Wednesday, March 19, 2014

"Sol de Inverno" - Episode 143 Translations

(As always, thank you to Dina for the translations!)

Thais is annoyed with Eduardo

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest of this post...)
(Thais is working in the library and calls Eduardo in.)
Eduardo: What's so so urgent it has to be dealt with now? Now, right now. Hmmm??
Thais: Eduardo, I'm not like you, you are always putting things off that you have to deal with, and that you have to do. Got it?
Eduardo: Hmm ... So ... tell me what's going on with you? What happened?
Thais: Nothing happened. Nothing, nothing, nothing. That's the problem.
Eduardo: Can you be a little more specific?
Thais: We should have already received a response from the company in Paraguay, and nothing. I'm here trying to do an email to convince them, sending new terms...
Eduardo: Eh, eh ... calm down. Hello, here on earth. Down here ... Calm ... Let's have patience, okay? You know how things work in these countries. It takes forever to make decisions, right?
Thais: For this very reason, okay? It is for this very reason that we have to do something. I think, my love, we have to go there. Convince them ...
Eduardo: I think there is no need to go there. If things can be handled by email, I see no need to make a trip to Paraguay, just for such a thing.
Thais: Eduardo, you sometimes say some things that annoy me. You think what? That sending an email is the same thing as us sitting down with the client for dinner? I don't think you have a sense of what is at stake. You think what? You think this is your Mom’s deal? It's your business Eduardo. And I do not see you doing anything to make this work well.
Eduardo: Hmm, now sitting there in the same place, you looked like my mother. But much cuter. Much cuter.
Thais: Look, I think your mother is right. You do not like to work. And the worst is not that you don't like to work. The worst thing is that you don't have any talent to manage a company.
Eduardo: Oh, oh ... calm ... calm down over there, because I work hard every day.
Thais: Work hard?? Hard??
Eduardo: Yes.
Thais: What do you do?
Eduardo: Things.
Thais: What things? You close the contract and are charming. Now I, I carry it all alone on my back.
Eduardo: No, you have the sense that you are doing more than others. That’s different.
Thais: More than you, I do for sure. Now you spend your life complaining you want to get out of your mother's shadow, but it is you who put you in that position. When is not the mother’s shadow, it's Thais' shadow, right? After complaining that nobody gives you credit ...
Eduardo: (does not feel like discussing this) I'm hungry ... I'm going to dinner.
Thais: This is how we see our priorities, right, my love?

Thais has an idea

Thais: Eduardo, I can't believe that we have just lost the contract for distribution in Paraguay.
Eduardo: We always knew that there were others in the race, right? 
Thais: Eduardo, it was a multi-million contract, that would have put us in a very comfortable situation.
Eduardo: And I don’t know that? I know that.
Thais: And now, Eduardo?
Eduardo: And now what? We are not bankrupt, right?
Thais: Love... can't you see that our situation is not very good? We did not renew any contracts, we don't have any new clients, we do not ...
Eduardo: Love? Love, wait a bit, okay? Our company is new. This is normal. Businesses are all like this. We have to have patience.
Thais: Patience?? I love to hear you telling me to have patience. Look, I've never had patience, and it is not now that I will have ot. Look my dear. You should know by now that I'm not the type of woman to sit around waiting for things to fall from the sky. We need to get another deal, okay? We have to go to Boheme.
Eduardo: Boheme? Thais, you know that my mother does not want me there, don’t you understand?
Thais: If your problem is my bad mother-in-law ... I'll handle her.
Eduardo: You'll handle what?
Thais: I will handle. In my own way.
Eduardo: Thais, I'm not kidding, don't talk about that here. You shut up, okay? Come here, come with me.
(And they go to the library.)
Eduardo: Look have you lost your mind completely?
Thais: We have to take advantage. We have to use that Teresa is busy with her new boyfriend ...
Eduardo: But you want to trick my mom?? So? Are you crazy, or what? Like you do not know her.
Thais: Of course I know her. But nobody is infallible, you know? We have to take advantage of the fact that she was weakened by her breakup with Manel.
Eduardo: Shhhh. Be quiet. She's not fragile because of Manel, you know? No, she is angry and this will make her a target is more, understand?
Thais: I understand ... I understand that you're afraid of her.
Eduardo: No, I don't have any fear of her. I know my mother much better than you. Okay?
Thais: I've dealt with a lot more dangerous people...
Eduardo: Thais, it's not worth us fooling my mother, you know? Because she sooner or later will realize what I am doing to her.
Thais: I'm telling you, I 've been waiting for this day ... sitting and waiting
Eduardo: The only thing I ask you is to take it easy. If we perhaps decide to trick my mom, we run the risk of losing everything, do you get that?

Eduardo's going shopping

(Thais is in the library, at the computer, researching news about the death of Luis, Margarida's coach/ex-lover, when Eduardo comes in and she tries to hide what she is doing from him.)
Eduardo: I'm going shopping, wanna come? 
Thais: No, baby, I don't feel like it, thank you. 
Eduardo: Don't you feel like going shopping? This is bad... I'm worried... 
Thais: Don't be love, it's just that I'm here doing some orders ... 
Eduardo: Then I'll help you, come on ... 
Thais: No, no, no. Thank you my love. 
Eduardo: You see? Then don't complain. I was trying to help, okay? 
Thais: Okay. Do the following: go shopping, leave me here working and bring me back something beautiful. 
Eduardo: Okay ... So I will go alone. 
(And he leaves.)


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