Thursday, March 20, 2014

"Sol de Inverno" - Episode 144 Translations

(As always, thank you to Dina for the translations!)

Laura questions Eduardo

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest of this post...)
(Eduardo goes to see his mother in the library.)
Eduardo: You asked to talk to me?
Laura: Yes, yes, son. I asked.
Eduardo: So?
Laura: Just a moment (and she writes some things on a piece of paper.)  What is your girlfriend up to?
Eduardo: I don't understand.
Laura: I think she walks around very interested in knowing about the death of Luís da Cunha. What does she want to know about Luis da Cunha? Why is she so curious? 
Eduardo: I have no idea. I think it's just that. It's just curiosity. I mean, Thais has always liked morbid things, so it is normal for her to ask questions about a man who died here on the farm.
Laura: I do not think there is anything normal about it. The case was closed. Part of the past.
Eduardo: Mom, she's asking questions out of mere curiosity, okay? I don't think there is any need to be so nervous. 
Laura: There is nothing more to know about Luis da Cunha. It does not concern her. Even if she is your girlfriend I will not allow her to meddle in the affairs of our family.
Eduardo: Okay ... I'll talk to her. I do not understand why mother is so upset every time we speak of the death of Luis da Cunha ... But whatever, I'll talk to her and I will tell her to forget this.
Laura: Great.
(Eduardo goes to see Thais in their bedroom.)
Eduardo: We have to have a conversation Thais. 
Thais: Yes we do. I am going to ... travel.
Eduardo: You'll travel to where?
Thais To Paraguay.
Eduardo: To Paraguay?
Thais: Yes, I will have a meeting with an intermediary of the Ministry of Health to see if we can renew the contract, or make a new deal.
Eduardo: And when is it that you booked our travel?
Thais: Not our travel, I will go alone.
Eduardo: Hmmm .... you're going alone… Next time I would like that you warn me of your plans.
Thais: That's what I'm doing. I'm telling you now.
Eduardo: Before now ...
Thais: Yes, it happens that I do everything for the two of us.
(Eduardo is speechless.)
Thais: So? You wanted to talk?
Eduardo: I've heard that you were asking questions about the death of Luis.
Thais: Yes, I did.
Eduardo: Don't. It's a family affair. It was something that happened when we did not live here yet. So please, do not ask questions.
Thais: Yes, but I am part of the family, I think you can trust me.
Eduardo: That is very nice, but you know that it is not so, right?
(Thais slaps him.)
Thais: Look here, I left my life to live here in this house. So you do not have the right to say I am not part of the family. Eduardo, you cannot leave me behind. You hear me? I ask the questions that I want. Now, tell me who's the killer? Who killed him that night? Talk. You know, Eduardo. Was it your mother?

Thais questions Eduardo

Thais: What do you know Eduardo? You don't trust me?
Eduardo: We both lived in Brazil at that time, Thais. I only know what you know.
Thais: Oh yeah? If that were so, you wouldn't tell me to not ask questions.
Eduardo: The man is dead. What does it matter who killed him?
Thais: You're defending your family.
Eduardo: What I know is what my brothers told me. There aren't many details. The man was found dead in the stables, and that's all I know, okay?
Thais: Are you sure that know all of it? Eduardo, this information can be very important.?
Eduardo: I already told you everything I know. End of conversation, okay?
Thais: Okay. Okay. But if I find out you're hidin something from me...
Eduardo: Wow, that's enough of this conversation.
Thais: I don’t believe you.
Eduardo: In this case, you have no other option.

