Sunday, March 16, 2014

"Sol de Inverno" - Episode 142 Translations

(Note: "Eduardo" was not in episode 141, so here is the next episode he was in, episode 142. And as always, thank you to Dina for the translations!)

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest of this post...)
Matilde: I know I'm saying something a bit tacky, but everyday I like Tomás more...
Thais: You chose well ... 
Eduardo: I, actually, would like it more if you'd comment on my sister's dating and not my sister's boyfriend. It's would be much nicer. 
Thais: uiii ... I love seeing you so ... jealous ... 
(Laura arrives home after having it out with Manel and he ended things with her.) 
Eduardo: That sure is working late mother. 
Laura: Someone has to do it. 
Margarida: I'm getting so hungry ... Mom knows what time Vasco and Manel will arrive? 
Laura: Vasco and Manel are not coming to dinner. 
Margarida: Went to the grandparents? 
Laura: Manel and I split up. 
Eduardo: And you're not going to tell us what happened? 
Margarida: Yeah .. and when did it happen? I have not heard anything, Mother. 
Teresa: Now is not the time for questions. 
Eduardo: I disagree actually. I disagree because it was mother who insisted that we accept Manel and the kid, .... Vasco, here at home, as if we were family. So ... at the least, I think we need an explanation ... 
Laura: I don't have to give you an explanation, Eduardo. I hate to hear a person who has done so much nonsense tell me what you just said. Vasco's room is free and as of now there are two more places at the table. Let me know when dinner is served. 
Thais: Well... I've never seen your mother so angry...

(Eduardo goes home to get some documents that he forgot and finds Rita.) 
Rita: I did not know that the doctor was already at home. 
Eduardo: Yeah ... I forgot a folder .... I'll pick it up and then go back to the office. 
Rita: If you had a little more time ... 
Eduardo: More time?? So ... but ... are we alone at home? 
Rita: Yeah .. by chance we are ... 
(They both laugh.) 
Rita: I'm sorry. I'm going back to the kitchen. 
Eduardo: No, no. Wait. Anyway ... I may need your help ... 
Rita: Oh? For what? 
Eduardo: To ... to find... the folder ... 
Rita: There are many folders in the library ... ... 
Eduardo: Well ... No. .. Really?? 
Rita: If you want you can come with me. I'll help you look. 
(Rita goes to the library and Eduardo cannot resist going after her.) 
Rita: I do not want the Doctor to be thinking ... .
Eduardo: No. .. I do not want to think about anything ... It's just right for ... 
(His phone rings. It's Thais.) 
Eduardo: Hello? Yes I'm just here, at home,  but I have not found it. Listen, you have to make sure that we do not need the invoices for ... 
(Eduardo tries to talk to Thais while Rita kisses him.) 
Eduardo: Okay. I'm on my way now. Thais, I already know. Okay. I'll be right there. 
Eduardo: (when off the phone) Work calls me away. But look, later we will pickup where we left off, okay? 
Rita: It's a promise. 
Eduardo: Look ... what if we meet outside of here? 
Rita: Okay! I'll be waiting. 


1 comment:

  1. His acting abilities are So natural!!!
    I just LUV the man
