Saturday, December 28, 2013

"Sol de Inverno" - Episode 85 translation & a Quick Recap

He's baa-ack.  Well, almost.  :)  "Laura" got a phone call from "Eduardo's" cell phone, and now, the family wonders.... could Eduardo be alive?  Where is he if so and why hasn't he contacted them?  But before we get to that phone call, let's take a look at what has been happening on "Sol de Inverno" since we last saw poor Eduardo, which believe it or not was November 21st.  Admit it, you've missed him.  :)  

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest of this post...)
Hopefully he is back soon, but in the meantime, Dina was kind enough to a quick recap of what has happened/is happening to each of the characters in "Eduardo's" life while he's be "gone." 

Laura (Eduardo's mom):
Felt much about her son's death, but quickly composed herself to continue her fight against Sofia.  Managed to separate Sofia from Manuel and began a romantic relationship with him.  Is trying to separate Matilde from Sofia as well, and also prohibited Sofia from entering in the gardens of her house, during the wedding of Matilde and Salvador.  At this time she is trying not to lose Boheme and to avoid being caught, must pay a large amount in taxes. 

Teresa (Eduardo's sister):
Is on the waiting list for a kidney transplant.  Works during the day at Boheme and in the evening does dialysis at home. 

Simão (Eduardo's gay brother):
Has a better relationship with his mother.  Started working in Boheme's design office.  He and his partner, Nuno, began the process of adopting a child. 

Salvador (Eduardo's adopted brother):
Made a full recovery from the car accident.  His best man invited him to go to work with him, for his company.   Married Matilde and went on their honeymoon to Cabo Verde. 

Margarida (Eduardo's younger sister):
When Eduardo died, Margarida was pregnant and did not know who the father was.  She wound up confessing everything to her mother who took her to Spain to have an abortion.  Laura then punished her by cutting off her monthly allowance and forbidding her friend Inês to go to their house.  But Margarida continued to hang out with Inês, who continued to challenge her to do dangerous things.  Such as, since Margarida was out of money, for the mother she suggested Margarida should sleep with a school employee, and in return, he would give her tests/exams, which she could then sell.   Finally, Inês teamed up with Luís (Margarida's former lover/riding instructor), and then she challenged Margarida to participate in an orgy.   She was filmed in bed with several men and, at the moment, is being blackmailed. 

Sofia (Matilde's mom/Laura's nemesis):
She got tired of Laura's relentless pursuit of her and decided to take revenge.  After selling a gemstone that a friend sent her from Angola in the coffin carrying the body of Alvaro, and an inheritance that her friend Lourenço left her, she became rich.   With that money, she created a new shoe company, but Laura has done everything to boycott its launch.   Sofia bribed Benedicta (secretary and former lover of Eduardo). In exchange for confidential information, she gave her money for her to buy the house she shares with her ​​sister.  Some of this information Benedita gave Sofia showed that Laura was putting money abroad in off-shore accounts to evade taxes. Of course she made an anonymous tip to police.  As Laura had to put Boheme on sale, to be able to afford all her finances and possible legal troubles, Sofia managed to buy 49% of shares through an intermediary, and has now returned to Boheme, participating in board meetings and involved in all company decisions, much to the horror and anger of Laura.  Her intention is to ruin Boheme then launch her own company.   But Sofia suffers with the fact that her daughter, Matilde, did not stay on her side, and she just doesn't understand that this is all because of Laura's doings.

Matilde (Sofia's daughter):
Does not forgive her mother for continuing the war with Laura.   When she went into the house where the wedding was, Sofia was waiting at the entrance of the gate, because they wouldn't let her go in.  Sofia begged to let her go with her, to let her attend the wedding.   Although suffering greatly, Matilde told her mother she had to choose. If she would withdraw from buying Boheme, she could enter. Otherwise, she was not welcome.  And Sofia did not give up on the purchase of Boheme. 

Benedita (Eduardo's secretary and ex-mistress):
Suffered greatly from the death of Eduardo. And she was not able to continue dating Tomás.  When he asked her if Eduardo was alive and back right now, who would she choose, she said Eduardo. Is helping sneak Sofia privileged information about Boheme in exchange for money she used to buy the house for her and her sister. 