Eduardo asks Laura for advice

Eduardo: Well mom, I've talked with Thais and she promised me, assured me, that she will not ask questions when she returns. 
Laura: Look, she is not exactly like Andreia ... This one is not as stupid as the other.
Eduardo: I know that very well.
Laura: I'd just like to be sure that she's asking things about Luis da Cunha, out of sheer curiosity. Have you seen the kind of person that you came back with and brought into this house? 
Eduardo: Mother, Thais is a person that's... peculiar.
Laura: Ah ah, a peculiar person?? Eduardo?? When you met her, she was mixed up with a gang ...
Eduardo: Mother, Thais went to Paraguay to solve some business problems. Will try to close with a few guys who wanted to end the contract with us. Anyway ... she'll be there a few days and it may even clear her head. It may be the wind there, whatever. 
Eduardo: No, Mom. It is the routine, it is normal. Okay? That's not to say I do not like her.
Laura: What are you going to do, to rid yourself of the girl?
Eduardo: Mother, I told you…
Laura: Eduardo, I know you. What are you going to do?
Eduardo: I don’t know ... Like I said, she is a peculiar person.
Laura: I only accepted her here at home, to prevent you from following her until the end of the world.
Eduaro: Any advice?
Laura: Eduardo, I'm so tired of solving problems that you have… but so tired...
Eduardo: You make it seem that I am the worst ... I mean, Margarida has a list of problems more than the whole family combined has.
Laura: Your sister is 20 years old. Solve the problem with Thais. Solve this problem. This one. Solve it.
(Margarida and Teresa come for breakfast and talk about their boyfriends.)
Eduardo: (mocking) This is soooo cute. I never thought my sisters were the type to have boyfriends ... with tank tops, who walk on the beach and ...
Teresa: Stop it. Do we speak badly about your girlfriend?
Eduardo: No, because there is nothing to say. She is beautiful. Beautiful to die for. In fact, I now will help her pack. Right now. (and he exchanges a knowing look with Rita.).
Margarida: So go And help fix some sweatshirts. You have a knack for that ...
Eduardo: That was cute.
Rita: Miss Thais is going on a trip?
Margarida: Yes, to Paraguay.
(Meanwhile, in the bedroom.)
Eduardo: Is everything ready?
Thais: It is. And you? Already know what you will do while I am traveling?
Eduardo: I will work, right?
Thais: Hmmm will work ... Very good .... better than being out at night with your divorced friends.
Eduardo: No, no, no way. I should be very jealous because I know very well how they work these business dinners with you spreading your charm ...
Thais: Look, I gotta go. Carlos is here?
Eduardo: No, I want to take you to the airport.
(They both exit.)

Benedita: Eduardo??
Eduardo: Good morning.
Benedita: Long time without seeing each other. How are you? 
Eduardo: All's fine.
Benedita: Has Thais adapted well to Portugal?
Eduardo: You know what? Actually, she loves our country. I bet you even put out candles for her return to Brazil. Haven’t you?
Benedita: Me??
Eduardo: I know you so well, Benedita…
Benedita: Eduardo, I liked you very much. Very much indeed. Only it was like a kind of disease that has passed. I now can see who you are. And look, that is not a damn nice picture ...
Eduardo: (doesn’t answer) My mother is in her office?
Benedita: You can go in…

Laura has advice

(Laura is on the phone when Eduardo comes in.)
Eduardo: Can I come in?
Laura: Come in. I was here, on the phone, with Detective Morais, talking about Thais. With the history that we know about her, it is possible that she has an international arrest warrant out for her.
Eduardo: What if she does?
Laura: And if she does, Eduardo? If so, we present the complaint to her, and we have the problem solved.
Eduardo: Mother, Thais belonged to an organization that was not exactly charitable. To that extent, there are aspects ...
Laura: (interrupts) Eduardo, do you have another idea? Got a better solution?
(Eduardo says nothing.)
Laura: I thought so.
Eduardo: I wanted to talk to you about something else. I want to come back to work with you here at Boheme. 
Laura: What about your drug company?
Eduardo: I'll end the company as soon as I get rid of Thais. It was she who ran everything anyway. Mother? Mother? I realized that my place is here, working with you.
Laura: Now first let us get rid of Thais. Then we'll see.
Eduardo: Mom, I really, really, want to come back to work with you here. I ask you to think about it.

While the cat's away...

(Eduardo goes to the kitchen to surprise Rita.)
Eduardo: Drop the dishes and come with me to my room. Come on!
Rita: I can’t. I have to work now.
Eduardo: Listen, I'm your boss, and I am authorizing you to take a couple hours off with me.
Rita: I see you will enjoy doing some foolinshness while your girlfriend’s away.
Eduardo: How did you guess? Come on, let's go to the bedroom.
Rita: No! Here, at home, it could be dangerous. We can go to another place.
Eduardo: So, but you never cared so much about being caught, why now?
Rita: Okay, but at the other times, if we got caught it was easy to disguise. Now if they catch us in bed, in the act, what shall we say? Hmm? Come to a hotel ... I'll call your mother to say that I have a doctor's appointment, and I will have to leave, and so we will be more comfortable and everything. Okay??
Eduardo: I think it's very good. So see you later. We'll meet each other in a bit. Okay? Until then.
(When Eduardo leaves Rita immediately calls someone asking if they are free because she needs a favor.)

Rita has a plan....

(After spending a few hours in a hotel room, Eduardo and Rita leave the elevator and are photographed by Rita’s friend, which sends the picture to her phone.)
Rita: (when she sees the picture) I think I have my first magazine cover.


1 comment:

  1. I hope Eduardo knows how to steer a boat with his bare hands, cause he's going up the creek with no paddle! The frying pan is getting hot, hot hot. Yikes! Can hardly wait for the next episode.
