Wednesday, March 26, 2014

"Sol de Inverno" - Episode 148 and 149 Translations

(As always, thank you to Dina for the translations!)

Eduardo questions Rita

(Eduardo goes to see Rita in the kitchen.)
Eduardo: Rita, do you know if someone went through my things, if someone came into my room yesterday, something strange happened?

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest of this post...)
Rita: I do not know. But I also spend most of the time here in the kitchen ... But why? Something disappeared?
Eduardo: More or less. What I know is that someone went fiddling through things they shouldn't have, and now I've got problems.
Rita: Well, look, I do not know anything. But if I can help, I will let you know.
Eduardo: I'll also speak with Carla (the maid who deals with the bedrooms.)   It must have been ... Carla.
Rita: Well, she is always there walking in the bedrooms area. I can't believe ... do you think that somebody is messing with your stuff?
Eduardo: I think so .... Look ... I'm going to the airport to pick up Thais. Anyway ... from now on we have to be a little more discreet, okay? She is anything but foolish.
Rita: Okay. Do not worry.
(Carlos enters suddenly and they move away.)
Carlos Eduardo, good morning. The car is ready.
Eduardo: So let's go. Let's do it.
Carlos: Goodbye Rita.
Rita: Goodbye.

Carlos, Eduardo and Thais talk

(Eduardo and Thais arrive from the airport.)
Carlos: Well, I'll be in the kitchen if you need anything.
Eduardo: You can take the day off. We no longer need you today.
Carlos: Really? 
Eduardo: Really.
Carlos: Actually that comes in handy. I have to take care of my bachelor party.
]Eduardo: (laughing) Ahhh yes ... I almost forgot. ... Have heard, you're getting marred ...
Carlos: It's true ... Any chance you want to go with us to Madrid? Really. The staff is fun. It will be very cool. (Carlos' bachelor party is going to be in Madrid.)
(Before Eduardo can say yes, Thais interrupts.)
Thais: No... Eduardo only travels with me ...
Eduardo: It's ... It's a kind of protocol that we have ... Now if you need some tips for restaurants, for "tapas," good places to relax, bars ... talk to me.
Carlos: Okay. Actually gives me some headway because I've never been to Madrid and just seen the lights, so you give me ideas.
Eduardo: Lights they have there in abundance.
Carlos: Well, I'm going. Thank you very much.
(After Carlos leaves, Eduardo questions Thais.)
Eduardo: So? How did it go?
Thais: Look my love, I'll be delighted to talk with you about the business, but first I want to take a bath, relax ... but I can say that it went better than I expected.
Eduardo: (with a smirk/fake smile) How great...

Thais is suspicious

(Eduardo and Thais talk in their bedroom.)
Eduardo: Well, I can not believe how you managed to convince the guys in Paraguay to change their mind. How was that possible?
Thais: Eduardo, it's not like you do not know me. You thought what? I was going to cross the ocean, and come back with little more than a hand shake? Of course not! Soon we start drug distribution there.
Eduardo: But it's so good, so good, so good ... Now we have to see how are we going do it, right? I mean, it's complicated, the turnover in Paraguay without one of us being there, right? I think you, for example, you could stay there a few months ...
Thais: Yes, and then, how would Dudu live without me?
Eduardo: It's good for our business, isn't it? It is for the good of our work...
Thais: Since when you do think about business and work? Hmm? Are you wanting to get rid of me? Is that it, Eduardo?
Eduardo: What nonsense is this, Thais? Huh? What is this?
Thais: (suspiciously) We never thought about it. We never thought about us staying in different countries. Eduardo ... I think you're confusing me with Andreia. It's not even worth trying to make a fool of me. Okay?
Eduardo: It is. It is… What paranoia ... That makes no sense ... Always the same kind of conversation ... Look, maybe you could change the subject.
Thais: So let's do the following. Let's replace "conversation" with "threat."

