Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Diogo in revista "ZEN Energy" (magazine)

Diogo was recently interviewed by "Zen Energy" (magazine), and the always amazing Dina was kind enough to send us the article, and a translation of the interview, found right below the scans.

"There's always something positive to take away from everything"

Diogo Morgado is one of the most popular actors on Portuguese and foreign television.  He recently achieved international fame by starring in the mini-series "The Bible."  It was with enormous warmth that Diogo Morgado received Zen Energy and talked to us about his work, and recalled some of the best moments of his childhood.  The actor also spoke about the importance of family in his life and left us with a very positive message.

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest of this post...)

Who is Diogo Morgado?
Someone simple, honest, hardworking, caring and who gives value to the small moments of life. Someone who in fact had doubts about what he wanted, but always knew what he didn’t want. Someone who treats things relatively, but values much ​​too.

You spent part of your childhood in Alentejo. Recall for us some of the best moments?
It's funny how I am always asked this question. I think the best moments of my childhood in Alentejo have mainly to do with the freedom you have in rural areas. From picking oranges to feeding the animals, there is a whole set of experiences that I know affected me as a child.

As a child, what were your dreams?
Score as many goals as possible in street games, get to eat the most ice cream, and fly.

Currently, have you realized most of your dreams?
I don't know if I accomplished most, but undoubtedly I've realized some dreams. Professionally, I do what I love the most, and I know it is sometimes harder to reach than you think and, on a personal level, I'm very happy. I still have a couple of things I'd like to accomplish, but I'm new and I know I'm on the right track.

Are you an optimistic or a pessimistic person?
I am extremely realistic, as such, sometimes I am very optimistic, and sometimes I have to be pessimistic.

You began your career as a model. How was that experience?
It was very short, but fun. On the other hand, it was one of the first things I realized that did not have much to do with me. Our looks do not have much to do with our ability to do whatever is necessary. I've always wanted to do something that depended on me and not my appearance, I've always wanted to do something where I could always learn.

How do you deal with stress?
Don't deal. Increasingly I've been finding defenses and realized that so far the best of all is to recognize and ignore.

When did you realize you wanted to pursue the world of acting?
I think around 21 years old. I was working as an actor for 6 years, but always in trial mode. I did theater, television and film, and the time had come to for me to define what, in fact, I wanted. It was then that I realized that it was too late, I was already working on what, for me, is the most beautiful profession in the world.

You has been working abroad, mainly in the U.S. What projects have you done out of the country?
I have done two feature films: "Red Butterfly" and "Born to Race - Fast Track" and a mini-series, "The Bible."

(interview courtesy of Revista Zen Energy)
How has the experience been?
So far the experience has been very good. I have always been very well received by the crew who are always highly professional and I have learned a lot. I have also worked in Spain and what I concluded was that acting in another language changes the direction of what we are doing, so it is interesting to adapt to this factor.

Feel privileged?
I have felt privileged since I was 15 years old when I started working in this profession.

What has changed with the birth of your son?
I think I started to give more value to many things, to pay more attention to detail, because I know that one day I'll pass on to him my interpretation of what surrounds us. I think that's wonderful. And the hope that one day he will be proud of his father, has also changed my attitude towards life.

What principles and values ​​do you want to instill in him?
To be reasonable, but to enjoy life and, above all, always be honest with himself first and then to others.

You are very attached to your family. What role does the family have in your life?
It's obvious. They are the ones who are always there, in good times and bad, so they are vitally important to me, and give balance and sense to all I do.

How do you face a challenge?
It's like an attraction to an abyss. It is very hard to turn away from a challenge, even when, at the outset, we have everything to lose.

Are you easily moved?
I am not moved that easily, but there are certain issues and feelings that touch me and leave me more moved.

What annoys you most?
What annoys me is pretentiousness, lack of common sense and civility.

Do you regret anything you have done in life?

You enjoy cooking. What is the dish that you most like to cook?
I don't have a particular dish, but I don't think you can go wrong with cod with cream and potatoes.

You take care with what you eat?
I try to avoid fats and too much sugar.  Always try to have a salad or vegetables and drink plenty of water.

Ever resorted to alternative therapies?
Never resorted to any alternative therapy, but I am in favor of anything that might, in fact, improve people's lives, even if they are not accepted by the majority.

For you, is it easy to forgive?
It's easy for me to forgive. This does not mean that it can be completely overcome or that it doesn't change my actions in the future.

Do you think that when we want something, if we put out a positive energy about it, we can get it?
I do not believe that when we really want something, we end up getting it. In fact, I know of a lot more cases of precisely the opposite, where the person wants it so much they don't get it. What I think is that if we work today with the utmost effort, taking pleasure in being the best we can be, progression and retribution eventually happen in an amazing way.

Are you a person of faith?
Yes I am a person of faith, but, above all, in good faith.

Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?
I believe everything has a reason, because the way we perceive every thing leads us to what we have and are, good or bad. Even bad things happen because we have something to learn from them. Do not know if it's always like that, but I know that there is always something positive to take away from everything, even the bad. Sometimes it can seem impossible ... but it's not.

You are friendly, beautiful and always smiling. Are you a person who is at peace with life?
I think so, yes. most of the time I'm genuinely happy, and when I'm not, I try to convince myself that there's no reason not to be.

What has life taught you?
To give more importance to small things and to treat the big things relatively.

It is said that we all come to earth with a mission. What is yours?
I think we never really manage to define very well what our mission is. Do what we think is best in our day-to-day life, because it is this quest that ends up defining ourselves.

Do you believe in reincarnation?
I don't know if I believe in reincarnation as defined, but I believe that our spirit goes beyond death.

What positive message would you like to leave our readers?
Thanks, first of all, to those who had the interest to read this interview, and to say that nobody knows the path ahead, but be thankful for what we have and who we have at our side, it gives us a power not to be underestimated.

I gotta admit, I LOVE this interview for so many reasons, so a HUGE obrigada to Dina for sending the article and translation our way!  Thank you!



  1. My favorite parts of the interview are: that he is genuinely happy, that he is a person of faith, and of course that pretentiousness is what most annoys him. Humility is his most beautiful characteristic. He could not have portrayed Christ with it! All of that and the fact that he's just so GORGEOUS!!

    1. opps... meant to say he could not have portrayed Christ without it...(humility)

  2. I have said this before, but it worth repeating. Diogo is a beautiful soul! Sara, do you know if he is going to have is web site up anytime soon?

  3. Thank you so much for sharing it! Love to read the way he thinks of life as meaning for himself!
