Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Diogo talks to Gold Derby about "The Bible"

A new video interview with Diogo was posted online today, in which Diogo talked to Matt Noble, editor of GoldDerby about The Bible and playing Jesus.  A huge thank you to awesome fan Keri Rose for sending the video our way!  

(video courtesy of GoldDerby/YouTube)

What a great, "real" interview.  I really appreciate Diogo's personal take and insight on the character.  It was so reflected in his portrayal of Jesus, to me, and made all the difference, to me.  And yay!  Diogo's going to be at the Emmys!  Fingers crossed The Bible wins AND maybe we'll see Diogo on the Red Carpet!  :)  The Emmys will air live on CBS on Sunday, September 22nd, at 8PM ET/5PM PST.  

And another big thank you to fan Keri Rose for sending in this video!   Much appreciated! 

Oh! I also want to say a special hello to all the new fans/visitors to the blog from Australia who are just now seeing The Bible and Diogo's amazing work as Jesus!  Welcome, friends down under, we're so glad to have you!  :) 



  1. “… the ability of believing in something that makes you want to be better than yourself.” Kudos to you, Diogo, for such a beautiful quote.

    I do think, though, that in an ideal world, human beings would not need to be believe in (and fear) God to be better. I understand that in situations of extreme pain and injustice, finding hope might be very hard and believing in an after life justice is the only solution. But, ideally goodness should come only and only from the human heart, with no need for faith in a supreme being but only in humankind.

    1. Lou

      Have I said I LOVE YOU already??

      Come home fast, girl... We gotta meet!

    2. Eh, get a room you two! :) (Or come to Los Angeles instead LOL!)

    3. You soooo wish Sara Beene!!!


    4. Here the lady is digging into her current bankruptcy to try to find some money left to do both, visiting LA coming from Vancouver (and spend a few days in dreamy Big Sur), and go home after, this fall.

      Sara... I have a very comfortable room for guests in Lisbon, and I am an excellent tour guide. You and your man are welcome any time I am there.

      Love you too Lili!

    5. Liliana, I DO wish! :)

      And Lou, Hubby and I may so take you up on that offer!!! He wants to go to Portugal just as much as I do, such a beautiful place!

  2. This was another great interview. So glad it's in English!Just the way he mentions how great Jesus was with people, Diogo also has that gift too!

  3. I love the "it's a family saying goodbye" regarding the Last Supper. That's exactly how it felt. And I love what Diogo did with the temple scene with the child.... History accidentally showed the "original" temple will be destroyed line/scene in a "previously on" recap, and it worked SO much better the way Diogo played it with the little girl. Kudos to him for trusting and using his instincts.

  4. Hello from a new Diogo fan from Australia! Love Diogo and LOVE this blog! Thank you for this great interview!

  5. Love his love and love his lesson

  6. He is so sweet and charming! Such a great interview!

  7. Thanks for creating this blog Sara. What a beautiful man. This interview was amazing, I love that he took his time to do this. His acting was so real that you can see he poured his soul into this part. He brought Jesus to life for me. <3
    Love, love, love to you all the way from Australia. -Nicole.

    1. that's just it, he is a beautiful man. a beautiful person. love his heart, love his thinking and reflection.

  8. Welcome to the new australian fans! hello from Portugal :) And, thank you so much for providing us this interview!

  9. Hello from another new fan from Australia! Wow, I am so happy I found this blog. Thank you Sara, it's amazing. Diogo was amazing as Jesus and now I am so glad to have a place to learn more about this incredible man! THANK YOU! I love this interview and those recent pictures and behind the scenes video of him. Oh my. He is going to be a HUGE star and he deserves it! Sending you much love and appreciation from Australia! I will be here often! :)

  10. Hi and welcome again to our new Australian friends! So nice to "e-meet" you here. :) Thanks for visiting and the kind words. So glad you all got to see "The Bible" and see how truly talented Diogo is! Please enjoy the blog and getting to know more about him. Take care! Xo, Sara.

  11. the thing that separates his portrayal from all others is his perspective that even though Christ knew He was the son of God, he didn't know the particulars. He knew what he had to do but didn't know how it would unfold. this was a brilliant approach.
    Also love hearing about all the behind-the-scenes details of filming. have to finish watching later because i have to scoot to work, but am looking forward to it!
    keri rose, i can't thank you enough for sharing!

    1. I agree entirely Stephanie. His whole approach as Jesus stood alone for that very reason. He didn't just read the lines and act the part, he really defined the man through his own personal reflection on who he was. He's made Jesus accessible for a whole new generation.

      Also, I just know Jesus would have been beautiful and charismatic as Diogo is.

  12. This was a really terrific interview. It was probably the most comprehensive one I've seen about the series and I really enjoyed all the little backstories to the scenes he described. Thank you Keri and Sara!
    (On a side note, that drabby background behind the interviewer made it look like he was in prison lol!)

  13. I love this interview, loved seeing Diogo in his element. He gives so much thought and time to his answers, and presents them in such an enjoyable way. I love his behind the scenes stories too. He needs to do more interviews like this... Sara, any way he could maybe do a video chat with you for the blog? Not even about the Bible, just about him and all he has going on? Would love to see something like that posted here. For us old regulars AND all the new awesome Australian fans! :)

    1. agreed, and i think that's a great idea :-)

    2. OMG yes!!! A video chat with Sara and Diogo is a GREAT idea! Please please please! It would be awesome! Better then this interview even lol!

    3. Please Sara, try to convince him to do a vídeo chat with would be so fantastic! :)

  14. ahh... SUCH a good interview; i just finished watching. he is just the Neatest Person, i love him.

  15. hello from another new Australian fan of Diogo's.... wow, this blog is amazing! Thank you Sara for creating this. I saw Diogo as Jesus and immediately had to know more about this man... thank you for proving such a place, I was so happy to find you! And to find this great interview! What a giving, wise man Diogo is. I loved all the scenes he mentioned as his favourities the most too! Hahaha. I so look forward to seeing all he does in the future... his talent is really going to take him places. And though I am new here, please add me to those who would love to see you do a video chat with Diogo here on this incredible blog. :) Thanks again all the way from Australia!

  16. Just finished watching this interview, and I have to say that I loved listening to Diogo tell the story behind the "you will deny me three times" because that was not only my favorite scene in the series but also one of my favorite scenes in everything I've watched recently. There was such a deep connection between the two characters and such an intense and enthralling expression in Diogo's face when "Jesus" realized that "Peter" would indeed deny him during the embrace. It utterly moved me, even taking into account I am an atheist.
