Tuesday, January 28, 2014

"Sol de Inverno" - Episode 107 Translations

Videos and translations thanks to Dina.  (By the way, I need to say again that dear Dina is the quiet, unsung hero of this blog. I owe her a lot, and I am VERY grateful.  Obrigada Dina for all you do for us Diogo fans!)

Eduardo comes home by diogofanfriends

Detective: The plane is refueling. Not long to leave. 
\Laura: Good. The sooner we get out the better. 
(Eduardo begins to wake up.) 
Eduardo: Where am I?

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest of this post...)
Laura: You're safe. I have a plane that will take us home. 
Eduardo: Mother came to kidnap me? 
Laura: I was at your funeral, Eduardo. I and your siblings wept your death. 
Eduardo: I could not say that I was alive. 
Laura: Why not?
Eduardo: Because if you knew, would come to kidnap me, as is happening now. I met someone. I'm happy here. 
Laura: You're what?
Eduardo: I’m happy.
Laura: You’re happy, Eduardo? Is that it?
Eduardo: She must be looking for me. I have to warn her. I have to warn her that I'm fine.
Laura: When we arrive you call her. And do not even think about trying to escape, because I have people out there.
Eduardo: I will not return to Portugal. There is nothing to make me go back. I have no reason to return. None.
Laura: You aren't? And we, Eduardo? You have any idea of what we experienced when we learned of your death?
Eduardo: Sure.
Laura: Did you ever, during this time, were you thinking about me and your siblings suffering because of your death?
Eduardo: Sure.

Surprise at the office by diogofanfriends

(Sofia arrives at Boheme and sees that her things are being removed from her office.)
Sofia: What's going on here? Who has sent you to take my stuff?
(Laura appears.)
Laura: I did.
(Eduardo also appears.)
Eduardo: Good morning.
Sofia: Eduardo…
Laura: Eduardo is alive, which means that at this point you stopped having the majority [of Boheme shares] and I want my office back.
Sofia: What farce is this you've invented? What is this?
Laura: (to employee) Can you put all that stuff out there, please?
Sofia: Put in the office down the hall, which is empty. Thank you.
Laura: Right now the 2% that Andreia has does not matter, and you're leaving here because I say so.
Sofia: But you did the funeral for Eduardo ...
Laura: There was a mistake ...
Eduardo: Obviously the body they found was not mine, right?
Laura: Whatever agreement you have with Andreia ceases to exist at this time.
Eduardo: The 2% which was Andreia's, return to me.
(Benedita finds it strange that Sofia ran out so quickly/upset, and is more surprised when she sees Eduardo.)
Benedita: Eduardo ... I do not believe ... I knew you were alive, I knew ...
Laura: Benedita? Benedita? Control yourself ...
Benedita: Sorry, Dr., it's just that I can not believe this is happening. I always said you were alive, always said.
Eduardo: Then you should have bet with someone. You could've won something with that.
Laura: Cancel all my appointments. And one more thing, Benedita, I’m going back to my old office. Close the door with the key, I don’t want Sofia to go in there again, not ever.

Family reunion by diogofanfriends

(Teresa and Margarida talk in the living room when Laura arrives home with Eduardo.)
Margarida: Mom, I did not know that you were back.
(stops when she sees her brother and runs to hug him.)
Margarida: I do not believe it...
Teresa: (also emotional) You can not imagine how good it is you're here. It hurt us so much ...
Eduardo: How are you?
Teresa: I'm good.
Margarida: Why didn’t you tell us you were alive? What happened?
(Dulce and Rita arrive.)
Dulce: I do not believe. Oh my gosh my boy is here ... I can not believe what my eyes see. Dr., what miracle was this?
Laura: A long story. I'll tell you later.
Margarida: But what happened? What happened in Mexico? Why  did you never tell us anything?
Eduardo: I was abducted and then I ended up running away.
Margarida: And did they harm you? How did you escape?
Laura: You'll have time to ask all your questions to your brother. Eduardo is with us now, and not going anywhere. Rita, bring me a coffee.
Rita: Sure.
(The doorbell rings, Dulce goes, opens the door and it is Simão.)
Dulce: Boy Simão, you know what happened?
Simão, Rita told me.
Simão: I don’t know what to say. Glad you're here..

