Saturday, February 15, 2014

Diogo and Úrsula Corona on "E-Especial"

Diogo and his "Sol de Inverno" co-star Úrsula Corona were on SIC's "E-Especial" today discussing their characters and working on the series.   Our wonderful friend Dina was kind enough to translate this for us, found right below the video. 

Diogo and Úrsula Corona on E-Especial

Sofia Tavares: Diogo Morgado is back on "Sol de Inverno," but he did not come alone. He as a new girlfriend, "Thais," Ursula Corona. 

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest of this post...)
Ursula Corona: "Thais" fell in love with a Mexican and moved to Mexico. There she discovers he has a gang. Thais joins the gang. After the gang kidnaps "Eduardo," who is Diogo Morgado, they fall in love and flee to Brazil. Laura finds out and then ... much happens on "Sol de Inverno" ... 
(clip from "Sol de Inverno" plays)
Laura: I hope that you are different, Thais. My kids have a knack for choosing the women they marry. 
Diogo: Thais is a criminal who gets me off the hook....  who finds her prince out of the situation ... 
Ursula: But I will collect on that... 
Diogo: But then will collect at high cost... 
Sofia: Is it a challenge being on a Portuguese soap opera? 
Ursula: It's a challenge, with great pleasure. With tastes of cod, olive oil, wine, Pastel de Belém ... When I received the invitation, I said "how interesting, this idea." I think it's very good... even more so nowadays, the Portuguese have their own signature in doing dramas. And being part of that process, for me, is really special. 
Diogo: Having someone who comes from a different school or a different way of doing a show, and has a different rhythm in their way of doing it.... and we combine these in a way that people believe these two characters could have a relationship, it is fantastic. 

Obrigada Dina, as always, for the translation!



  1. What was the song playing in the background?

    1. I don't know but to me it sounded like a version of the Eurythmics' "Playing with My Heart"/There Must be an Angel" song LOL!

    2. Natiruts - Sorri sou rei
