Thursday, December 12, 2013

Diogo at the Playstation 4 launch party

Diogo recently attended the launch party in Portugal for Sony's new video game system, Playstation 4.  He was one of several Portuguese celebrities who were there and eager to try out the new PS4, including his friend and frequent co-star Rui Unas.   

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Below are two interviews Diogo did at the PS4 launch party, which Dina kindly translated for us, and the translations can be found beneath each video.

Diogo at the PS4 Launch Party on "Fama Show" by diogofanfriends

Iva LamarĂ£o/host: And this new console, how is it?
DM: I have not had time to see, you know how it is, right? They cling to the console and don't drop out for even 2 seconds.
DM: I want to pick up the Play Station, even more so because of my son.

(video courtesy of Flash Vidas/CMTV/Sapo)

DM: I really like video games. In fact, my generation was the first generation to enjoy these games. Before then there wasn't. I have always been a lover of video games and I think it's something that lasts forever.
Host: Trade a night of love for a night of video games?
DM: That's rhetorical ... Of course a game night will never replace a night of love.


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