Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Diogo on "Good Morning America"

Diogo was a guest on ABC's "Good Morning America" today to discuss "Son of God."  

(picture courtesy of GMA on Twitter)

And as you can see, he and fellow GMA guest, actress Hailee Steinfeld, had some fun with the show's Twitter Mirror, which you can also see the clip of below, followed by the video of Diogo's interview with "Good Morning America" co-host George Stephanopoulos.

Diogo on GMA at Twitter Mirror

Diogo on GMA teaser

Diogo on GMA

Okay, "it's all in the healing field" may be one of my favorite things Diogo has ever said.  :)  

"Son of God" opens in theaters on February 28th here in the US, and you can buy your tickets online now.


1 comment:

  1. Interview was good, just not long enough
