Wednesday, April 2, 2014

"Sol de Inverno" - Episode 153 Translations

(Note: "Eduardo" was not in episode 152, so here is the next episode he was in, episode 153. And as always, thank you to Dina for the translations!)

Margarida blames Eduardo

(Vicente, Teresa's boyfriend, came over to the house for dinner, and the family is now gathered in the living room.)
Vincente: Someone must be very cruel to kill your horses. And now, Margarida? Will you be able to participate in competitions?

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest of this post...)
Laura: I'm already handling everything. There is a breeder, in the area, who has a pure blood Lusitano, trained, and has won shows, and he is selling it for a reasonable price. 
Margarida: Mom, it's no use. I told you. I don't want another horse. I want my horses back. 
Laura: You're old enough to not have a temper tantrum.
Margarida: It's not a temper tantrum, mother. I can't even get close to the arena without remembering everything that happened ...
Teresa: Margarida, you've trained for too many years of your life to give up now. And if you do, Thais is the one who wins.
Eduardo: After everything that happened, it was fortunate it was only the horses.
Margarida: Eduardo, how can you have the nerve to say such a thing?
Eduardo: Look, you don't need to talk to me like that, okay? It wasn't me who killed the horses ...
Margarida: But it's your fault.
Eduardo: My fault???
Margarida: You know what? You should have stayed in Mexico forever.
Laura: (wants to end the discussion) Margarida... can we stop this?
Margarida: Will you always continue to protect him, mother?
Laura: I'm not protecting him. Now is a time to unite. Not turn against each other.
Margarida: Sorry, but I can’t (and she leaves.)
Laura: Sorry, Vicente.
Vincent: It's okay. I understand. I'm going.
Teresa: I'll walk you to the door.
Vicente: (to Laura) Well, good evening and thank you for dinner.
(Vicente holds his hand out but Eduardo doesn't shake it.)
Laura: I do not want you to continue to talk like that to your sister. And don't think I didn't notice that look between you and Rita. You've been warned, Eduardo...

(Eduardo goes to see his mother at Boheme.)
Eduardo: Mother…
Laura: Hello
Eduardo: I didn't know that you had already replaced Benedita...
Laura: You were expecting what? That I'd be answering the phones? Look, try to keep away from this girl, okay?  You already got me in enough trouble with that. What did you come here to do?
Eduardo: I came to talk with the lawyer who is helping me to get rid of the drug company. I want to cut, once and for all, all ties to Thais.
Laura: You want me to applaud you, is that it? Is it? Eduardo, you let a criminal inside our home. Who caused the greatest tragedy the Farm has suffered...
(she starts sorting through some papers) I need to concentrate.
Eduardo: Mother, let me help you. Teresa is more concerned with her boyfriend and his kids. Without me this company will be at a complete standstill. Mom, I'm asking you ... Let me be your right arm.
Laura: You chose the worst moment to come to me with this conversation. Eduardo, I went to Brazil to find you, and you stubbornly dug your heels in the sand. Now deal with the consequences.
(Seeming dejected, Eduardo leaves.)


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