Friday, August 9, 2013

"Ambição" will now be called "Sol de Inverno" ("Winter Sun")

SIC Network announced that it has changed the name of "Ambição," the series Diogo is currently filming in Portugal.  The series will now be called "Sol de Inverno" ("Winter Sun.")

(image courtesy of SIC)

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest....)

In "Sol de Inverno," Diogo plays "Eduardo Teles De Aragão," the eldest son of Laura Teles De Aragão, (played by Maria João Luís), who is also the weakest and most vicious of the descendants. He is married to "Andreia Teles De Aragão" (played by Cláudia Vieira), a former model and former Miss Portugal. He uses his wife as a trophy to display at parties and receptions. Andreia knows that this is the price to pay to maintain a certain standard of living.  Eduardo engages with "Benedita Lage" (played by Dânia Neto), his company secretary, and the two maintain a case, she expects him to leave his wife for her." 

TV Mais recently posted some behind the scenes pictures of Diogo and his "Sol de Inverno" co-stars filming the premiere episode:

(photos courtesy of TV Mais)

"Sol de Inverno" will premiere on SIC on September 16th, and you can read much more about the series (formerly known as "Ambição") on the "Sol de Inverno page" here on the blog.



  1. And this Winter Sun is going to warm up our houses here in Portugal! Can't wait!!

  2. we are expecting reviews! wow, i can't get over the blue eyes...

  3. Are we in North America gonna be able to see this show on the internet?

    1. Judging from what SIC has done in the past and is doing with their current series, "Dancin' Days" ( it seems at least part of the episodes will be posted online the day after they air each day. Of course they will not have English subtitles. However, thanks to an amazing Portuguese fan, I am planning on posting a quick English episode summary of what happened to "Eduardo" (Diogo's character daily if I can.

  4. I prefer this new title instead of Ambição. Glad that it was chaged!:)

  5. Thank you Sara and Lilliana I presume for making this possible. Am looking forward to it. Hope he lands something big in the U.S. I predict he's gonna be bigger and better than Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise and Hugh Jackman all rolled together!

    1. I am sure Liliana will be contributing as always as she so generously does, but as not to overwhelm her daily, another awesome Portuguese fan will be sending me summaries. These will not be translations of dialogue. Just quick recaps of the plot involving Diogo's character.

    2. We so love and admire his work... and so admire the quality and respect you keep at this blog, that we will do our best to keep the fans updated.

      People really want to help.... it's so good to know so many fans are welcome!

      From this side of the world.... BIG KISSES!

    3. And we so love and admire YOUR work! :) Thank you. I and and I know all the blog readers will appreciate anything you can do to keep us in the "Eduardo"/"Sol de Inverno" loop, especially since he is supposedly such a bastard character LOL! Thank you/obrigada/thank you again! Hugs from the world that seems smaller every day! :)

    4. Dana Greene... please, do not even put Diogo and freaky, crazy Tom Cruise in a sentence together ;). Please!

      I'd love to see Diogo become a sort of Portuguese Javier Bardem. Javier rocks, and he has had some interesting and twisted roles in the US.

    5. I meant that I think Diogo is rising to the top, and will most likely be the hottest, most sought after, most bankable actor in the U.S. and abroad to come. I just hope he can keep his feet on the ground and stay that charming and funny lovely guy that we all admire!

    6. Dana... that sounds all good and not like becoming a freak ;). Actually, Tom was quite good in Magnolia. Ah!!! I guess that was because he was playing... a freak.
