Sunday, February 2, 2014

"Sol de Inverno" - Episode 111 Translations

(As always, thank you to Dina for the translations!)

Eduardo is not happy

Eduardo: I will not sell you my shares in Boheme for 1 € (Euro). It is ridiculous. 

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest of this post...)
Laura: Think Eduardo. Think. You married Andreia with community property. Although I have always been of the opposite opinion. This is the only way we have so she will not get anything. Do you understand?  
Eduardo: Okay, makes some sense. What about me? I get what, mother?
Laura: I have a proposition for you. 
(Eduardo laughs sarcastically.) 
Laura: Do not start to blow up, for God's sake. Do no blow up, because if there's one thing that sets me off, it's you blowing up.  I want you to stay in Portugal.  And not return to Brazil.
Eduardo: No, mother, no. My decision is made. If you want me to sign the damn power of attorney, okay, I'll sign. Want my share of Boheme for 1 €? Okay, I'll do it. Now once this is all over, I go back to Brazil, to be with Thais. 
Laura: Talk to her. Have her come to Portugal. I'll help you reorganize your life here. 
Eduardo: I cannot, Mother. Cannot. I started a business on my own there. I need to be there to make things work. 
Laura: Oh son, you used a false identity. You will not be able to run any company. This company has no leg to stand on. I'll help you in exporting medicine. Help you to export to Brazil. Help you to export to Angola. And give you an allowance in the beginning. I will help you ... 
Eduardo: (seems confused) I need time. This is not a decision I can make alone. 
Laura: Talk with the girl. It will not be hard to convince her to come to Portugal. They all want to come to Portugal. Son, now that Sofia has sold us her part of Boheme, we once again have our company in our hands. 
Eduardo: We? What do I get for all this? Mother is thinking of giving me some important position in Boheme? 
Laura: One thing at a time. One thing at a time. Now you really deserve to be rewarded for the risk you took to save your sister. 
(Eduardo decides to sign the papers.) 
Laura: I need you here, son. You'll be much better in Portugal than if you were in Brazil. 
Eduardo: I'll talk to Thais and then tell you something. 

Another family dinner

Eduardo: Mom, I've talked with Thais and she accepted your proposal. 
Laura: Great. In this case it is time for her to make the trip. 
Teresa: Will live here at home? 
Eduardo: No.
Laura: Of course they will. Obviously.  The house is huge, we have space and they can have their independence. 
Margarida: I'm curious to meet her.  
Laura: We are all. Now all we have to take care of is the divorce. 
Eduardo: I speak with the lawyer tomorrow. 
Laura: If you want me to be present at the meeting with Andreia, you know you can count on me.  
Eduardo: No need for that, mother. I can resolve it on my own. 
Margarida: So, and when is Thais coming? Have you decided on a date? 
Eduardo: In two or three days. She has to turn over the house we'd rented and talk to the partners we had, nothing else. 
Margarida: Andreia is going to freak out. 
Teresa: Mother? What worries you? 
Laura: Nothing. I was thinking about Matilde. How could she report me? 
Teresa: Yes, it's absolutely unbelievable.  After what you did for her, the fact that she went to the police to report you is horrible. 
Eduardo: And what is Salvador's position? He now has to pick a side, doesn't he? 
Laura: I spoke with him, for him to come here to talk. 
(The doorbell rings.)  
Laura: Must be Manel.
(It is.)
Manel: Hello Rita, good evening. 
Rita: Good evening.
Laura: Hi.
Manel: Hello, how is everyone? Good evening Teresa, how are you feeling? 
Teresa: Well. Recovering. 
Laura: Do you want coffee?
Manel: Yes. I accept.
Laura: Come to the library. 
Eduardo: But this one now spends his life here at home? 
Teresa: What's your problem?
Eduardo: I never liked him, and not going to like him now.

Salvador comes over

(Salvador has come to the house to talk, as his mother asked.) 
Salvador: What's going on, mother? 
Laura: Sit down son. 
Salvador: Say something, because I'm already getting worried. 
Eduardo: You will get even more ...  
Laura: Do not listen to your brother because he is still "jet lagged."  Salvador, Matilde went to the police and filed a complaint against me in the case of Luis Cunha. She accused me of killing him.
Teresa: You knew that?
Salvador: No, I had no idea. Matilde told me nothing. 
Laura: Dr. Sampaio says they have no evidence against me. But it is clear that the police are going to come after me. I'll be the prime suspect. I've asked your siblings to confirm that I was always with them, just went with Rita to get some wine. And I need you to say that you didn't see me, nor that Matilde told you I went to the stables after her. (Before Salvador can say anything) Son, I need you. Help me Salvador. I need you right now. 

Eduardo calls Andreia

(Eduardo calls Andreia.)  
Eduardo: Andreia, it's me. Look I need to meet you today, to deal with this divorce situation. Enough of this circus, no? 
Andreia: I'm busy. Today I am doing an ad campaign.  
Eduardo: Really? Then I ask, who did you fool this time, huh? 
Andreia: I'll be the face of the new collection of shoes by Sofia, Mood. I told you, it would be something big, Eduardo. We can talk later. Today gives me no time to discuss the divorce.
Eduardo: Listen, Andreia, I'll handle this matter, whether you want it or not. Do you hear? To be clear. 
(Laura comes in as Eduardo hangs up.)
Laura: Eduardo, I just spoke with the lawyer. Already has the papers for Sofia to sign, for us to get her part.
Eduardo: Mother, I just spoke to Andreia.  Did you know that Andrea will be in the campaign for Sofia's new shoe line 
Laura: That so? It is understandable. Sofia should be trying to repay her for the favors she did for her all this time. You know that for all the board meetings, Andreia was always on her side? 
Eduardo: Of that I have no doubt. I mean, what other reason is there for Sofia to hire Andreia? She is completely outdated as a model.
Laura: It is interesting. Sofia and Andreia will sink together. 


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