Tuesday, April 1, 2014

"Sol de Inverno" - Episode 151 Translations

(As always, thank you to Dina for the translations!)

Bye bye Thais

(Eduardo is in the room packing Thais' suitcase.)
Thais: Eduardo, we have to talk.
Eduardo: There's nothing to talk about. Nothing Thais!

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest of this post...)
Thais: Look, Eduardo, I know what happened with you and Rita, it was a small thing, it was a slip. Look, since you sent that woman away, I'm able to forget it.
Eduardo: That's not it. You do not have to forget anything. What happened, happened. Our relationship is really doomed.
Thais: Eduardo, Eduardo stop. Put down that bag. Leave it.
Eduardo: You will not stay another minute in this house.
Thais: I saved your life in Mexico, and this is how you repay me?
Eduardo: You must be completely crazy, you know that? I cannot stand this anymore.
(Laura comes home.)
Laura: Can I know what this circus is?
Thais: It's a circus, yes. And you know who is the clown of that circus? It's your son. You see this here?
(shows her the magazine)
Thais: Laura know that? Your son, besides being an ass, had an affair with a slut maid. He's a traitor.
Laura: Thais, while you're at my house, I will not allow you to talk like that.
Thais: (to Eduardo) I'll kill you. I'll kill you and that maid.
Eduardo: Stop these threats, okay? Because if not ...
Thais: If not what? What are you going to do? Speak, speak, Eduardo. What are you going to do?
Laura: That's enough. You're out of this house and now. You will leave here immediately and will not return.
Thais: (sitting on the couch) I'm not going anywhere.
Laura: Carlos, call the staff of the stables, please.
Thais: You can call whoever you want. Call them. Call the whole world, you know why? Because nobody ever kicked me out of anywhere before, and it will not happen now. Eduardo, tell your mother not to meddle in our conversation, because it is a matter between us.
Eduardo: Thais, stop making a scene and go away.
Thais: I'm not leaving, mama's boy. 
(The staff of the stables arrives.)
Laura: Take her. Get her out of here.
Thais: I will not go, will not, will not.
Laura: Grab her, what are you waiting for?
(The men carry Thais away.)
Thais: Eduardo, they're hurting me. Do something, please, Eduardo. Stop.
(Eduardo throws her suitcase, which opens as clothes fall out all over the floor.)
Eduardo: There are your things.
Laura: Get this woman out of here.
Thais: (gathering her things) Eduardo, you are a dead man. You and everyone here. I'll kill you all.
Laura: Enough talk. Get her out of here.
Eduardo: So until another day.
Thais: I'll be back, Eduardo.
Laura: (screaming) Get out.
Laura: Come inside, Eduardo.
Laura: (when they are back inside) An affair with the maid? Where is your head, Eduardo?
Eduardo: Mom, I never thought ...
Laura: Exactly. That is exactly your problem. You never think. YOU DON’T THINK! You're a stupid idiot who does not know how to measure the consequences. Has it ever crossed your mind that this girl might be trying to be with you, just to blackmail you?
Eduardo: Mom, that didn't cross my mind, but if it were the case, you will fire her, done.
Laura: I will not fire her but I will have a talk with her. You're a disgrace, Eduardo. Really! You're just like your father. You are completely forbidden to get close to Rita, and from now on try to be more careful with your relationships.
Eduardo: Mother, you can control a lot, but you will never be able to control what I feel or who I want to be with.
Laura: What? While you're at my house, you obey what I tell you, otherwise leave. Did you hear? Are we clear?
Eduardo: We are.
Laura: Don't ever provoke me.