More reunions by diogofanfriends

(They are all gathered in the living room and Dulce serves coffee.)
Dulce: If you need anything else, I'll be in the kitchen.
Eduardo: What more can I say? Basically it was this. When they realized that I only had one kidney, and had donated the other, there were two choices, kill me or demand a ransom.
Margarida: But they never did that.
Eduardo: No, because I managed to escape in time with the help of Thais.
Teresa: Thais is the girl with whom you are living, isn’t she?
Margarida: How did you know that, Teresa?
Laura: The detective sent us a picture in which Eduardo was with her.
Simão: But Thais has also been caught?
Eduardo: No. Thais was working in a nursing home but had a deal with the guys who paid kids to donate organs.
Teresa: She was part of the business?
Eduardo: She was, Teresa, she was. I understand it might be difficult for you to realize, but the truth is that the reality is very different there than it is here.
Margarida: The way you talk ... sounds like you really like her.
Eduardo: And I do like her. And I intend to go to her, to Brazil, as soon as possible.
Teresa: But you're still married.
Eduardo: This resolves that.
Laura: But it has costs. You know that, don’t you?
Margarida: Why didn’t she come to Portugal? Mother wouldn’t cause any problems, right?
Eduardo: No Margarida. Not worth it. I don’t want to be here. My life is not here, I want to go to Brazil and make a new life there.
(Andreia arrives.)
Andreia: For someone who died and was buried, you don't even look bad.
Eduardo: Hello, Andreia.
Andreia: Is that all you have to say to me?
Eduardo: The first thing you did when you knew of my death was take my inheritance and clear the account we had together. What do you want me to tell you?
Andrea: I only demanded what is rightfully mine. Also I have already proven that you all can trust me.
Laura: Okay. You have seen. You have seen that Eduardo is really alive, so you can go now.
Andreia: No. We need to talk.
Teresa: Mother, speak to Andreia. I think after what she did for Margarida, owe her at least that.
Laura: Okay. Come to the Library.
(in the Library.)
Eduardo: Andreia Look, you do not even need to bother to explain. You know I always had this feeling that if for some reason anything happened to me, if we were still married, everything that was in this house, it was not enough for you. That one day you would be with all my money, and even with my part of Boheme. So it is no surprise at all.
Andreia: Eduardo, they told us you were dead. There was a Death Certificate.
Laura: And now, Andreia, you'll have to return everything you got. Everything.
Andreia: Obviously.
Eduardo: I want you to sign the divorce papers.
Andreia: Anytime. I also think it makes no sense to be married. But I will not give up what I am entitled to.
Eduardo: No, you will not get anything.
Andreia: Eduardo, we got married in community property regime. I am entitled to half of everything that's yours.
(There's a knock at the door and Salvador comes in.)
Eduardo: Yes, it’s true. I’m not dead.
Laura: Salvador, glad you came, son.
Salvador: I'm glad you're okay.

Eduardo is surprised by diogofanfriends

(The family's still gathered in the living-room.)
Margarida: I already called a friend to ask for her notes from school.
Teresa: I doubt there will be nothing turned on its head, in this house, in the near future.
Margarida: Mom, Eduardo was serious when he said he wanted to return to Brazil?
Laura: He seemed very convinced.
Margarida: I do not understand how he is able to leave us again, but okay ...
Laura: Your brother has only come home very recently. We must give Eduardo time.
Salvador: Mother, time is what Eduardo has had, to think about things.
Teresa: And we suffered so much ...
(Eduardo enters.)
Eduardo: Sorry folks ... What have you done with my clothes?
Laura: Dulce gave some things away and others were for Carlos.
Eduardo: For Carlos???
Teresa: Oh quit nagging ... If you need, I’ll go shopping with you.
(Manuel arrives)
Manuel: Hello Dulce. Hello ... How are you?
All: Hello Manuel.
Laura: I phoned Manuel, asking him to come.
Manuel: Eduardo, I'm glad to see you're okay.
Eduardo: Now I am a little surprised.
Teresa: Manuel is working with us. Is doing accounting for the Farm.
Laura: Much has happened since your disappearance.
Salvador: Well, I know it is a difficult day for everyone, but I wanted to take advantage of the fact that we are all together to clarify some things.
Laura: (trying to stop him) Salvador, please ... not yet.
Salvador: Mother this conversation has already been delayed for too many years. I discovered that it turns out I am your half-brother.
Laura: I just learned this recently.
Salvador: Father let us live a lie. Had an affair with a factory employee, bribed her and convinced her to give me up for adoption. And then made ​​sure mother would pick me up.
Teresa: This changes nothing about how we feel for you, Salvador.
Matilde: But changes things regarding father.
Salvador: My biological mother's name is Isabel and still works at Boheme, as Chief of Employees.
Teresa: That Isabel???
Salvador: Yes, that one.
Laura: Just now told us the whole story.
Salvador: Isabel received money from Boheme all these years, to keep it a secret. This was all a plan of our father.
Margarida: I don’t believe it.
Eduardo: So? No more secrets? Manuel? Margarida? Humm? Are they the ones have nothing to tell? No secrets?


1 comment:

  1. Well, I had posted a comment but I don't see it so I will say again, thank you so much for all the hard work Sara, typing this up for us and thank you Dina, whoever you are, for the translations! That's a lot of work I'm sure but much appreciated!!!!