Laura has news about Benedita

(Laura joins Eduardo, Teresa and Thais, who are in the living room.)
Eduardo: Feeling better, mom?
Laura: Yeah, I'm a little bit better. I already took a painkiller and now the headaches began to pass.
Teresa: You want me to ask Rita to bring anything?
Laura: No. I talked to Rita. I have something to tell you all. Today a very serious thing happened at the company. We discovered, finally, who put the suitcase at the fashion show. It was Benedita. She was Sofia's accomplice.
Eduardo: Benedita?? How did you find out?
Laura: A model saw her leave the suitcase behind the stage.
Teresa: Mother, calm down. This is a very serious accusation. This model is sure of what she saw?
Laura: Teresa, the model is absolutely certain. And Benedita's reaction when I confronted her, leaves no doubt. It was she who passed the information all this time, to Sofia. It was she who gave her the information about our finances.
Eduardo: Really, I mean ... Benedita, in the position she was in at the company, and to do what she did, it's a scandal...
Teresa: She worked for us for years. We told her all our confidence. Nothing justifies this, mother. This is an unforgivable betrayal.
Laura: It's for you to see what people will do for money.
Thais: There are people who will do many crazy things for money.
Laura: Well, anyway the matter is with the police, and I have already fired Benedita. Now the police will handle the rest.
Thais: Well, I'm going to bed. I'm tired ... You coming, love?
Eduardo: I'm gonna finish my drink first.
(gives a very cold kiss)
Thais: Well, until tomorrow.
Teresa: Until tomorrow, Thais.
(When Thais leaves, they start talking in low voices.) 
Laura: I'm able to bear it anymore. I do not want this girl here at home, understand?
Eduardo: But mom, what do you want me to do? What do I do? I've tried to convince her to return to Paraguay. She refused!
Teresa: But why are you talking about Thais like this? What's going on?
Laura: Your brother let himself be fooled by this girl, and he is now in full fear of her.
Eduardo: It's not fear. It's not fear.
Teresa: Calm down ... We already knew about Thais' troubled past, but why be afraid of her ...
Laura: It was she who put the video of Margarida on the internet.
Teresa: Thais?? Thais?? For what purpose? Why would she do such a thing? 
Eduardo: I dunno ... I think it was because she was afraid that Andreia would come back here, to the house, and she went crazy ... 
Teresa: I mean, Margarida was completely destroyed, almost took her own life because of it, and she continues to live here at home with us?
Laura: Are you listening your sister?
Teresa: Mother will do something, I hope ...
Laura: Are you listening your sister?
Eduardo: I am… yes…
Laura: It's very simple. Either you handle this matter, or I will, understand?
Eduardo: I'll handle it, mother.

Thais interrupts

(Eduardo goes to the kitchen for ice.)
Rita: I was just about to bring to the living-room.
Eduardo: Never mind. I serve myself.
Rita: Do you want me to serve you? 
Eduardo: No. Never mind, I serve myself. What a thing ... So who's boss? It is I who am the boss.
Eduardo: One more thing, Rita.
Rita: What?
Eduardo: I wanted to meet up with you away from here.
Rita: Oh yeah? And when?
Eduardo: Tonight. Hmm? After dinner ... At what time will you leave?
Rita: What about your girlfriend? Didn't you say that now we had to be more discreet?
Eduardo: Here's the thing ... You worry about other things, okay? I'll worry about that part. I'll make up an excuse. Say I'm going out with some friends, well ... Something.
Rita: So what if she does not believe you?
Eduardo: So, if she doesn't believe me I ...
(Thais interrupts them and they cover.)
Rita: (re: ice) Enough?
Eduardo: Yes, two ice cubes is great.
Rita: I'll take this to the living room and take the opportunity to find out what time I must serve dinner.
Thais: (suspiciously) Since when do you come to the kitchen for little things?
Eduardo: Since I was a kid ... we were always taught that we have little hands to grab things. I came to get a little ice...
(And he leaves.)


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