She's ba-ack

(It's night, and Thais arrives by motorcycle to the Farm.  She goes into the stables, with a shotgun, preparing to kill the horses.  Meanwhile Teresa and Eduardo are in the living room talking.)
Teresa: Really, you don’t even have anything going on in your mind.  Involved with the maid ... What is it? A fetish for uniforms or ... let me guess, do you feel more powerful?
Eduardo: Oh Teresa ... Teresa, spare me, okay? I've heard it already. At least Rita does not smell like gym equipement ... You have here a moral ...
Teresa: You can be very stupid when you want to be.
Eduardo: So don't push me, and you won't hear what you don’t want to hear. What is certain is that Thais went away and everything is resolved.
(They hear gunshots.)
Teresa: What was that?
Eduardo: Sounded like gunshots.
(Thais is killing the horses.)
(Laura and Rita come in the living room.)
Rita: What is that?
Eduardo: I think it's gunshots.
Laura: Are we all here?
Teresa: Where is Margarida?
Rita: Miss Margarida went out with her boyfriend. Not here at home.
Laura: Rita call Carlos and ask if everything is fine with him and Dulce. I'll go outside. Eduardo, come with me.
Eduardo: (scared) Mother, go out there now? When there is shooting out there?
Teresa: Mother, we should call the police.
Laura: No one calls the police. I want to first see what is going on.
Eduardo: Mom, what happens if Thais is out there armed. She said she was going to come back to kill us...
Laura: If she wanted to kill us, she would be in here, huh, Eduardo? I'll go outside.
Eduardo: So go.  You go ... I do not want to get shot. You go.
(Laura goes out and sees Thais fleeing on the motorcycle.  Then the staff at the stables confirms that the horses are all dead.  Margarida arrives home meantime, and is in shock.)

The police have questions

(The family is gathered in the living room, when the Police inspector arrives.)
Inspector: My colleagues are currently checking for someone hiding on the Farm. I have some questions for you.
Laura: Criminals are no longer here on the Farm. And it's not a male shooter. It's a female shooter named Thais Lima. I saw her flee.
Inspector: Are you sure? You told us you saw a person on a motorcycle with a helmet. It's dark. It is easy to mistakenly identify someone.
Laura: I'm quite sure of what I saw.
Eduardo: Furthermore she said she would come back for revenge, you know?
Laura: Listen, do not waste anymore time here, for God's sake. Put more people on the roads to search for her.
Inspector: The street patrols have been advised to look out for any motorcycle with suspicious behavior. But let's talk. Why does this person want revenge?
Laura: Because she was kicked out of the home. She lived here.
Inspector: And why was she kicked out?
Eduardo: Because she was my girlfriend and I ended our relationship.
Inspector: I see. And do you have any information about her whereabouts?
Eduardo: No…
Margarida: She has to pay for what she did.
Inspector: That's why we're here, Miss.
Eduardo: So what if she comes back?
Inspector: Do not worry. We'll have an officer watch the house. I ask you to tell us if you have any more information that you may remember. Good night.
Margarida: (cries) She had no right. The horses were innocent.
Teresa: Rita, please make tea for my sister.
Rita: Of course.
Laura: (to Eduardo) I hope you have some idea, that you are aware of the enormous grief and loss that your irresponsibility has caused us.

The family is not happy with Eduardo

(The family is at the table having breakfast.)
Laura: We don't yet know anything about the whereabouts of Thais. They found the motorcycle abandoned near here. It was stolen.
Eduardo: I think that they should not stop patrolling the area, she could come back suddenly. Who knows.
Laura: (to Teresa) I'm going to the company now. Are you coming?
Teresa: I will.
Eduardo: You're going to work? Mom, I think until the police catch her we shouldn't leave. It's safer. 
Laura: Son, I will not change my life because of your mistakes. Pass the juice, please. Furthermore, Thais is not stupid. She knows that the penalty for killing a person is completely different. 
Eduardo: At least there's that. 
Margarida: You say that because the horses are not yours, right? You don't care if they are alive or dead. 
Eduardo: Margarida, of course I care. That's not what I meant. What I'm saying is that it is better than if it had been one of us, isn't it? 
Margarida: I'd rather it had been you, sincerely. 
Eduardo: Be careful what you say, Margarida. 
Laura: You and Rita are to blame for all of this. I hope you're satisfied. 
Rita: I can't be satisfied in any way. 
Laura: But can you keep quiet? 
Rita: Yes, I can take the rest of the dishes to the kitchen. 
Laura: I think that's great. 
Teresa: I'm going with mother to the company. And you Margarida? What are you gonna do? 
Margarida: Today I have to work. I was thinking of going to see Thomas. 
Laura: I think it's fine that you're with your boyfriend, but it might be good to take some time away to think about your future. 
Margarida: Mom, do we have to have this conversation now? I just lost my horses... 
Laura: This is a problem that we will eventually resolve, okay? You will not fail at getting into competitions. 
Margarida: But I don't have time to train a horse before the next competition. 
Laura: I'll find a solution. Give me time. Now, even so, I still think you should think about your future. 
Margarida: Don't push me, mother.  
(Laura and Teresa leave.) 


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