Monday, January 27, 2014

"Sol de Inverno" - Episode 106 Translations

Videos and translations thanks to Dina.

Laura tells Teresa about Eduardo by diogofanfriends

(Teresa has returned from the hospital after her second kidney transplant.) 
Teresa: I just hope never to have to use this machine. 
Laura: I'll ask Carlos to take it from here.

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest of this post...)
Carlos: Of course I can handle it. 
Teresa: You do not mind, Carlos?
Carlos: Of course not. I'll pass by here later. 
Laura: Thanks.
(to Teresa)
Laura: Back at home, dear. I have not told you but I will have to travel. I'll have to go to Brazil. 
Teresa: When? 
Laura: Today ... I have news to give you. Prepare yourself. The detective called me and it seems that your brother is alive. 
Teresa: (wants to believe) How is that possible? Eduardo is alive?  
Laura: Yes .. Apparently he was kidnapped and is now in Brazil with a girl who helped him escape. 
Teresa: (very happy) But how did he go to Brazil? How did he get the money? 
Laura: I do not know the details, dear. I know they have fake IDs, now the money, I do not know. 
Teresa: And why did he  not tell us anything?
Laura: I do not know ... I'll wait to hear it from him. 

(Laura speaks on the phone with the Detective.)
Detective: When will you get here?
Laura: I leave here today. .
Detective: It's all set to go ahead with the plan. I'm just waiting for your signal.
Laura: When I land I'll give you news. 
(And the Detective continues to observe Eduardo and Thais on the beach.)

Man: (approaches Eduardo on the beach.) Hello, all is well? Eduardo: There must be some confusion, I do not know you from anywhere. Man: Well, no. But you already know well... (and he shows him a pistol.) I want you to come with me. It's not worth it to scream ... (Eduardo is drugged/kidnapped again.) Eduardo: (when he's moved from one car to the other, and can still protest) Where are you going to take me? Back to Mexico? (when entering the car he gets a huge surprise) Eduardo: Mom? Laura: (caring) Let's go home ... (Eduardo is given another injection and he falls asleep again on Laura's lap.) Detective: Everything went as planned. Laura: I could not expect another thing from you. We can go now.


1 comment:

  1. O-la-la! Eduardo did not seem to happy to see Mommy Dearest!!! I feel it in my bones that things are going to get very interesting! Excited! :o))))))
