Friday, March 21, 2014

"Sol de Inverno" - Episodes 145 and 146 Translations

(As always, thank you to Dina for the translations!)

Laura has news about Thais

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest of this post...)
(Teresa and Margarida are chatting about the dinner they had when Teresa's boyfriend Vincente came over and met the family. Meanwhile, Eduardo and Laura talk in the library.) 
Laura: There is no international arrest warrant out for Thais. 
Eduardo: Mother may not be very pleased but for me it is reassuring news. 
Laura: If there was an arrest warrant against Thais, it was much easier that we'd be free of her. Don't you understand? 
Eduardo: Yes, mother, I realize that. But there are ways and ways of doing things. 
Laura: Eduardo, your girlfriend is a criminal. You think I feel good about having one of these people walking around my house? 
Eduardo: There is another thing that you don't know about Thais ... How am I supposed to say this? It was she who stabbed Andreia. 
Laura: Well, I do not know whether to clap, or feel horrified. 
Eduardo: Well, it was a jealous fit that was a bit exaggerated, wasn't it? Andreia didn't deserve a thing like that, I think. 
Laura: That girl is far more dangerous than what we think ... You are tired of her, aren't you? At the beginning you found her very funny, but now you're already fed up. An overwhelming passion, but now you'd also like it if she disappeared, right?  Am I wrong? If you had listened to me none of this would have happened. 
(The phone rings.) 
Eduardo: It is Thais. It's me. love, how are you? Here everything is fine, normal. Okay. I'd also prefer to talk to you later. Bye, kisses. 
Margarida: It was Thais? How is she? Having a good trip? 
Eduardo: She's fine.
Teresa: (sarcastic) Hey Eduardo, I wanted to thank you for your extreme kindness during dinner with Vicente. You were very dear. 
Eduardo: Thank me? No need to thank me. Only did my duty. Teresa, I'm serious, look, I restrained myself enough because he's the type of dude that only makes me want to mock him, so ... you got lucky. 
Margarida: You know what Eduardo's problem is? .
Teresa: He has several, tell me...
Margarida: One is that Thais wants to take lessons with Vicente and Eduardo feels threatened. 
Eduardo: Threatened? You are not right in the head. Threatened by a guy who walks around all day in a tracksuit and pumping iron and smells bad? Margarida, I thought you knew me better than that. 
(Eduardo leaves and goes to the kitchen to see Rita.) 
Eduardo: Have you seen Carlos? I need him tomorrow morning.  
Rita: No, I have not seen him tonight. 
Eduardo: Look, when we repeat our show? Hmm? 
Rita: So ... if tonight you leave your bedroom door open, I can go in and say good night to you. 
Eduardo: Promise? Well .. then I'll be waiting, okay? 
Rita: You can.
(Dulce arrives to ask for tea, and they turn away, hiding/covering.) 

Eduardo and Rita pillow talk

Rita: What a shame ... now we have to pretend like it didn't happen ... 
Eduardo: But that doesn't mean it can't happen again... 
Rita: Okay ... But I just imagine different things ... whatever ... we could go to dinner ... spend a night out ... I was so fond of dancing with you ... 
Eduardo: Really? This is nonsense. You've never seen me dancing. And it makes no sense. Soon enough my girlfriend is returning from Paraguay. 
Rita: Okay, but you don't think I could make you forget her? 
Eduardo: How can I forget a person I am with every day? 
Rita: Leave it! 
Eduardo: Rita, you do understand that what's between us is only this, that there is nothing more? You understand that? 
Rita: Yeah .. But I thought... I dunno...
Eduardo: You... thought... you women and thinking.... That's what spoils everything. No, I never told you I was going to leave my wife, or the person I'm with. And even if I did ... we're enjoying ourselves...
Rita: I know...
Eduardo: It's not good?
Rita: Yes, it is. This, the two of us, it's just for fun, isn't it? 
Eduardo: And it's good, isn't it?
Rita: It is.
Eduardo: So ... That's it, you know? 
Rita: Okay ... But you can't stop wanting to have fun with me, okay? 
Eduardo: No... I doubt that will happen anytime soon. 
(Rita gets up from the bed.) 
Eduardo: So??
Rita: So what? I have to go to work. But hey, after I come back, boy Eduardo...
Eduardo: I like.


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