Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Behind the scenes video of Diogo's "August Man Malaysia" photo shoot

(photo courtesy of August Man Malaysia)

Chuin-Kai Shih, the amazing photographer behind Diogo's photos for his recent "August Man Malaysia" interview just shared a behind the scenes video of Diogo's photo shoot for the magazine.  

(video courtesy of Chiun-Kai Shih on YouTube)

Such a great shoot and fun video!   Looks like there may even be some pictures from it we haven't seen yet perhaps?  Here's hoping!  :)  Thanks again to Chiun-Kai Shih for sharing this video and his other incredible pictures with us!  



  1. Wow! That's all I have to say about that one! Thanks for sharing this video with us! :)

  2. Absolutely wow! What a fun video! I love the behind the scenes and it seems they were all having a lot of fun. We would love to see the rest of the photos.

  3. Always great to see Diogo's humor in doing things! loved it, thank you!

  4. I am not sure there is much cuter in this life then Diogo jumping on the sofa in that video. LOVE!

  5. This kinda strange amnesia is killing me... I SWEAR I had something interesting to say about this... but I just forgot!

    D A M N !!

    1. Guess you'll just have to watch the video over and over and over again until you remember it. DAMN!! :)

    2. I SURE have... I will remember... I think... Ehehheh

  6. Faço das palavras da Liliana, as minhas! Quando minha memória melhorar, eu retorno e comento :)

    1. Segue o conselho da Sara... vai vendo e revendo... has-de lembrar-te de alguma coisa... eventualmente... =)

    2. boa ideia! Talvez a memória venha e irei poder dar a minha opinião hahahaha

  7. Yeah! I have to agree that this video is kind of disturbing...

  8. I could easily watch this a dozen times a day every day for the rest of my life and never get tired of it. Ahh New York.....Ahhhhhhhhh Diogo.....
