Thursday, January 30, 2014

"Sol de Inverno" - Episode 109 Translations

Videos and translations thanks to Dina.

Eduardo has a question by diogofanfriends

(Laura prepares to leave home when Eduardo appears.)
Laura: Good morning.
Eduardo: Hi.
Laura: Need something?
Eduardo: No. Oh mother, let me ask you a question. How do you let Salvador’s mother continue to work in the factory as chief of the line?
Laura: Don’t worry. It’ll not be for long. See you later.
(Margarida goes to the library to talk to Eduardo.) Margarida: Rita said you didn’t want to be bothered, but I wanted to have a talk with you alone. Eduardo: Sit. So? What is it? What's going on? Margarida: Eduardo, I know we were never very close, even more so because of the age difference. Eduardo: If we were very close, there was a lot of craziness you did that you would not have done. Margarida: Oh, but what a great example you set for me. Pretending you were dead ... It really was very clever of you. Eduardo: Margarida ... (he signals her to stop). Tell me what you want from me, come on. Margarida: I understand why you thought of not returning. But if you want to go back to Boheme, I can support you. Eduardo: (seems to be touched) Mom and Teresa can perfectly manage Boheme alone. In fact, they always have. Margarida, you're too young and I'm not exactly very good with words, but I'll try to explain. I think for the first time in my life I like someone, and I was lucky that that someone likes me, as much. It's like people say, something like this happens only once in life, so I will not waste it. Margarida: When is the trip? Eduardo: So once I get my documents, I'll buy a one-way ticket. (Margarida is very sad and Eduardo tries to cheer her up.) Eduardo: Hey, hey, oh. You can always visit me, hmm? Margarida: It’s not the same thing. Eduardo: Sure is. It's better. Coconut water, feet in the sand ... Come on.

Eduardo is eager to leave by diogofanfriends

(Laura arrives home very tired and Eduardo comes to see her.) Eduardo: Good evening. Laura: Good evening. Eduardo: Mom, do you have any news from the lawyer? I need the documents to travel. Laura: Eduardo, I just got here. I had a difficult day. Give me some time to breathe? Eduardo: Mother knows that time is precisely what I do not have. I want to travel to Brazil as soon as possible. Laura: You were presumed dead, there is a death certificate. These things are not resolved in one day, you must consider the time it takes. Eduardo: Knowing you as I do, it would not surprise me at all if you were doing something to delay the process. If you want I can speak with the attorney. I can even handle the matter personally. Laura: Absolutely. Do it. Makes no difference to me. Eduardo, I do not want to keep you here against your will, son. Eduardo: Good, good. Laura: (changing the subject) You know what? Sofia wants to sell me her part of Boheme. Eduardo: What? But what happened to make her want to do that? Laura: She is not completely dumb. She is not stupid. She knows that with your having 2% she no longer have decision-making power within Boheme. Boheme is no longer of interest to her. Eduardo: And you will buy her part? Laura: I made her a proposal. Now let's see if she accepts. Eduardo: How much did you offer? Laura: (laughing) Half of what she paid me. Half ... Eduardo: Good deal. And Manuel, Mother? Manuel is also part of your grand plot of revenge? Or are you with him because ... you ... like ... Laura: Eduardo, listen. This is a subject that does not concern you. Eduardo: You are absolutely right. For sure.


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