Saturday, December 28, 2013

Diogo named "Man of the Year" on "Fama Show"

Congratulations to Diogo, who was named "Homem do Ano" ("Man of the Year") on today's episode of "Fama Show."  An honor he rightly deserves, for sure!  :)

And our very own woman of the year Dina, hee, was kind enough to translate this quick but fun interviewfor us, which can be found right below the video.

Diogo on "Fama Show" - Man of The Year (courtesy of SIC/Fama Show)

Iva Lamarão/Host (IL) He is the Man of the Year, Diogo Morgado.....
IL: Named and considered Man of the Year. This year was great ...
DM: It was a good year ... was a very productive year, was a nice year.
IL: You left Portugal and gave yourself to the world, so to speak, with "The Bible" series. Tell us about that first moment.
 DM: A project that we were not expecting to have as much exposure and to do so well, and that success was so great, and it is interesting to know that what we do and our passion for what we love to do, reaches so many people. It's strange, on one hand, but on the other hand is highly rewarding.
\IL: You were also invited to be with the famous Oprah.
DM: When the cameras are turned off, what I was able to feel, she (Oprah) is even better, more human even than what is recognized.
IL: You were also on the red carpet for the Emmy Awards.
DM: The entire ceremony, the entire event was spectacular, not only because "The Bible" was one of the nominees, but indeed it is a party that we hear and talk about every year, along with the Golden Globes and the Oscars. To actually be there at that time, was very special to me. It was very interesting.
IL: You were also named Man of the Year by GQ Magazine.
DM: Actually I was very excited when it happened. Internationally, for example, it is a very prestigious award. The first time that GQ (Portugal) gives this award, to have them choose me, was ... I have no words. It was really ... I was very happy.
IL: Congratulations.
DM: Thank you very much.
(And he gives a kiss to the camera.)

Parabéns/congratulations, Diogo.  You are definitely our Man of the Year! And though it has big shoes to fill, I suspect 2014 is going to be an even better year!  Looking forward to it.  :)


1 comment:

  1. Thank you. He's beautiful. You are Fanblog of the year. Thank you.
