is not even the girl's fault, it's your brother's.
(Eduardo also comes in from the bedroom area.)
Eduardo: So? Good afternoon. Teresa?
Margarida: If you were really interested you would've called, don’t you think?
Eduardo: Well, first of all, no one tells me anything. And I didn't call only because my phone is messed up. That's it, okay?
Margarida: Excuse me, I'm going to my room.
Eduardo: Can any of you tell me what is going on, please?
Laura: Your sister stayed at the hospital. They diagnosed her with pneumonia.more serious... She has endured with much worse... 
Salvador: You're such a jerk, Eduardo.
Eduardo: Why?
Salvador: Why? Teresa's defenses are down because of her immune system. Don't you think that an infection in her is more serious than in a normal healthy person?
Eduardo: Okay, but…
Salvador: (gets up) I'm also going to Margarida's room so I don't have to put up with you.
Eduardo: (to himself) I don't know anything and he's still...
Laura: You're still after the maid?
Eduardo: (tries to play dumb) What maid, mother? Where'd you get that crazy idea?
Laura: (laughs wryly) Maybe because she has came in one minute before you... all flushed...
Eduardo: She is flustered because she is working. Working and tired, mother. What is it, Mom? I was in my room talking to the lawyer, to deal with things, that's all. Today I talked to Rita for about two minutes. No more than that. And she was talking to me about Teresa, something that none of you did.
Laura: I'm not dumb. Okay, Eduardo? If you continue this relationship with the girl you must leave this house. I'm not going to allow one more mistake from you. Not another mistake.


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