Friday, March 28, 2014

"Sol de Inverno" - Episode 150 Translations

(As always, thank you to Dina for the translations!)

Teresa wants Thais gone

(Eduardo talks with his mother. He wants to return to Boheme, but Laura imposes a condition -- that he ends everything with Thais, including the businesses they have together.... Teresa enters the library.)

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest of this post...)
Teresa: I apologize for interrupting. Thought Mom was alone. But I'm glad you're here, Eduardo. Mom, I just found out it was Thais who stabbed Andreia. And you, Eduardo, you knew and did not say anything.
(Eduardo does not know what to say.)
Teresa: You're an accomplice to a criminal. This woman is dangerous and you say nothing?
Eduardo: Listen, mother also knew ...
Teresa: Mother did nothing? Nothing?
Laura: Your brother already knows what he has to do...
Eduardo: Ok! Ok! Can you stop pushing me, please? I already know that I have to send Thais away to Brazil or somewhere else. But I want to do things right ... it's just that. She is dangerous ...
Laura: You've always had difficulties in ending your relationships, haven't you?
Teresa: (indignant) This is our house. We should not forced to live with Thais because you do not have the courage to end it, because you're scared. It makes no sense.
Eduardo: (tries to defend himself) I'm not afraid. It's not fear. It's being cautious. It is trying to be careful. She threatened to kill me ...
Laura: Do not make excuses, Eduardo. Resolve this situation or leaving both this house.

Thais says no way to Paraguay

(Eduardo is in the office talking on the phone with a customer in Spanish, when Thais comes in.)
Eduardo: Was the guys in Paraguay.
Thais: Why didn't they call for me?
Eduardo: I think it's all the same, right?
Thais: What do they want?
Eduardo: They wanted to meet with us. You see? You see why I say that we're supposed to be there to handle things personally? At least for this early stage...
Thais: (annoyed) Again with this conversation? Eduardo, look here, people around the world do business without having to move, ok? My dear, this is why today there is video conferencing...
Eduardo: But there are people who do not do well with this thing ... a video conference is not the same thing as being face to face, is it? Isn't that why you had to go there to close the deal?
Thais: If need be, I'll get a person I trust, in Paraguay, to work with us. Okay?
Eduardo: Yes, but to trust the business to others does not seem like a good option. I think the right thing to do is for one of us ... to go there ...
Thais: There is no such option, Eduardo. Neither of us is going to Paraguay. Let's not talk about it anymore.
Eduardo: You're not thinking long term ... Seriously, Thais. You're not thinking big. I do not feel comfortable having a person I don't know from anywhere to deal with our business. Got it?
Thais: When I say they can be trusted, it's because they can be.

Thais sees the magazine

(Thais finds the magazine with the pictures of Eduardo and Rita on it that Rita left in the living room, on purpose.)
Thais: What is this? What is this? I do not believe. She is a slut. EDUARDO I'll kill you both!
Eduardo: What was it? What happened?
Thais: What happened? What happened? Explain this to me.
(She shoves the magazine at him.)
Thais: I wonder what happened. See? You see, Eduardo? See?
Eduardo: But how did it get there?
Thais: Doesn't matter how it got there. What matters is what's inside, Eduardo. Explain to me. How do you have the guts to do this? Behind my back, Eduardo...
Eduardo: (realizes he has no way to escape) Take it easy, control yourself, okay? Lower your voice.
Thais: My love, you should already know that you cannot play with me, right? You know the danger inside me, do you not, my love?
(Thais starts to go to the kitchen.)
Eduardo: Where do you think you're going?
Thais: I'm going to show this slut she cannot mess with me.
Eduardo: No, you will not talk to Rita, you hear me?
Thais: Ah ah, you will not order me ... 
Eduardo: (finds some courage) You go to your room, get your stuff and you're leaving this house forever.
Thais: What?
Eduardo: You heard very well. Our relationship is over. Okay?
(Thais tries to attack him.)
Thais: You do not talk to me like that. You have no right to kick me out of your life like that, Eduardo.
Eduardo: Stop! Stop! Control yourself.
(In the kitchen, Carlos and Rita hear the arguing. Carlos wants to go in to intervene, but Rita tells him that no one should get into argument between a man and his woman, and he changes his mind. Scared that Thais will go to the kitchen to ask questions, Rita tells Carlos that there's an empty fridge, so they have to go shopping, and they leave.)
Eduardo: Are you calmer? Are you calmer?
Thais: Let go Eduardo. Get off me.
Eduardo: Calm down. I already told you to take it easy. Stop.
(And he gives her a slap to calm her down.)
Eduardo: Calm down, please.
Thais: You should not have done that, Eduardo. You should not have done that. You should have known that no man hits me. I'm not Andreia, Eduardo. I'm not Andreia. I'm not the type of woman who picks up and keeps quiet, you know?
Eduardo: Thais, please calm down, okay? Collect your things and go…
(Thais threatens him with a fork) 
Eduardo: Thais, please stop, stop, stop. Control yourself! Control yourself! I only ask you that you control yourself. This is something between us, Rita has nothing to do with it, okay? And our relationship is over. I promise you that.
Thais: Our relationship, Eduardo, our relationship is over when I want. Got it?
Eduardo: Please think about what you're doing. Think about what you're doing.
Thais: You know what the problem is, Eduardo? I could kill you right now. Ever think of that? I could stick your neck right now...
Eduardo: (manages to push her away) Stop! Please think about what you're doing, Thais. Think about what you're doing. Stop it. This makes no sense ...
Thais: Do you know why you're in luck? I love you. (and she kisses him) I love you Eduardo.
Thais: I'll … take a walk. Take in some air. Calm down. And when I return, you'll do me the favor of firing this slut, okay? Because I don't want to see her near me, ever again. Okay?

Eduardo blames Rita

Eduardo: Rita, can you explain to me how this happened?
Rita: What magazine is that?
Eduardo: Doesn't matter what magazine it is. Look!
(Rita fakes surprised.)
Rita: Are we ...
Eduardo: Are we, exactly.
Rita: But how did this happen?
Eduardo: This is also what I want to know. Did you have something to do with it?
Rita: Me?? Of course not. How are you able to think such a thing about me?
Eduardo: It's very simple. The only two people who knew we were going to be at this hotel were you and me. So, for someone to take a picture, it is because someone gave them a tip, right?
Rita: I do not believe you even think it was me.
Eduardo: Look, I didn't do it. So, it seems to me quite obvious that ...
Rita: Shut up. Enough nonsense. Doctor Eduardo is not exactly an unknown person, are you? Anyone could have taken a picture with a mobile phone. Or do you not know what people will do for money?
(Eduardo seems convinced.)
Eduardo: Thais saw it and went completely possessed. Crazy, even. So I'd appreciate you not being around her until this is resolved, okay?
Rita: Then? What will you do?
Eduardo: The only thing possible. I'll kick her out of the house.


1 comment:

  1. I'm having trouble viewing the DailyMotion videos posted here since I had to get a new computer with Windows 8.1. But I went to the DailyMotion website and was able to see them just fine.(?) I accidently looked at the next episode!!!!! Wow! Even without English translation, that episode is a SHOCKER! Keep up the good work Sara and Dina!........Nelda