Andreia (Eduardo's wife/"widow"):
When Eduardo died, she appeared to be very upset. However she was more scared about her future.   As his widow, she received all the money that Eduardo had in the bank.  When her mother in law Laura told her it did not look good for a recent widow to be walking around in new, nice clothes, Andreia realized she could not continue living at Eduardo's family's home anymore.   So, after talking with a lawyer, she demanded to receive the money that was left to Eduardo after his father's death, and she also got his 2% of Boheme and its shares.  She then allied with Sofia to vote together in meetings of the Boheme, because together they now hold 51% interest in the company.   

Which now brings us back to that phone call Laura received from Eduardo's cell phone.... Here is the scene, followed by Dina's translation of it.

Laura gets a phone call (courtesy of SIC/Sol de Inverno)

Laura: I'm sure she (Sophia) does not believe in anything that is trying to do. She's just doing this to hurt us. 
Teresa: Mother, I do not think we should go away from our customers want, contrary to what Sofia thinks. But I do not think she wants to hurt us. If we lose money, she is harming herself too. 
Laura: And stupid Andreia, to vote against us. No, I now realize your brother, why your brother sometimes wanted to hit her so much. 
Teresa: Mother...
Laura: I admit there were one or two moments where I felt like grabbing her by the hair and throwing her out the door. 
Teresa: Mother, calm down, please. 
(Benedita comes in.) 
Benedita: Dr, sorry, here are the waters that you asked for. 
Laura: You can put them there, Benedita, thanks. 
(Laura's phone rings, and she goes to answer.
When she sees the name that is on the screen of the phone, stops, and is in shock looking at the device, where we can see the name "Eduardo."
Teresa: What is it mom? 
Laura: (whispering) Your brother's number... 
Teresa: It's Salvador?
Laura: No. It's Eduardo's number, it's the number of your brother Eduardo. 
(Benedita, who was going to leave, turns back.) 
Teresa: What?
Laura: (very excited) He's alive ... .
Teresa: Pick up, mom ...
Laura: (answering the phone) Eduardo? Talk to me, Eduardo? How? Who? (tries to speak in Spanish.) Do not, do not understand you. How? Do yo understand what I say? Listen, take the phone to the embassy. Understand what I am saying? Take this phone to the embassy. I'll call the embassy to tell them that you will bring it there. Thank you. 
Teresa: Who was it?
Laura: Your brother might be alive ... 
Teresa: Could it be a scam, mom? 
Laura: No. They didn't ask for anything. Was a woman at a restaurant saying that this phone was left there. And the description is of a tall man with light eyes. 
Benedita: (almost crying) I always said that Eduardo was alive. 
Teresa: We have to get help from the embassy to press the police to open the case again. But this is very strange ... If he was arrested ... There are people who are abducted for years, but if he left the phone at the restaurant, he's free. But he doesn't contact us? Doesn't come back home? It's weird ... 
Benedita: Yes, it's all very strange. But it must be investigated, Dr. 
Laura: I'll call the ambassador. Now let's stay calm. None of this is proof that Eduardo is even alive. And, Benedita, needless to say that this conversation will have to stay here. 
Benedita: Don't worry, Dr. 
Laura: All right. Now get out. 
Benedita: (nods her head) Excuse me (and she leaves.) 
(The video ends but Laura calls the ambassador, and despite her excitement and own questions, continues to remind Teresa that this doesn't mean Eduardo is still alive, so they need to focus instead on matters there, like stopping Sofia.) 

Oh I can't wait for this family reunion!  :)   

SIC also posted this picture to give us some mystery/clues as to where Eduardo is/has been.... can you spot Waldo, I mean, Eduardo?  :)

(photo courtesy of SIC/Facebook)

And last but certainly not least, a HUGE obrigada to Dina for the recap and translation!  Thank you, as always, Dina!



  1. That's him under the "Wicked" sign isn't it?

  2. I have left comments and they appear to have disappeared? how long do comments stay on here

    1. Hi there... I am not sure, To be honest, I thought comments stayed forever but maybe not. So sorry about that, I haven't deleted any comments, I have been traveling for the holidays so let me research this and see if they do disappear after time or maybe they somehow went into Spam. I will check it out, so sorry!
