Monday, February 17, 2014

"Sol de Inverno" - Episode 123 Translations

(As always, thank you to Dina for the translations!)

Manel asks about their business

Manel: So Eduardo, are you considering expanding to other countries? 

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest of this post...)
Thais: No, no, not yet. Because Brazil is a big country, isn't it? Almost a continent ... And the market is huge. So first we want to get as many customers as we can there, and then think about moving to other countries. 
Eduardo: Yeah, but that does not mean that if things continue to go as smoothly as they are now, it doesn't mean we won't try to expand to... 
Thais: No, no, no, what is this, love? We will not decentralize. 
Eduardo: Well, we are not going to do that now, not... decentralize... 
Thais: Excuse me (and she moves off.) 
Thais: (to Margarida) So sister in law? How are things? Are they calmer on the internet? 
Margarida: I think so. Alice told me that already shut down the fake Facebook pages under my name, and I also haven't gotten any more stupid email. So...  
Eduardo: Yes, but look things will get much better, right? You'll see. And you too. You will also be fine. 
(Vasco asks Margarida if it is true that she will stop studying. She says yes. Manel is concerned but Margarida does not worry and wants Vasco to go horseback riding with her. Vasco has to say no because he has a surfing lesson with Tomás. Laura intervenes and tells him that he should concentrate on riding instead of wasting time trying to catch waves. Manel says he will not force his son to do something he dislikes. Laura does not like the comment but doesn't say anything.) 
Eduardo: Well, but to talk about something else.... The collection by Sofia is almost out. Mom, are you prepared? Prepared for the competition? 
Laura: Let's talk about something else, okay? (To Vasco) Go surfing, okay? 

They read news about Andreia

(Thais is reading on the iPad.) 
Thais: I do not believe what I see, love. 
Eduardo: What is it?
Thais: Your ex-wife, Andreia Aragão, was in rehab. 
Eduardo: Let me see it. This can only be my mother's handy work ... Has to be ... She said she would get revenge on Andreia for what she did to Margarida. There it is. Well, at least this will divert attention away from Margarida, right? Now people have another scandal to talk about. 
Thais: You still have remorse because of your sister, don't you? 
Eduardo: I never thought the girl would get to that point, you know? 
\Thais: I didn't know your mother had so much influence on the press... 
Eduardo: Thais, my mother gets everything she wants ... You saw an example of that in Brazil ... She found out where I was and she came there to get me. 
Thais: I miss that time so much, love. 
Eduardo: (hugs her) I have an idea. Why don't we go to the beach? Hmm? Not exactly Copacabana beach or any other beach in Rio, but we will have fun. 
Thais: Yes, come on, let's go, because I need to go out. 


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